Huntress Bishoujo

Getting really tempted to start collecting DC bishoujos
Huntress Bishoujo
So I pretty much.. for whatever reason.. have a massive army of Yoko..
So I pretty much.. for whatever reason.. have a massive army of Yoko..
Oh shit, I'll take everything, don't care if I have to sell a kidney.I am a sucker for Halo stuff. I guess will get every all of them:
No prob. This was just preview night of SDCC so hopefully more new info and pics of stuff starts popping up tomorrow when people have more time to get around and see everything.
*edit* So back on June 15 I just happened to browsing otacute and saw that they had Zero suit Samus available for preorder again. I was very surprised and hopped on it right away. Once my order was complete I saw that preorders were again closed for her. I was like fuck yeah I got the last one but was also worried that maybe it was a glitch or something and my order would eventually be canceled. Well just moments ago I got my reservation is ready to ship email and I just paid for her, only $93 total =) Needless to say I am super happy as I was bummed out that I didnt preorder when she was first available and then saw her sell out literally everywhere. I chose SAL shipping so it will be awhile before she gets here but I'll glady take some pics of her when she arrives.
She came out perfect too
*edit 2*
Ehh So Chun Li is part of a Street Fighter x Tekken bishoujo line now? I hope thats just for display purposes. If its strictly a SFxT line then that means we have no chance for Rose and C.Viper figures.
SSDC is a different event to Comic-Con correct? Wait, it's the same? Isn't Comic-Con a Comic superhero event, while SSDC is the figure event? I'm totally confused these days.
I had no problem paying this morning for the exact same items you bought.Is it just me or do they have some problem accepting credit card payments at the moment?
I had no problem paying this morning for the exact same items you bought.
That's just typical, it doesn't seem like there is something wrong with my card since I just bought a game on Steam to check, and that worked just fine. I guess I have to call the bank tomorrow, might be something on their end that stops the payment process to Amiami specifically.
There's a lot of bullshit with some credit cards going through international. I just paid with Paypal to not deal with all of it.
More shots of the new DX Batman
Same for the Ghostbusters girl.Saw this in tomopop. Why is this a thing? Design's kind of cute, but I don't think anybody was clamoring for a sexy Men in Black figure.
What Hasbro did with Bruticus is seriously really fucking shitty. Make the game accurate version the exclusive? So stupid.I am really not looking forward to the Monday or Tuesday rush on Hasbro Toy Shop for their SDCC exclusives.
Sucks balls that the things I was looking for sold out ridiculously quick on BBTS. Dat game accurate Bruticus ;_;
What Hasbro did with Bruticus is seriously really fucking shitty. Make the game accurate version the exclusive? So stupid.
I was hoping all the prerelease pics were mistransformed, but it still has those lanky arms. It doesn't do justice to the game design at all, an easy pass for me. The Fansproject upgrade set is the only Bruticus I need until Hasbro steps their game up.It's some extraordinary bullshit.
I am not looking forward to watching HTS time out and then be forced to pay twice as much for the damn thing from resellers.
But the pics up on tformers basically have me sold on it.
Bah ;_;
^ great price for a DX02 Batman; I couldn't find one for a decent reseller's price so I waited for the new one the Bat is a different story *wallet cries*
More pics from Square Enix at San Diego Comic Con