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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Rotten Tomatoes now at 78%. The haters have their work cut out for them.

A couple things. I'm not really a large proponent for Internet scores, but as far as films go that percentage doesn't scream a great rating. Still, even if the film was a 98% people seem to wait a couple months to start the "overrated / it was shit" to continue some kind of dialog.


78% after 50 reviews is way better than I, and I think most, thought. I'm looking forward to seeing this and I really hope I like it.
He won't review it. Something something ruining his childhood something something bullshit about a movie nobody has cared about in two decades being a sacred cow.

I am looking forward to the new Ghostbusters film but people need to stop acting like the first film is some forgotten relic that no one has cared about or talked about. Sure, it spawned a lackluster sequel but it also launched a successful video game with the original cast in 2009. A movie that no one has cared about in two decades wouldn't have that sort of success or mean that much to so many people. Sure, it's not Star Wars but it definitely exists on the same level as properties like Back to the Future and even Indiana Jones for a lot of people.

The problem is those who cling on to their love of the first film to the point they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the new one might actually be worth their time.
He won't review it. Something something ruining his childhood something something bullshit about a movie nobody has cared about in two decades being a sacred cow.

Actually, his reasoning was pretty understandable. He said he won't see it because he knows that he'll dislike it based on his admitted personal bias. And nobody is going to want to hear him whine and complain incessantly about it anyway. Sound logic to me.


He won't review it. Something something ruining his childhood something something bullshit about a movie nobody has cared about in two decades being a sacred cow.

Something, something three decades not two. Something, something, people are even angrier at him, because he did not react to all that righteousness thrown at him. How dares he not to change his opinion and not want to watch a movie he does not like or has no interest to see. How dares he to have an opinion which is not my own, this is not a democracy.

Edit: All he did was, he is a big Ghosterbusters fan, he has a big nostalgia site, people would have asked him about the new Ghostbusters, which he made pro-activ a movie and said; I am not going to see that, because I will not like it and he does not want to talk about it. But according to a lot of people, this was already something so terrible, that he should get thrown in front of a bus for that.




This movie's tested my patience with a few people I know.

I can't remember the last time people really loudly wanted you to know how much they don't plan on seeing this movie and their thoughts on the leads of the movie they have NO intentions of seeing.
The salt mines are filling up! But seriously glad to see this movie doing well. i love the original and I was always really excited for this

Really, really shocked at the RT score right now. This movie felt like it had everything going against it.

Wonder if James Rolfe will change his mind on seeing it.

If were splitting hairs that's more of a remake of Planet of the Apes 4 or 5.

On topic I glad it's getting good reviews. Might see it in the theater but the commercials still are not all that funny to me. The how many regulations have broke commercial has given me pause.

Really, really shocked at the RT score right now. This movie felt like it had everything going against it.

Wonder if James Rolfe will change his mind on seeing it.

How did it have everything against it? It has a talented cast, and a director who makes pretty consistently strong work. Some sexist man-babies losing their mind over the cast being made up predominantly by women is not "everything going against it."
How did it have everything against it? It has a talented cast, and a director who makes pretty consistently strong work. Some sexist man-babies losing their mind over the cast being made up predominantly by women is not "everything going against it."

I just meant that basically every trailer they showed off looked horribly unfunny and awkward, but that apparently might not be the case in the actual film.
I just meant that basically every trailer they showed off looked horribly unfunny and awkward, but that apparently might not be the case in the actual film.

Good films get bad trailers and bad films get good trailers (See: Man of Steel), if the trailers for this film were exactly the same but with the cast of This is the End, people would've probably criticized them, but not with the level of vitriol that's been present through this whole film's run-up.
i always loled at the people who thought this would get below 20s RT score, no matter how people on the internet think about him, Feig almost always makes films critics (and the general audience) like.


My daughter (20) just texted me after seeing it and said it was a lot better than she expected, only yesterday she wasn't looking forward to seeing it after the negativity
He made a huge article calling AVGN sexist for not wanting to see the movie. He's an idiot.

It does make wonder about the RT rating if people like him who made these ridiculous articles are factored into the score.

He does seem to have a rather large problem with James Rolfe in general. He's been swatting at him consistently for a while now. It sounds like a personal thing. Who knows.


He's a bit of a dick, but he also knows his shit and is a great critic.

He's actually quite pompous, and as for being a great critic...eh, he's really hit and miss. This is a guy who said that the Lego Movie is better than 2 out of the 3 Toy Story films.

I appreciate how hard he fights for his convictions, though.
A couple things. I'm not really a large proponent for Internet scores, but as far as films go that percentage doesn't scream a great rating. Still, even if the film was a 98% people seem to wait a couple months to start the "overrated / it was shit" to continue some kind of dialog.

More than a 70 means the movie is very good. Even movies in the 30s can be enjoyable, even if not by anyone.


lol calm down Bernie!

I just don't know how these things work, are human beings kind of taking in the vibe of the no-score reviews and assigning it a score for MC? The 40 seems like a fair enough approximation of THR's review but I have no idea where that number came from.

I believe RT will assign a score if you refuse to score it. Iirc this is what was said in a mailbox qa on Collider Videos. Fwiw the rest of COllider and the Schmoes see GB on Tuesday And a few of them will add RT scores afterward.
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