Play Arts Kai AC Batman and Catwoman

Ah if only I had a place to browse a store for figures instead of being online only =/I flipped through about 5 to 7 PA boxes because there's preview windows on them before I took them to the register. The paint job just isn't consistent and I got lucky with the good paint job ones.
Look at Batman's torso, top is shaded, bottom is not shaded. It's probably the least amount of bad QC I could pick up through PAKai products.
I've been wanting Lupin and Jigen. Haven't placed an order for them yet, but I'm glad they got a reprint.Just ordered Revoltech Lupin and Jigen, about $44 for both. Seems like a great price considering all the stuff they come with.
They seem really fun and come with a lot of optional accesories so it should fun having them pose in various scenes by my desk and just messing around.
Did a search on amiami for Revoltech and in the 4 pages of results these two were the only one's that caught my eye (aside from that new Big Boss).
Did you import it? Waiting for BBTS to ship mine when it gets into stock.
I've been wanting Lupin and Jigen. Haven't placed an order for them yet, but I'm glad they got a reprint.
If you like the amount of stuff they come with, I have to recommend the Sengoku Basara Date and Yukimura. I can't recommend them enough to people; the posablity, details, and accessories are amazing.
Where did you order them from to get them both for $44 though??? I'll order them right now at that price (though APO shipping, if available, would suck to pay. So they would be sent home and untouched for 6 mos to a year).
I'm back in the states on vacation with my wife and daughter for two weeks or so, so I have been out of the loop and out of this thread. I come back in and see that there is an awesome looking Revoltech Snake and that LiK is possibly selling some stuff?! I need to make it a point to check in more.
I am home now and have the chance to get that Morrigan I want at the comic store here. Except I came home to car problems. So no clue if I can allow myself to get it now or not.
surprised Yui is in her flight suit considering she only used it in 1-2 episodes out of 24,
dress uniform would have been nice.
This is fantastic, don't hesitate to post more pictures of it! I got to order Asuka first though.Moved to a new place today. This came right when moving started this morning:
new picture of Riobot's Blodia (cyberbot)
This is fantastic, don't hesitate to post more pictures of it! I got to order Asuka first though.
Finished some fanart for Blodia and Jin just yesterday so that Blodia is extremely tempting.
You can't tell us that without showing it to us!
Whoops lol, here it is:
Okay, I assumed it was HLJ, since you had that question about them in your post, but I also did not see them while searching. I'll keep checking; I've got them bookmarked from a couple different sites on my work computer, so when I get back to Greenland I'll look around.I got them from Hobby Link Japan.
Got in on the February batch. Saw them again last week and it showed that they would have a batch in March as well, though for some reason neither figure is showing up in their listing when I went to get you links right now. Don't know if something is up with their database but try looking again later, the listing said there was a March release for sure the last time I saw it.
And thanks for the Sengoku Basara Revoltech suggestions, I'll definitely look into them.
Looks great!
But the Blodia checking out Jin's package?
Okay, I assumed it was HLJ, since you had that question about them in your post, but I also did not see them while searching. I'll keep checking; I've got them bookmarked from a couple different sites on my work computer, so when I get back to Greenland I'll look around.
Of course shipping will be more of a problem to an APO from a lot of sites though.
Hobby Search added a bunch of stuff to their bargain bin, though Ultimate Madoka is gone.
bah, looks like a lot of the good stuff sold out already.
Whoops lol, here it is:
Just when I thought I was done with Figma for a while, I go and watch Muv-Luv now thats 3 more I want to buy.
Getting tired of them leaving main male characters out though.
surprised Yui is in her flight suit considering she only used it in 1-2 episodes out of 24,
dress uniform would have been nice.
Yeah I thought Muvluv Total Eclipse was pretty decent.
Are there three Figma for it? I thought it was just Yui and Cryska from the newest series.
is from the other series, started reading the manga because I kinda liked the show.
Lol I gave my cousin nightmares by showing him a particular scene in the game (Extra? Alternative?) on YouTube... I should really watch the Total Eclipse anime though.yeah just Yui and Cryska from Total Eclipse.
is from the other series, started reading the manga because I kinda liked the show.
LOL MarkMan!
Yeah, from Play-Asia. They offered a special edition of the figure but it was like double the price. Not sure what the difference is...the paint job didn't look different like they did with Asuka.
Our new place is smaller, but better, although I lost the room I had for figures and game stuff. Using what would be the dining room instead but don't want figures everywhere. Might be time to sell some them off but the Bishoujo line will stay, lol.
yeah just Yui and Cryska from Total Eclipse.
Really wish they made Yuuya, not so much just for him but to have with the girls.
is from the other series, started reading the manga because I kinda liked the show.
4 actually. You would need to get Sumika.
So I have never ordered from Amiami before and want to place an order and am kind of confused. If I live in the US do I need to do anything special to convert my funds, I have a paypal balance but don't want to place an order that won't be filled. I am very new to collecting figures and statues and really want to order one. If anybody can help this rookie out I'd greatly appreciate it.
You don't pay until it's ready to ship. If you can add it to your cart you will get it, even if it's back ordered. Amiami is very reliable that way. If you pay with paypal they will do all the converting for you, and that's the way I pay, so I can pay with my Discover card, which Japanese sites do not normally accept. After you put in your order you will get another email within a day if it's in stock (longer if its a back order or preorder) asking for payment, and that's when you know what the final cost with shipping is.
So since the item I am looking for doesn't ship til end of May I won't be charged until it ships or right away?
Ok last question, on average how much does shipping on a figure usually run?
25-30$ in my experience
High Priestess Yukiko down to $37.42, this is why they chose to go exclusive with Rise and Chie.