PC port is the shittiest Ubi port I can remember.
I've got a GTX 680, and can't even taste 60fps with moderate settings. What a fucking let down.
I'm a sucker for dudebro military shooters, so I happily copped it at $40 from Meijer. Got home, did what seemed like maybe the longest game installation in the history of my PC gaming, and boom. Shit. Pure, filthy shit.
Maybe it would be good if it ran. I can't tell. I know the gameplay is really designed around a controller. Keyboard controls didn't mesh. But wtf does mesh at 20fps?
Fail Ubi. Now I have to fear all future Ubi ports. I was one of the few who could swallow the Ubi DRM, since IMO, the ports and games were always really solid. But this is pure shit. One of the worst major release PC ports in recent memory.
Oh fuck, the load times. LOAD TIMES. No kidding - I have to break out the iPad during load screens. Also, 2 START screeens with a good 3 minute load inbetween them.
Shame on whoever ported this turd.