Matt Damon in the Great Wall film.
To counter the Hollywood white washing comment you literally used as a counter, "Well in (insert foreign movie market) they only have their own natives play those roles!"
The problem is that when Hollywood is involved, its 95% percent of the time a white cast. Bringing up, 'Han-washing' is a disingenuous strawman.
I was gonna go see this for laughs but now I dunno
Are the action parts at least serviceable?
Ahah. Thanks. Completely forgot about this movie.Matt Damon in the Great Wall film.
I merely countered the claim that the Great Wall is white washing. I never stated nor implied that it counters whitewashing in the United States Hollywood market, instead many here simply jumped to that conclusion.
Actually, people dismissing a minority's claim and siding with an industry that has history of racial discrimination sounds very Trump like, as is using an "I have black friends" argument with regards to casting a black actor to dismiss Asian racism.People believing things without proof is certainly Trump-like behavior, I dunno how else to sugar coat it for you. Glad you find the parallel interesting. My comparison to Trump was in regard to people taking one actor's accusation at face value w/r/t Death Note.
Internet circa 2006-2015: "Zack Efron would be the PERFECT Light!!!"
I'm mostly defending the movie (GITS) on a cinematographic and visual standpoint, although I've seen a lot of misinformation regarding how the movie plays out and most people who have seen the movie on GAF have had good reviews of it (including myself), so yeah, sorry I'm not in camp "I haven't seen it... but look at this review #omg #eviscerated #lookatme"
No, it's a movie taking place in China with Chinese people, and a white man as the star.
It doesn't matter if there's a "legit" plot reason for the lead actor to be white. We've had a ton of those movies. Write a fucking movie with an Asian as the lead. Period.
I merely countered the claim that the Great Wall is white washing. I never stated nor implied that it counters whitewashing in the United States Hollywood market, instead many here simply jumped to that conclusion.
The problem is that your quest for precision comes off as apologism in a thread like this.
Do people get pissed when they have white or black people voicing Japanese characters in anime?
Do people get pissed when they have white or black people voicing Japanese characters in anime?
Of course, because by your own words you 'countered the claim' by bringing up diversity issues in Bollywood and Japan. Like the other poster said by making the culture loook 'cool' admirable within the storyline doesn't nrgate the fact that the lead in a Chinese story is a caucasian; fetishization isnt a net positive. If I make the black sidekick the coolest character in a movie doesnt negate the fact he's a sidekick
Yes.I'm thinking more along the lines of does her race even matter. For instance, if Tony Stark was Indian, it would not matter at all. But if Black Panther were cast as a non-black person, that's a major issue, considering how much his race matters to his character.
I don't want to be ignorant, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but does the Major's race matter in any media that she appears in?
People believing things without proof is certainly Trump-like behavior, I dunno how else to sugar coat it for you. Glad you find the parallel interesting. My comparison to Trump was in regard to people taking one actor's accusation at face value w/r/t Death Note.
Internet circa 2006-2015: "Zack Efron would be the PERFECT Light!!!"
I'm mostly defending the movie (GITS) on a cinematographic and visual standpoint, although I've seen a lot of misinformation regarding how the movie plays out and most people who have seen the movie on GAF have had good reviews of it (including myself), so yeah, sorry I'm not in camp "I haven't seen it... but look at this review #omg #eviscerated #lookatme"
Where do I even start? You are comparing China, a racially monotonous country to one that is not, in your attempt to whatabout this thread. And it's only "Han-washing" if they give Chinese white roles.I mean, was I wrong though? Most white people in Chinese films are token characters/stereotypes. My point by bringing it up was to compare white washing and han washing as being pretty similar. Both countries have issues of having one dominant ethnicity representing most film roles with other ethnicities representing token parts.
I mean, was I wrong though? Most white people in Chinese films are token characters/stereotypes. My point by bringing it up was to compare white washing and han washing as being pretty similar. Both countries have issues of having one dominant ethnicity representing most film roles with other ethnicities representing token parts.
holy shit people, let's do this
Pray tell which ones? I know it's easier to insult me then actually debate my points.
I think smiley has hit every single one of these in the past couple days.
SHINJI IKARI IS STILL JAPANESE. HE DOESN'T HAVE THE FACE OF BRAD PITT.I mean that what's this is about. They got a white girl to play a Japanese character. Is anyone pissed they have a white guy voicing a character like Shinji Ikari?
This isn't cultural appropriation. This is whitewashing.Ok, on the subject of cultural appropriation. Do you advocate a complete separation of cultures and cultural knowledge so that there can be no appropriation?
How far does the cultural appropriation rabbit hole go, should be get outraged over appropriations from the past few thousand years?
Additionally how would you stop "appropriation" and dissemination In the Information Age.
holy shit people, let's do this
The Major is Motoko Kusanagi and has a Japanese mother in this movie. They put her brain in Scarjo.
Also it's easier for white people to say "race doesn't matter." Because there are tons of other white characters to turn to. PoC have very few.
Also I see where you stand now. All this is just SJW outrage culture at work and you don't think there's anything worth discussing on the politics of this film.
All of them. Put forth a debate that isn't pathetic whataboutism and then we'll talk.
Gotcha still trolling then. You are what's wrong with this forum, with your shit posting.
Where do I even start? You are comparing China, a racially monotonous country to one that is not, in your attempt to whatabout this thread. And it's only "Han-washing" if they give Chinese white roles.
