Interesting how you and Arkeband both resort to "you're just like Trump" insults in addition to defending this movie
Now that GITS is underperforming in its opening weekend, do you think it would have gone better if they had just localized the whole thing? Move it to future Los Angeles, dump the Major reveal, have mostly American actors. I mean localizations happen all the time without controversy.
No actually I didn't. She's Mexican for the record, and the word is fiancée, not that it matters, all minorities have this issue in Hollywood, its not exclusive to asians, so I think her opinion is valid.
And really? Boiling my entire post down to "my gf liked it"? You guys debate like Trump. You'd think I posted "fuck asians white power" judging by the response it got.
I'm glad I can enjoy movies without dissecting them to the bone by not even watching them.
Not even Asian girlfriend. Minority girlfriend, which means not Asian. But you know, minority so obviously can speak for all minorities.
Didn't he clarify later that she was Jewish?
You said:No, I said Hollywood thinks that. Me, seeing how the movie is doing with a "bankable" star think it wouldn't do better with a lesser known Asian lead.
Blockbusters usually require a movie star attached to get made, especially ones thought of as risky. It's as simple as that, and no Asian actress is a ScarJo level movie star, not internationally. Truth be told the amount of female stars the studios would even consider for this sort of expensive blockbuster is probably less than 5, if these last few years are any indication...
The movie could have been done in Japan, with an Asian lead, but it wouldn't be a Hollywood movie.
Hollywood feels like there are no Asian actresses that could have played the lead and have the movie be a success, and they're probably right.
Interesting how you and Arkeband both resort to "you're just like Trump" insults in addition to defending this movie
You based your post onI'm not the one who boiled down other people's posts to the most rudimentary and misrepresentative form I could and then base my entire reply on it, while being insulting and even lie in the process. But then again this entire thread is about an overreaction so I guess it doesn't surprise me in retrospect.
You based your post on
1. The stupid idea that Star Power matters anymore
2. Minimizing the problems minorities face just because your minority fiancee doesn't care
3. Managing to pose yourself as the victim for liking the movie
One thing I don't understand is why some people who like the movie also feel the need to downplay how problematic the race stuff is.3. Managing to pose yourself as the victim for liking the movie
But then again this entire thread is about an overreaction so I guess it doesn't surprise me in retrospect.
I like how you play victim and writes off racism against Asians at the same time.I'm not the one who boiled down other people's posts to the most rudimentary and misrepresentative form I could and then base my entire reply on it, while being insulting and even lie in the process. But then again this entire thread is about an overreaction so I guess it doesn't surprise me in retrospect.
I like how you play victim and writes off racism against Asians at the same time.
Just because your mexican girlfriend is okay with it, doesn't mean everyone else is overreacting. I'm asian and I think it's bullshit.
Maybe something is wrong with me. I never see an issue with the "whitewashing" that everyone is complaining. There are Asians, whites, blacks, hispanics, & so on in this film. I understand that the Major is a different race in the film & TV series, but they're so far off into the future & the version of Japan is so diverse, I just never seen it as an issue.
Am I wrong for thinking like this?
Count me in as Asian who thinks whitewashing is bad.I think it's numerical so you only cancel out his girlfriend.
I'm Asian American and I think it's bullshit. I remember someone else earlier in the thread said they were Asian and okay with it, so the score is still at 0.
Let's have more people volunteer whether they're a minority or not so we can keep a running tally. Once we total it all up, then we can determine if we're allowed to care about this or not.
To make it fair, these are the points for your "minoritiness" and how much value your own opinion has on the validity of this discussion.
White: 0.4
Non-American Asian: 0.8
Black, Hispanic or Latino: 1
Asian American: 1.2
I think it's numerical so you only cancel out his girlfriend.
I'm Asian American and I think it's bullshit. I remember someone else earlier in the thread said they were Asian and okay with it, so the score is still at 0.
Let's have more people volunteer whether they're a minority or not so we can keep a running tally. Once we total it all up, then we can determine if we're allowed to care about this or not.
To make it fair, these are the points for your "minoritiness" and how much value your own opinion has on the validity of this discussion.
