Anybody still looking for Velvet? 7k yen
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
If I'm absolutely in love with it then no.
It's hard to say what my hard limit is, but the more expensive a figure the more I absolutely must be sure that I can't live without it. The most I've paid is $213 ($180 + shipping) for the ebCraft Selvaria Bles when she was released. I'm sure there will be something some day to surpass it, but I'd have to think well on it. During the past few years of horrible exchange rate, I've regularly paid over $100 after shipping.
These days space is just as much a consideration as price.
They better pray the movie doesn't suck, because that's not going to be cheap.Sideshow gave a first look at their first Pacific Rim release. Looks neat!
I hope they do Striker Eureka and some of the Kaiju as well!
Do any of the major sites sell capsules? Or is this all doomed to only being purchasable via eBay?Here are some better shots of the prize figures, in the meantime.
Do any of the major sites sell capsules? Or is this all doomed to only being purchasable via eBay?
Mark VII and Catwoman freaking delayed until July now. Just got notification from Sideshow.
The Power Pose Mark 42 is a fixed pose figure with interchangeable leg pieces. The Power Pose Red Snapper on the other hand has no interchangeable parts, but limited articulation in all the major points. Here's the photo showing the points of articulation.
AmiAmi pre-owned had the GSC Senjougahara in A/A condition for 12980 JPY, and this time I saw it in time to jump on it. It's higher than MSRP, but I justified it to myself with the fact that JPY is now much weaker than it was back when it was released, so actual cost to me in USD isn't all that different. And it, more than any other figure, is the one that I'm been lamenting missing out on.
As for upper limit, I'm not sure I really have one, but I've yet to spend more than $170 or so (shipped) on any figure, and I imagine it's around the $200 mark where I'd start having a lot more trouble convincing myself to spend the money.
I haven't been impressed with any of the IM3 figures that Hot Toys has shown. Not feeling the Diecast line, at all. I'm so glad Sideshow found a Mk7 for me.
For real. The IM3 line is sad so far and the Heartbreaker has yet to be shown.
I slept on the MK7 thinking I'd get something from IM3 and regret it. I do have the MK4 Secret Project though, so I can't be too bothered. I'll get that red and gold at some point.
The Power Pose Mark 42 is a fixed pose figure with interchangeable leg pieces. The Power Pose Red Snapper on the other hand has no interchangeable parts, but limited articulation in all the major points. Here's the photo showing the points of articulation.
Are you on Sideshow's waiting list for Mk7? I would give it a shot. I was on their waiting list and got bumped to an actual order a couple weeks ago. So happy about that.
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
Haha, so glad I don't collect hot toys/side show stuff. For me $250 is something super rare and long sold out. For you guys its an every day preorder price.
That looks really awesome. I have a friend in the same boat as you in regards to not liking Dead Space 3 so this should make him really happy.I don't have a limit on what I'd pay, I live in the UK, if I set a limit I wouldn't buy anything.
I said a page or two back that I pre-ordered the Kotobukiya Dead Space 3 Issac figure from Ami-ami and felt the shipping was too high, but it arrived today and it's Kotobukiya's box size to blame.
He arrived in a massive box nearly the size of a 1/4 Enterbay figure, the actual box for the figure wasn't nearly as big but it was still huge compared to what I was expecting, Kotobukiya could learn a lot from Hot Toys on how to box their figures in a more economical manner.
After not loving Dead Space 3 I was worried I was gonna hate this guy on arrival, but Issac's still looks bad ass at the end of the day. As much as I like the original look from the first game, and even the second there is something very John Carpenter's " The Thing" about this outfit that works for me.
The head's ball jointed but you can't make much use of it, the fur collar restricts most of the movement. The left and right hands rotate, as does the plasma cutter but I find it doesn't look right if not posed a certain way. Anyway, here he is, light up feature turned on, and from 100% natural lighting.
All this Pacific Rim merch from NECA and Sideshow is nice and all but...Sideshow gave a first look at their first Pacific Rim release. Looks neat!
I hope they do Striker Eureka and some of the Kaiju as well!
Anyone getting the Koto Kurisu re-issue? I'm not sure if I should wait till it gets back in stock on Amiami or just reserve it on Hobby Search. A bit cheaper on Amiami.
I don't care much about the knights themselves, but Athena....NEEEEEEEEEED!
Do you guys have $$ limits on a figure?
Didn't expect this one today
What's with Sigrid's face?
Saw pre-orders for Kurisu come back on Amiami and jumped on it. Now I see that I have four orders for September, including the three Nintendo re-releases. Totally broke the one figure per month deal I said to myself.
Didn't expect this one today
Anyone getting the Koto Kurisu re-issue? I'm not sure if I should wait till it gets back in stock on Amiami or just reserve it on Hobby Search. A bit cheaper on Amiami.