Imo the "in Prozent der Gesamtsteuerlast (273,15 Mrd. Euro)" implies that the total sum is supposed to stay ~the same.
That total tax burden differs from model to model.
Imo the "in Prozent der Gesamtsteuerlast (273,15 Mrd. Euro)" implies that the total sum is supposed to stay ~the same.
That total tax burden differs from model to model.
It is 21 billion lower in the left model over the current state, so my point still stands: Barring some people close to the top of the 9th percentile, only the highest grossing 10% would have to pay more taxes under the left model, so in what sense is this model targeting the wrong people?
The reason 1207 why you should not vote for the FDP. There is simply no lobby organization and no market player that is too disreputable for this party.
Germany is the only EU member state to still allow billboard and cinema advertisements for tobacco products. The consequences of this can be seen if one researches the most frequent causes of death in Germany.
Truly the darkest timeline.And the AfD will be the No. 3 party in the Bundestag (comfortably).
The situation is a bit boring.
It's either
-CDU/CSU and SPD or
-CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens
There's no chance for another coalition judging by all polls/projections/odds tracker.
And the AfD will be the No. 3 party in the Bundestag (comfortably).
Going by the polls, it'll actually be very close.
Und dann gibt es da noch die AfD. Die bereitet nicht nur dem CSU-Präsidium Kopfzerbrechen, sondern auch den Demoskopen. „Radikale Parteien zu messen ist schwerer, weil sich viele Leute dazu nicht bekennen wollen.” Außerdem mobilisiere die AfD überdurchschnittlich viele Nichtwähler, die sich erst kurz vor der Wahl entscheiden.
The situation is a bit boring.
It's either
-CDU/CSU and SPD or
-CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens
There's no chance for another coalition judging by all polls/projections/odds tracker.
And the AfD will be the No. 3 party in the Bundestag (comfortably).
I was thinking the same before the election in NRW and then we got a CDU/FDP coalition.The situation is a bit boring.
It's either
-CDU/CSU and SPD or
-CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens
There's no chance for another coalition judging by all polls/projections/odds tracker.
And the AfD will be the No. 3 party in the Bundestag (comfortably).
Last time I checked we elect people to represent our very own interests. Although I work more than 50h a week on a regular basis and my wife's a nurse, I see now reason to vote for a party which addresses someone else's interest.
So, I'm very, very sorry that I'm a selfish brick who's going to vote for a party which I deem is more in line with my very own interests than yours.
But at the very least I'm not running around calling other people out because they have a different opinion.
"An alliance of mostly anonymous online trolls and extremist agitators are meddling in Germany's election, but researchers say Russians arent to blame.
Instead, they say, right-wing groups in the United States are behind materials popping up on YouTube, messaging board sites like 4chan and reddit and texting service
The evidence comes less than a week before Sunday's vote that is likely to hand German Chancellor Angela Merkel a fourth term. "
So a few days ago I stumpled upon this FDP interview and, fuck, the worst thing the AfD has done to me is making me use up all my energy on them, letting the FDP off the hook.
But now I finally know that temporary employment contracts and unpaid internships are actually great! Also, just be smart and work hard and you'll get rich! \o/ Man, fuck this party.
AfD keeps rising and rising in the polls.
What the fuck is wrong with everyone.
they aren't talking that much about politics which helps them a lotYea I really don't understand how they could rise from the dead so quickly it is not as if anything has fundamentally changed except that Herr Roessler is nowhere to be seen.
It's basically this all over again, heh?
Look at all them poor "middleclass" simply being Entgeignet just like that.
Voting FDP is justifiable if you're A: a business owner or B: filthy rich, YouGov poll:
Age: 18-24 yrs
SPD-S&D: 14%
AfD-ENF: 8%³-G/EFA: 32%
Tiersch-LEFT: 11%
I never noticed how it is the black couple the one that is least affected in this graph. Holy hell Is that some casual arse racism.It's basically this all over again, heh?
Look at all them poor "middleclass" simply being Entgeignet just like that.
The reason 1207 why you should not vote for the FDP. There is simply no lobby organization and no market player that is too disreputable for this party.
Germany is the only EU member state to still allow billboard and cinema advertisements for tobacco products. The consequences of this can be seen if one researches the most frequent causes of death in Germany.
The situation is a bit boring.
It's either
-CDU/CSU and SPD or
-CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens
There's no chance for another coalition judging by all polls/projections/odds tracker.
And the AfD will be the No. 3 party in the Bundestag (comfortably).
I heard something on the radio a few weeks back where someone from the CDU said that there is a 0% chance that they will form a coalition with the Greens. Did they change their mind?
Voting at 8am and you feel like a child visiting your grandparents.
No one said that, at least no one with a opinion which has some weight.
The AfD scoring as high as it seemingly will shouldn't really surprise anyone. We have seen the influence the media has on election outcomes only recently in the US. I'll likely vote SPD again, but to be frank, I feel my vote wasted.
man if afd gets more than 10% and they will i wonder if violence against foreigners will increase.
it doesnt surprise me but it worries me that hate against foreigners will be a tolerable thing again.
No and no
why? afd is openly saying that they dont want foreigners in the country and will ban germans that have foreign blood in them.
This made me laugh:
That's exactly it.That's a question for Haunted, I only wanted to correct the numbers.
If I had to criticize their plans, my critique would aim at their financial concept. A "Vermögenssteuer" of 5% alone sounds quite ridiculous once one realizes that things like business assets and real estate are subject to it. Add to that all the other proposed increases to business taxes, and the entire things becomes a threat to mid-sized and family businesses. Yet this is by far the main component of their plan.
So you think the AFD will change the constitution at 10% or what are we even arguing?
Just went voting. #fuckafd
I was saying that peole will feel more comfortable showing their racist views openly. Theat included police officers who may choose not to intervene. Trump didnt change the constitution but white supremacy views are now no longer conceilled in the US
Seems a bit hyperbolic to compare a party at 10% to the US president.
Germany has it's 10-15% racists that spout their nonsense with or without the AFD in parliament.
It may not be as bad as in the US, but I still feel that open racism has become more common over the last years. And I don't think it is too far-fetched thinking that it may get worse with the AFD becoming an established party.
Just went voting. #fuckafd