White: 0.4
Non-American Asian: 0.8
Black, Hispanic or Latino: 1
Asian American: 1.2
No, you weren't. Start counting.I was being facetious ._.
Put me down as a nigga who knows this is bullshit./s (but actually tho)
I think it's numerical so you only cancel out his girlfriend.
I'm Asian American and I think it's bullshit. I remember someone else earlier in the thread said they were Asian and okay with it, so the score is still at 0.
Let's have more people volunteer whether they're a minority or not so we can keep a running tally. Once we total it all up, then we can determine if we're allowed to care about this or not.
To make it fair, these are the points for your "minoritiness" and how much value your own opinion has on the validity of this discussion.
White: 0.4
Non-American Asian: 0.8
Black, Hispanic or Latino: 1
Asian American: 1.2
I get the feeling she or whoever made that shirt didn't see the The Great Wall. The movie is literally about a westerner being awed and inspired by the superiority of eastern (mainly Chinese) values.
No, it's a movie taking place in China with Chinese people, and a white man as the star.
It doesn't matter if there's a "legit" plot reason for the lead actor to be white. We've had a ton of those movies. Write a fucking movie with an Asian as the lead. Period.
No, it's a movie taking place in China with Chinese people, and a white man as the star.
It doesn't matter if there's a "legit" plot reason for the lead actor to be white. We've had a ton of those movies. Write a fucking movie with an Asian as the lead. Period.
You do realize that most Chinese films are at least 90 percent Han Chinese right? Whitewashing isn't a thing in China, Han-washing is. Starting Matt Damon in that film is actually pretty progressive
are you serious?
There is no reality on this planet where casting a white lead is progressive.
You do realize that most Chinese films are at least 90 percent Han Chinese right? Whitewashing isn't a thing in China, Han-washing is. Starting Matt Damon in that film is actually pretty progressive
Just quit while you're behind, bro. Jesus...
Ironically, I think the Great Wall's reason for having a white dude is better than GitS's.the Great Wall is a cash grab flag waving movie for China and doesn't pretend to be anything else. On that level I find Great Wall less offensive. GitS is a cash grab that also wants to shoehorn in a half assed commentary on whitewashing in an attempt to put itself above the criticism.They didn't put a Chinese man's brain in a Matt Damon body and play that off as some half assed commentary on how terrible whitewashing is.
I actually enjoyed Great Wall for the dumb monster movie it is. I could have probably done the same for GitS, BUT they had to pull that shit with the twist.
White people lack representations in movies.
Someone is sincerely arguing that right now.
Welcome to Trump's America...
Someone is sincerely arguing that right now.
Welcome to Trump's America...
Actually instead of debating me, you're simply flinging insults.
Reading comprehension, try it.
Interesting how you and Arkeband both resort to "you're just like Trump" insults in addition to defending this movie
Minorities being colorful background extras and supporting characters while white main characters take center stage has been going on forever. I'm not gonna ask you to care about something on my behalf, just don't use that as a justification for why whitewashing is okay.
I'm mostly defending the movie on a cinematographic and visual standpoint, although I've seen a lot of misinformation regarding how the movie plays out and most people who have seen the movie on GAF have had good reviews of it (including myself)
I'm thinking more along the lines of does her race even matter. For instance, if Tony Stark was Indian, it would not matter at all. But if Black Panther were cast as a non-black person, that's a major issue, considering how much his race matters to his character.
I don't want to be ignorant, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but does the Major's race matter in any media that she appears in?
Matt?Put me down as a nigga who knows this is bullshit./s (but actually tho)
White people lack representations in movies.
I'm just mad that I'm shocked to see that argument.
Who feeds you this shit?Bollywood, the Chinese film market, the Korean film market, the Japanese film market. Literally most of the world's population concentrated in those areas that have very few white people and a large audience that expects to see themselves in their films. I'm guessing you are American since your perspective is so American-centric
Actually instead of debating me, you're simply flinging insults. The Great Wall was made in China, not the US, that specific example is not whitewashing. Literally no one is arguing that white people are underrepresented in the US. Reading comprehension, try it.
I'm just mad that I'm shocked to see that argument.