more photos here http://trevorgrove.deviantart.com/journal/Custom-Breaking-Bad-Figures-289816618
do want...
No Heisenberg hat, no buy.
more photos here http://trevorgrove.deviantart.com/journal/Custom-Breaking-Bad-Figures-289816618
do want...
You should provide details on how you got duped before, almost got duped this time and caught it before you paid for it.
Don't post often because I only have a few figures to my name.... BUT I just recently bought this (for an absurd amount.... damn limited quantities). Almost got scammed by a bootleg at first too, luckily I had a lightbulb go off in my head. Though this also made me question my previous purchases.. and looks like I've been duped before. Not sure how I didn't notice, plainly obvious.
Currently inbound from Japan at the moment.
edit: Seems I'm not the only one.
I have an extra one still boxed in brown shipper next to me.
So where do you guys actually buy these? I assume you have to have them preordered way in advanced to get them at normal prices? This was a spur of the moment just happened to come across a picture of it purchase for me.
Don't post often because I only have a few figures to my name.... BUT I just recently bought this (for an absurd amount.... damn limited quantities). Almost got scammed by a bootleg at first too, luckily I had a lightbulb go off in my head. Though this also made me question my previous purchases.. and looks like I've been duped before. Not sure how I didn't notice, plainly obvious.
Currently inbound from Japan at the moment.
edit: Seems I'm not the only one.
Man, I would be on that so fast if the breasts were reduced some. I know it's Oda's style now but Robin's one of my faves.
Just preordered this sweet Skyward Sword Link figure. Ships in January - will look good next to my OoT Link and Ganondorf.
Just won this on ebay. She's so cute I couldn't resist. I love Shunya's style. Now I need to grab Rei.
I'm not digging Spike either, unfortunately. Could be an instant buy for me if it was nicer.Play Arts Joker is looking good.
Batman and Catwoman are looking better.
Solidus is awesome
Dont think im liking their Spike from Cowboy Bebop that much.
Photos are not the best quality but I'm not liking her expression.
I'm not digging Spike either, unfortunately. Could be an instant buy for me if it was nicer.
The stands they're using in those photos are ACE. Can stands that look like that be purchased? I found a bunch of cheapos on Amazon but these are slick looking
I got duped before cause I didn't know bootlegs existed. It was for the Tashigi P.O.P. figure. Was plainly obvious once I actually looked at the quality of the figure compared to my other one. Luckily my Bon Clay is valid. (far as I can tell).
This time for robin I went to buy it off of amazon (it was in stock which I found odd.. but figured I was lucky). Went through with the order. A day went.. no word on it shipping.. so I got worried that maybe they had run out of stock. So I poked around other places that might have it... and noticed the box art was different than the one I purchased. I had noted that there were people selling fakes but for way underpriced and advertising them as fakes... so I put 2 and 2 together.
Cancelled my order, and found a reputable site actually selling them, though for 140 bucks (FUCK). Made the order anyways, and that site actually sold out shortly after.
Anybody got an extra $2500 lying around?
You can buy an awesome cheap plastic toy!
Search for "doll stands." I was looking for the Kai Arts Mass Effect figs. They're like that price but it was a pack of 12 most of the time. I haven't bought any so I can't comment on qualityHow cheap?
Lowest I could find is $15 a pop.
That's awesome!
I guess I should show off my new Nendoroids I got recently.
Nendos and Wario make for quite the charming tag team.
Put anything in the place of Nendos and the formula still works.
The next Marvel Bishoujo is Kitty Pryde.
Photos are not the best quality but I'm not liking her expression.
I took those.We have better ones we got Saturday that we'll be uploading as soon as I get home. Those were from in front of the glass and we got others behind the glass.
I agree, though, that I'm not really liking the expression. Something is wrong with that face, just like Power Girl.
I took those.We have better ones we got Saturday that we'll be uploading as soon as I get home. Those were from in front of the glass and we got others behind the glass.
I agree, though, that I'm not really liking the expression. Something is wrong with that face, just like Power Girl.
Also, wtf at Iron Man Nendroid.
Yeah, I've seen the new pics. Still not sold on her face at the moment, I would really like to see Shunya's original illustration for comparison. Hopefully they will make some changes after hearing the feedback.
I thought Power Girl's face was spot on, it captures almost everything from the original illustration. She has that spunky look to me.
Oh and I visit Tomopop everyday *blushes*
I think the thing I don't like about PG is actually the area around the eyes. Seems a little too heavy on the lashes or mascara, and from the few times I've seen her, she looks a bit exhausted to me, lol. I also forgot to check and see if they fixed that nasty seam on her left shoulder (it wasn't from the costume) but I'm hopeful they did.
I don't know why they had to take her already huge boobs and inflate them with even more helium.
It looks like her boobs are trying to float away and escape. I think it really detracts from the figure. You can at last make the argument that in the original illustration, they are being held up by her obi.
I still may order anyway to go with Momohime...but, Alter![]()
Her boobs are the reason I can't bring myself to get this figure. I don't mind that they're large, but, they're just... TOO large... which ends up detracting from the beauty of the rest of the figure. If she looked more like the illustration chest-wise, I would like it more. :< Still glad I managed to snag a Momohime pre-order for my BF though.
Recent pick-up came in: Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia.
Really happy to have her in!
Omg. I told myself I wasn't going to buy more figmas because they're too small, but I might have to buy this unless they announce a larger scale Labrys.
She's adorable! I'm pretty in love with the Tales figures they've come out with lately, but I've never played any of the games (save for a brief playing of Abyss) so I don't have any of them.