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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Personally I wouldn't appeal to aggregate review scores as proof of opinions of the movie is wrong/right.

Jurassic World has a 72% RT and you can't prove that by me that it's a "good/ok*thumbs up*" film by a long shot, it's below mediocre. I'd put it at BvS level. That goes both ways, some films I would consider more enjoyable than JurassicW and be in the 60's.

RT isn't trying to say that a movie is good or not. it only demonstrates how many people liked it or didn't like it
So I usually go by metacritic instead of RT because RT condenses all reviews to "fresh" or not and the percentage is based on what they deem to be the number of "fresh" reviews (which can be only vaguely positive). Metacritic is a straight up score average.

Ghostbusters 2016 has a 63 on metacritic which is, you know, a low D and not so great, but that is comprised of 11 positive reviews and 9 mixed reviews and ZERO negative reviews. So you would think that means that while it's not triumphantly awesome, nobody is really offended by it or complaining about an abject lack in quality. So I'll take it, I'll be kinda cautiously excited to see it.

The weird thing to me though is that the lowest score on the list, Hollywood Reporter's review, is a) a total pan of the movie, b) provides no score at all, just the written takedown, c) was cataloged on metacritic as a "40" score, and d) referred to as "mixed."

The only people offended by this movie are nerds who haven't seen it.
The only people offended by this movie are nerds who haven't seen it.

I am comfortable assuming most of the people who criticized this film before it came out are not going to be buying a movie ticket.

It's sad, too, as this film seems like a great homage to GB1 and better than GB2.

I've already seen one guy on another site bragging about buying tickets and then burning them, declaring how they'll never get his money.

Think about that for a moment.



I am comfortable assuming most of the people who criticized this film before it came out are not going to be buying a movie ticket.

It's sad, too, as this film seems like a great homage to GB1 and better than GB2.

I've already seen one guy on another site bragging about buying tickets and then burning them, declaring how they'll never get his money.

Think about that for a moment.


Better than 2 and worst than 1 is basicaly what I expected ... sounds awesome =D

I am comfortable assuming most of the people who criticized this film before it came out are not going to be buying a movie ticket.

It's sad, too, as this film seems like a great homage to GB1 and better than GB2.

I am comfortable it will be this image all over again


I am waiting for Angry Videogame Nerd's review xD


Decent is still average? The whole Internet was declaring this the next Fan4stic.
Everything was pointing to it being that from the director shitting on fans who were iffy about it from some very bad trailers. It didn't leave alot to be positive about.


I am comfortable assuming most of the people who criticized this film before it came out are not going to be buying a movie ticket.

It's sad, too, as this film seems like a great homage to GB1 and better than GB2.

I really do think there were and are people that generally didn't want to see the movie based on trailers and their taste in movies and comedies. Average reviews probably won't change their minds at least not enough to see it in theaters. They may want to see it if it opens big and starts getting great word of mouth kind of like Spy did.

Now the vitriolic, loud and 'its not about being sexist, its about ethics" detractors who are still around wishing for the movie to do bad to somehow vindicate themselves not realizing they are showing their hands by wasting so much of their time arguing and detracting a movie unlike that first group I mentioned will never see the movie. They will change the narrative like we have already seen in this thread into conspiracy theories, above average to average RT scores now being mediocore and that its actually a manhating movie now because of nut shots (which are funny otherwise but here, its part of a feminist agenda).


The meltdowns regarding this movie have been extraordinarily silly to me, so I was always going to see it on principle but a decent score makes me more excited. I like Feig movies.
Yes I feel it was, It really made me lose respect for him especially as being a fan of his other movies.

I don't think he was including every single person who thought the trailers were bad, just those who were really vocally just making a scene, throwing insults at everyone and trashing the crew. He said in a recent interview that he probably didn't go about it the right way, but that tensions were high and people were being incredibly rude.
I don't think he was including every single person who thought the trailers were bad, just those who were really vocally just making a scene, throwing insults at everyone and trashing the crew. He said in a recent interview that he probably didn't go about it the right way, but that tensions were high and people were being incredibly rude.

Correct, he was targeting the sexists and the ones harassing his cast members and himself. He wasn't going after people who just didn't think the trailer was funny.


I don't think he was including every single person who thought the trailers were bad, just those who were really vocally just making a scene, throwing insults at everyone and trashing the crew.
It very well could have been like that but that's not how I took from it, I thought it was an incredibly shitty thing to do and made him look really bad. I really don't think he will ever talk about it again anyway. The good thing about the reviews being positive like they are, I am looking forward to seeing the movie now. I hope I enjoy it.


Yes I feel it was, It really made me lose respect for him especially as being a fan of his other movies.

I don't blame him though. The horrendous shit GB "fans" put him and his actors through was terrible. Leslie Jones got the worst of the online abuse, and that had to hit Feig on a personal level. He snapped and said some things he probably shouldn't have, which is understandable given the circumstances.
It very well could have been like that but that's not how I took from it but I thought it was an incredibly shitty thing to do and made him look really bad. I really don't think he will ever talk about it again anyway. The good thing about the reviews being positive like they are, I am looking forward to seeing the movie now. I hope I enjoy it.

