first time posting here, I'm interested in making some gundam model kit now, I used to make them years ago although I never bother with paint and stuff. now I want to give it another go, but this time put more effort into it like painting etc.
anyone have good tutorial/step by step guide aimed for beginner? I tried looking some guide on the internet and there are so many, each have different method and use tools/paint I don't know what they're talking about.
I found this one which look kinda simple to follow but it's not that in depth, more like a general tips but it help me visualize what I'm going to do. although it didn't show how to hide seams between 2 plastic to make it look like one smooth piece.
other guide I found looks super complicated, require you to do 5 step process just for painting, from primer, preshadow, base paint, post shadow, weathering, panel lining, mixing paint, then there's various method I found to hide seams, putty, cement, etc.
btw, I don't know if this is the right thread to ask for general question in making gunplay.
thanks for reading.