Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
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Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
You know, Japanese don't actually think of themselves as having "small eyes". So they don't emphasis this trait in their cartoons of themselves.Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Influence from early America animation, iirc. Big eyes offer more expression. They also see their eyes as normal sized, in real life. Because they are.Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Looks like it made more than half it it's budget if you include international sales. Pretty impressive considering everything. Wish we had a way to see how much it would have made without a big star.
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Y'all can take Goku, if we get to claim this dude.
Looks like it made more than half it it's budget if you include international sales. Pretty impressive considering everything. Wish we had a way to see how much it would have made without a big star.
Looks like it made more than half it it's budget if you include international sales.
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Prior to the war, human figures in Japanese fine and commercial art were allowed to look Japanese, just as they had in centuries of block prints. After the war, once the Japanese face had become synonymous in the western imagination with untrustworthiness and cruelty, toymakers, character empires like Sanrio — and, ultimately, artists — adopted a more benign countenance. Osamu Tezuka, who is credited with the creation of the "anime eye," was directly influenced by Walt Disney and Max Fleischer, and responded in kind with his manga series Astro Boy, the tale of a sweet doe-eyed robot boy who's been rejected by his creator.
Is it time to assess how true a scotsman she is?
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
I'm European and can confirm that I have eyes of the size of two oranges.
Batman is Asian...
Superman too.
Why do cartoons from Japan most of time have big eyes and not Asian ones?
Looks like it made more than half it it's budget if you include international sales. Pretty impressive considering everything. Wish we had a way to see how much it would have made without a big star.
Which makes it all the more surprising people thought the Major wasn't Japaneseconsidering she's incredible math
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsmanas in she's scottish? which basically means shes white? what do you mean minority bro?
No true Scotsman is a kind of informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect a universal generalization from counterexamples by changing the definition in an ad hoc fashion to exclude the counterexample.[1][2] Rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"; i.e., those who perform that action are not part of our group and thus criticism of that action is not criticism of the group).
I'm loving this "Batman and Superman are actually Asian" revelation.
I'm loving this "Batman and Superman are actually Asian" revelation.
as in she's scottish? which basically means shes white? what do you mean minority bro?
Well I guess you can argue that she is Jewish but I am not sure it really counts in the GITS case.as in she's scottish? which basically means shes white? what do you mean minority bro?
Y'all can take Goku, if we get to claim this dude.
Batman is Asian...
Namor is Asian too.
X-men were asian too
Don't forget Tony Stark.
You don't know what you're talking about and you don't even know who you're talking to. I'm not the user you think you're replying to and I'm using "no true scotsman" to point out that I don't like seeing dick-measuring contests between minorities to see whose opinion matters more. I never actually commented on the guy with the fiancee, I just think questioning his fiancee's minority is a silly road to go down.
So?Who cares if someone thinks anime characters don't look Asian when most of them look like freaks of nature anyway? They don't look like any human, never mind Japanese.
See I found the original controversy pretty stupid, as if an East Asian American is any more authentically right to play a Japanese character than any other American[ , and further proof to me that the modern left wing is becoming more obsessed with seeing race as something that separates us to the point of self segregation.
But this twist is just, wow, how could the people behind this movie be that oblivious to how bad this is?
I still think there's nothing fundamentally wrong with casting any race to play these characters, but with the context of our modern reactionary outrage culture, rise of the alt right and racism, wider trends toward casting decisions around American minorities in leading roles, and the general message this gives in the film itself, just what the flip were they thinking?!
You know, Japanese don't actually think of themselves as having "small eyes". So they don't emphasis this trait in their cartoons of themselves.
This article on Verge has some historical info on this.
Prior to the war, human figures in Japanese fine and commercial art were allowed to look Japanese, just as they had in centuries of block prints. After the war, once the Japanese face had become synonymous in the western imagination with untrustworthiness and cruelty, toymakers, character empires like Sanrio and, ultimately, artists adopted a more benign countenance. Osamu Tezuka, who is credited with the creation of the "anime eye," was directly influenced by Walt Disney and Max Fleischer, and responded in kind with his manga series Astro Boy, the tale of a sweet doe-eyed robot boy who's been rejected by his creator.
Maybe you should read the entire article you're quoting from because the cherrypicking is absurd lmfao
X-men were asian too
Do you think the creator of boondocks, when drawing his doodles as a kid said to himself, "These must be white people"? I personally don't think so. A stick figure doesn't have any color attached to it, it's simply the idea/gesture of a human being. Maybe it's just my current surroundings tainting my view, living in a fairly diverse, multicultural city. Also having lived in china briefly where "Han" was the main culture, but a ton of different cultures exist outside of it
The eyes are a distraction, Hallowed. You can tell when western characters show up in anime because they make them blondes with big noses.
I wonder if this is something they wrote into the script as a "fix" for the controversy about ScarJo's casting.
It's either one of two things.
1. This was seen as a way to remedy complaints about whitewashing, which is LOL-worthy
2. This was in the script the entire time and everyone involved is really that blind to the implication.
It's "dig up, stupid" territory either way.
Not even Asian girlfriend. Minority girlfriend, which means not Asian. But you know, minority so obviously can speak for all minorities.
Didn't he clarify later that she was Jewish?