Yeah, I mean a filmmaker isn't going to throw everyone under the bus like that. Not everyone were acting like children; I don't think he has a problem with those who simply just thought the trailer(s) was bad, that was going to happen and he knew it. But people were taking to Twitter and all over the place just hurling bullshit at him and the crew so I get why that could cause him to act a bit flustered. I think he even said recently that the trailers weren't very good.
I found some quotes where he addressed that stuff:

That’s why that quote that came out – that was very upsetting to me – that was repurposed from a book interview I did eighteen months ago [Editor’s note: Feig was quoted as saying that “geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met in my life”].

The interview was done a week after I announced the four actresses, and I’d just been getting fucking pummelled. Ugly shit about them, about these wonderful women, and it was personal attacks after personal attacks. And when this guy asked me this question about geeks being so powerful, it was this release of saying there’s assholes out there.

I so regret that I said ‘in the geek community’, because what I know now, having sorted it out, is these are not true members of the geek community.


Ghostbusters II is by no means as good as the original film, but I'd hardly call it garbage.

Give me that courtroom scene and dancing toaster any day of the week. I forgot about the "...mainly Vigo's" line until this thread just now, too.


Ghostbusters II is by no means as good as the original film, but I'd hardly call it garbage.

Give me that courtroom scene and dancing toaster any day of the week. I forgot about the "...mainly Vigo's" line until this thread just now, too.

The courtroom scene is the only good scene in the film. The rest of it is forced nonsense at best, lifeless drek at worst. It's the worst sequel to a great first film in the modern era, IMO, in terms of how much of a dropoff it is. The studio had no idea what made the first one work at all. It's possible nobody involved did, really, as the original has a "lightning in a bottle" quality that makes it far more than the sum of its parts.

I never had any doubt this reboot would be better than 2. Anything would have been better than 2, even a creaky Aykroyd-helmed 3 with only Ray and Winston returning.
Ghostbusters II is by no means as good as the original film, but I'd hardly call it garbage.

Give me that courtroom scene and dancing toaster any day of the week. I forgot about the "...mainly Vigo's" line until this thread just now, too.

I enjoy Ghostbusters II, but it is very much of the soulless machine masquerading as a sequel that people have accused this film of being. Of course, I am of the mindset that business intent does not preclude an enjoyable film as a result...


The courtroom scene is the only good scene in the film.

C'mon now. There's some quality stuff in Ghostbusters II. Bobby Brown's song, "The ol' man eating toaster bit," Egon's inability to improv in front of the NYCPD, etc.

I enjoy Ghostbusters II, but it is very much of the soulless machine masquerading as a sequel that people have accused this film of being. Of course, I am of the mindset that business intent does not preclude an enjoyable film as a result...

I'm by no means asking to be boxed into that category of people hating fervently on this movie. Mind you, I actually spent days on set, got to hang with Feig, Ivan, Dan, and Melissa, got to be an extra during a cameo scene, and even got to hug the Ecto super early into production.

With that being said, there are definitely reasons to find a remake/reboot made decades later more "soulless" than a direct sequel made by the exact same cast and creative team. Columbia in 1988/1989 should have afforded Ivan & Co more time instead of rushing the movie once everything fell into place, though. The movie could have used more improv and the lax sense of humor that fueled the original, not to mention a better composer. Ghostbusters 2 definitely has some elements rushed to get it on screen faster but the effects are oddly phenomenal at times, still.
Ghostbusters II is by no means as good as the original film, but I'd hardly call it garbage.

Give me that courtroom scene and dancing toaster any day of the week. I forgot about the "...mainly Vigo's" line until this thread just now, too.

It's a fun, silly but forgettable (give or take a few scenes) movie.


To be frank, this was a better option over 3. No one was able to get everyone on the same page for a third film, plus with Harold Ramis' passing, the opportunity had long past. It took a twist of the arm just to get this movie made.

But hey, there was Ghostbusters: The Video Game, so it all worked out for everyone in the end.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It very well could have been like that but that's not how I took from it, I thought it was an incredibly shitty thing to do and made him look really bad. I really don't think he will ever talk about it again anyway. The good thing about the reviews being positive like they are, I am looking forward to seeing the movie now. I hope I enjoy it.
There were people who began shifting on this film from the moment it was announced that the cast were mostly all female. It's those people and their likeminded friends Feige was directing his anger towards.


It's a fun, silly but forgettable (give or take a few scenes) movie.

Yeah, I think that's fair.

To be frank, this was a better option over 3. No one was able to get everyone on the same page for a third film, plus with Harold Ramis' passing, the opportunity had long past. It took a twist of the arm just to get this movie made.

But hey, there was Ghostbusters: The Video Game, so it all worked out for everyone in the end.

I kind of wish we lived in a world where we just let sleeping dogs lie, personally. Terminator Genysis, Jurassic World... yuck.

I had a lot of fun with the game, I'll say, even for just the sake of having my childhood heroes back together again for one last run.
To be frank, this was a better option over 3. No one was able to get everyone on the same page for a third film, plus with Harold Ramis' passing, the opportunity had long past. It took a twist of the arm just to get this movie made.

But hey, there was Ghostbusters: The Video Game, so it all worked out for everyone in the end.

If Activision wanted to be real dicks and take full advantage of the outrage they could remaster or make that game BC on Xbox just to get some extra sales.


I've already seen one guy on another site bragging about buying tickets and then burning them, declaring how they'll never get his money.

Think about that for a moment.

Haha. Brilliant. Says everything about the average intelligence of these sexist fucks
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