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geek gaf - figure models

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Blizniak said:
Hanekawa arrived today \o/

crappy cellphone pic ftl

I swear everyone and their Grandma ordered this figure.
NihonTiger90 said:
I swear everyone and their Grandma ordered this figure.

I didn't. Was on the fence about it, and then passed. From this photo at least, it looks like a world of a difference between the prototype/marketing shots and the final result.


Kotobukiya is announcing new Bishoujo figures today every hour until 4PM EST. The first one is Jaina Solo:


Star Wars X Yamashita Shunya - it's like they read my secret diary! Now bring me a Twi'lek.
Giolon said:
Kotobukiya is announcing new Bishoujo figures today every hour until 4PM EST. The first one is Jaina Solo:


Star Wars X Yamashita Shunya - it's like they read my secret diary! Now bring me a Twi'lek.[/QUOTE]
It's funny, I adore both separately, but not together. Sort of like the Liara figure.
Second one is Asuka Kazama from Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

That means the last two are going to be our DC and Marvel Bishoujos. I think my staff and I are pretty much convinced that the 6 p.m. announcement is the DC Bishoujo (and probably either Black Canary or Huntress) and the 7 p.m. announcement has to be Marvel Bishoujo Storm. People have been clamoring for Storm for months.


Fine Ham Abounds said:
It's funny, I adore both separately, but not together. Sort of like the Liara figure.
I thought the Liara illustration was ok but they sexed up the figure by making her boobs bigger and squished together. I really like this Star Wars one b/c it's not overly sexualized. I'm hoping that was a requirement of Lucas Licensing and thus will carry over to the final figure.

I'm all for adapting these things to anime style, especially if Shunya's the one doing it! I love his faces.



A second Black Widow figure... eh? Looks nice, but really we're repeating characters already? I suppose this is due to the Avengers movie.
Giolon said:

A second Black Widow figure... eh? Looks nice, but really we're repeating characters already? I suppose this is due to the Avengers movie.

Looks to be the case. A bit of a letdown.

Last one ought to be DC ... unless it's two Marvels and the second is Storm, but that seems unlikely.


It's Storm!

Not sure how I feel about the pose and outfit (what's with the weird ring and the side cut outs, I don't get it).

Of the four, Jaina's my favorite by far, and probably the only one I'll purchase.


Definitely liking the concept for Jaina. Looking forward to how she translates into the actual figure.

Edit: And looking back through this thread and I only just now learned the truth of the Noel figure's exlusivity.

..............Oh man this hurts. For years all I've wanted figure wise is Noel, and I keep getting stopped at ever corner... I <3 Noel so much, so WHY?! WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!
Giolon said:
It's Storm!

Not sure how I feel about the pose and outfit (what's with the weird ring and the side cut outs, I don't get it).

Of the four, Jaina's my favorite by far, and probably the only one I'll purchase.

Storm in her original outfit is magnificent. This is tied with her punk outfit as the best one. It just screams Classic X-men. Between this and the Kotobukiya Magento coming out next year, I'm all in.
The anatomy on the Storm design is wonderful, I'll withhold any judgements until I see the actual figure though.

From Tekken, I would have preferred an Anna or Nina figure, but I'm not sure one of Yamashita's sweet faces would have worked too well.


Kotobukiya is showing off their revised Liara Bishoujo:


Smaller (though pointier?) boobs, more angular eyes, facial features more centered on the head. All thanks to the folks complaining about the sexed up baby look of the original prototype.

All in all I think it's an improvement, but I think the face looks less Liara-like than the unofficial painted version of the original.


I'm liking the changes they made to Liara. Now it's actually something I might buy. Shit.

The pose is a little boring, but I suppose it works better sitting on the desk rather than a showcase. Now to see how much these things run for... Something tells me I don't want to know...


Unconfirmed Member
Giolon said:
It's Storm!

Not sure how I feel about the pose and outfit (what's with the weird ring and the side cut outs, I don't get it).

Of the four, Jaina's my favorite by far, and probably the only one I'll purchase.
That was one of Storm's old official costumes. Somewhere in the 80s, I think. After the mohawk, but before Jim Lee.
Monroeski said:
That was one of Storm's old official costumes. Somewhere in the 80s, I think. After the mohawk, but before Jim Lee.

Way off, thats her 70's/early 80's outfit she wore from her first appearance up until the the mohawk (and went back to for a bit in the 00's I think)

I tried to resist buying a Black Widow but this will make me cave I think


The Broken Ska Record said:
Edit: Oh GOD. Bishoujo Sakura. WAAAANT.

But Sakura is already Bishoujo!

Anyways, wanted to post a pic of my Ikaruga kit. First time I ever gave a figure an ink job.

Edit: I really need a camera. The camera on my phone just doesn't cut it.

Just ordered the new Makoto Nanaya figure that's out.

Also my SHF Cyclone Joker got here last week. I'll post some pictures, when I manage to take a few that don't look terrible.
NihonTiger90 said:

Street Fighter Bishoujo just announced by Kotobukiya as their next Bishoujo line. My wallet is already dead.

Hokan-chan?! <3

_dementia said:
I hope they make figures of my favorite BB character

I would buy a Tager statue, but unfortunately Tager doesn't have boobs so they won't make one. :(
NEO0MJ said:
But Sakura is already Bishoujo!

Anyways, wanted to post a pic of my Ikaruga kit. First time I ever gave a figure an ink job.

Edit: I really need a camera. The camera on my phone just doesn't cut it.


This looks remarkably good for what I think is unpainted? All you did was ink the few indented detail lines, right? And didn't bother with the decals?

I have this kit but I've been out of painting practice for...several years. I've been farting around on other kits to see if I can bring my skills back up to par but haven't had the courage to start this one yet.

Fuckin' pretty pimp outcome none-the-less. Nice work chief.


I know some of you guys are as awful as I am when it comes to spending money responsibly, so I imagine at least one of you also has a preorder in on this.



I have had it preordered for over a year but I finally got an email the other day saying shit is going to start shipping by the end of the year.

I'm pretty psyched. Anyone else get that email?


PhiLonius said:
WOW @ that last shot.
I know right! This thing can be so life like in some shots. All I had was lights off, a city picture on my monitor in slideshow and a tiny bit of light from a flash light app on my iPod. lol


ColonelSkills said:
This looks remarkably good for what I think is unpainted? All you did was ink the few indented detail lines, right? And didn't bother with the decals?

I have this kit but I've been out of painting practice for...several years. I've been farting around on other kits to see if I can bring my skills back up to par but haven't had the courage to start this one yet.

Fuckin' pretty pimp outcome none-the-less. Nice work chief.

Yep, all I did was ink it. No paint and no decals. I'm way too afraid to paint my stuff, espacially after I messed up a Hygogg.
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