Good GK.
Where to order? I must have this.
I don't want to spam more galleries but here's Enterbay's 1/4 Batman & Joker. And a 1/6 Kobe Bryant that's coming out soon too.
First 4 Figures is teasing a Ganondorf figure (Twilight Princess design.)
Dear geek Gaf,
What do you guys display your figures in? I want to get some display stuff, as well as some nice lighting that I can put inside the cabinets.
I think my primary objection to that Batman is that it looks like there are hearts on his chest.Jeesus that Enterbay batman doesn't look very good.
I'm not familiar with the character, but that is one gorgeous figure. Really liking the design. I hope Yamato can keep the integrity of the paint design. If so, I may have to pick this up.
Tony Stark head looks a little weird![]()
I think it looks great, I love the smirk they gave him.
Maybe the angle? Though it does look kinda off-ish.
I'll probably be keeping his helmet on or at least open visor (if the option is there) when I display it.
I think it looks a little big headed. almost every TDKR Catwoman figure I have seen has the same problem.Mark VII will be mine...I have everyone else pre-ordered.
Hmm, I'm sure the production photos of Catwoman will top that...something looks off.
OMG... that Avengers set is amazing...
My wallet will spontaneously combust if I had all of that, as would probably my room lol.
The Bat
that thing is a monster.
I've pre-ordered them all and soon to add the Hulk and Mark VII, with shipping it's easily going to be about 1500-1700 for the set. Thank god they are spaced out though.
I've read that the Hulk figure will have multiple arms or that there is articulation beneath the skin.
Full stop motion animation using Hot Toys Batman Figures made by hot toys, really fucking cool!
Preview of a new Jim Gordon figure too!
Batmanark Knightfall Trailer
Speaking of Wonfes, isn't the next one in like 2 days? Can't wait.Plastikitty is saying that Yamato will be releasing the Elin Figure from last winter's Wonfes. Awesome figure, definitely one of my favorite from that event.
Just bought these from a local store for $4.50 (for all 3). Didn't know what was inside until I opened the boxes:
Sorry for the crap image, I didn't care too much to get proper light on Eva 01. I do enjoy buying these little guys and not knowing what's inside.
Edit - I just realized I didn't push Batou's collar down, now he looks like a d-bag. :|
Neat pick ups!
Do you write for tomopop or something?Yeah, WonFes is Sunday. I can't wait ...
... to go mad from all the work posting stuff. D:
A Chie figure (comes in white-resin) someone posted me on:
I only have Google Translate, but I think it says they will be selling this at a Wonder Festival this July 29th. If I am incorrect, someone please tell me.
Anyhow, this is finally a Chie figure that appeals to me. Sadly, it might be an event-exclusive (if I read the broken translation right) and I believe it does not come pre-painted anyways (though I might have also gotten this wrong in translation).
If so, then the wait will continue!