dude said:Assassin minus the Martial Arts tree which they gave to the Monk.
http://Blizzcon.rayv.com RTS and WoW breaking free right now.Metalic Sand said:Any streams of this anywhere?
theultimo said:http://Blizzcon.rayv.com RTS and WoW breaking free right now.
Haunted said:I had no fucking idea what was going on in that WoW match before it disconnected.
Yeah, you would think they would make a LOCAL AREA NETWORK of some kind.Deadman said:They should invent a way to play games offline, like maybe by connecting to each other using some kind of network but only within a local area?
When the sc2 starts are we talking about it here or in the sc2 thread?
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to split the Assassin, her build were forked into "Martial Artists" and "Trappers" anyway.Instro said:Makes sense, seems like a cool ranged class anyway.
Actually he's the new art director.theultimo said:Oh, BLAME HIM for art design of WoW^H^H^HDiablo III.
Deadly said:Who's going to be casting the SC2 tournament?
JonAmikar said:WarCraft III - Where Amazing Eventually Happens (If they don't have a TP)
ZealousD said:Why are people comparing the Demon Hunter to the Assassin? She looks like the Assassin, but she looks like she plays more like an Amazon.
Yes please, want to see these alternative cinematics people are talking about and holo stuff.theultimo said:I'll try to screencap various points in any of the conferences if anyone wants them tonight. The cinematics SCII panel is almost fully SS worthy.
She looks like sort of a mix between the two, actually.ZealousD said:Why are people comparing the Demon Hunter to the Assassin? She looks like the Assassin, but she looks like she plays more like an Amazon.
She had some Shadowy skills in the trailer as well, like the tumbling skills and this sort of super fast run forward.Pai Pai Master said:Because she plays like the Amazon but has traps like the Assassin?
Winged dungeons?Tacitus_ said:They're breaking up the Maraudon & Uldaman into winged dungeons?
And Trim Sunken Temple & others? Ohhh YES