Ok, on the subject of cultural appropriation. Do you advocate a complete separation of cultures and cultural knowledge so that there can be no appropriation?
How far does the cultural appropriation rabbit hole go, should be get outraged over appropriations from the past few thousand years?
Additionally how would you stop "appropriation" and dissemination In the Information Age.
I know, that's why I used the word "racially", that guy was really fixated on white people.Actually, the Han majority aside, China is actually pretty ethnically diverse considering there 50+ recognized different ethnic groups by the Chinese government. Hell, Russian Chinese are a thing (ethnic Russians but they've just been in China since forever so they're Chinese).
I'm Asian.Should add Western White people find everything offensive.
I don't think the industry is at a point where we can say "race doesn't matter." These things should be brought up and debated.For the record, I'm black, & I'm completely on your side as far as the representation of people of color in film goes. It sucks. But if the film is based on an existing character & that character's race doesn't define them, I don't think it should matter. As far as 2017 movie, if they were going to address the whitewashing, there should have a been a better way to go about it, but not saying anything would have made people just as angry.
What is at expense here? Anime acceptance in the west? An onslaught of live action anime adaptations? I'm fine sacrificing that so hollywood can get a clue. I think it's worse to sacrifice these discussions just for the sake of anime.Slow your roll. I think it's worth discussing, but not at the expense of everything else involved with the first big budget western anime adaptation. As I've pointed out, it has three threads dedicated to it for some reason.
When Death Note is released, I hope that there won't be three different threads all derailed into how it's bad that Light is white and L being black is just a distraction from some sinister ulterior motive.
I literally called this out like an hour before they posted and on the same page:Who the fuck is trashing the movie's cinematography and visuals? Did you get lost in the wrong thread?
Also I see where you stand now. All this is just SJW outrage culture at work and you don't think there's anything worth discussing on the politics of this film.
One thing I don't understand is why some people who like the movie also feel the need to downplay how problematic the race stuff is.
You can still like the movie AND think its handling of race is problematic.
It's not the first big budget western anime adaptationI think it's worth discussing, but not at the expense of everything else involved with the first big budget western anime adaptation.
One thing I don't understand is why some people who like the movie also feel the need to downplay how problematic the race stuff is.
You can still like the movie AND think its handling of race is problematic.
For the record, I'm black, & I'm completely on your side as far as the representation of people of color in film goes. It sucks. But if the film is based on an existing character & that character's race doesn't define them, I don't think it should matter. As far as 2017 movie, if they were going to address the whitewashing, there should have a been a better way to go about it, but not saying anything would have made people just as angry.
Movie was pretty good, I enjoyed it.
City definitely looked more like Hong Kong then Tokyo though.
You can borrow cultural aspects as long as you approach the culture respectfully...not to say there arent grey areas but imho its rarer then one would believe. Like there's miles difference between someone lets say admiring black music and deciding to become a rap/jazz artist and someone dressing up in blackface for halloween, lol.
Culture will always bleed into each other, particularly in the information age. The problem is how its done, and understanding that since culture can be subjective that even if someone means no harm doesn't mean that it isnt ultimately wrong (ie, I dont think any redskins fans hate native americans but that doesnt mean the logo isnt problematic as hell)
The thing is, as soon as a writer takes a stance of "race doesn't matter" a white person somehow ends up cast in that role. I've heard a few interviews where a writer will have a race in mind but if it isn't explicitly on the page the casting director just assumes they're white and refuses to budge on it. That's the sort of thing you're fighting against before you get to situations like this where it was explicitly supposed to be an Asian character the whole time and they still somehow end up casting a white person.For the record, I'm black, & I'm completely on your side as far as the representation of people of color in film goes. It sucks. But if the film is based on an existing character & that character's race doesn't define them, I don't think it should matter. As far as 2017 movie, if they were going to address the whitewashing, there should have a been a better way to go about it, but not saying anything would have made people just as angry.
The source material's Japanese city was based on Hong Kong too.
The thing is, as soon as a writer takes a stance of "race doesn't matter" a white person somehow ends up cast in that role. I've heard a few interviews where a writer will have a race in mind but if it isn't explicitly on the page the casting director just assumes they're white and refuses to budge on it. That's the sort of thing you're fighting against before you get to situations like this where it was explicitly supposed to be an Asian character the whole time and they still somehow end up casting a white person.
"I'm picturing a white guy in my head but maybe* a person of colour will blow me away"This reminds me of when The Last Airbender was being released and some of the extras in the film revealed some info about the casting process. Basically, for all the extra roles, the casting sheets specified "Must be of Asian descent" while for the heroes, the casting sheet called for "White or other ethnicity." The extras said they didn't even bother trying to audition for the main character roles when they saw that because "White or other ethnicity" is Hollywood code for "We want a white guy but we're putting that last bit in so we don't look racist."
"I'm picturing a white guy in my head but maybe* a person of colour will blow me away"
*probably not though
Hard to believe Aang Aint White started 8 years ago
The thing is, as soon as a writer takes a stance of "race doesn't matter" a white person somehow ends up cast in that role. I've heard a few interviews where a writer will have a race in mind but if it isn't explicitly on the page the casting director just assumes they're white and refuses to budge on it. That's the sort of thing you're fighting against before you get to situations like this where it was explicitly supposed to be an Asian character the whole time and they still somehow end up casting a white person.