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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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I mean i get some of the hate was because of the all female cast, (I dont mind it, big fan of Wiig's and McKinnon) But i always thought the majority of the hate came from rebooting it instead of making it in the same universe and it being GB 3.

There's plenty of hate for various reasons. A lot of it comes from the immature 'no girls allowed!' part of some people's brains that never quite fully developed. But a lot of it also comes from people who hold the film to a high standard and take issue with the idea of remaking the film at all.


Additionally, dude's making money from publishing film reviews. That makes him a professional critic, and it means his work is open to criticism just as much as any other author publishing criticism professionally is. "His reviews aren't to be taken seriously" is a cop-out.

It's the truth. It's beyond silly to criticize him like he's a serious film critic. His reviews are "This is what I want to see. This is what I don't want to see." Even when he reviews critically panned movies, like Godzilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_ufBleUNos, his complaints are this isn't how Godzilla was when I was a kid rather than anything substantial.


People getting mad at a movie they haven't seen getting positive reviews is so strange to me, and a little hilarious.


I love Ghostbusters 2, and for many reasons, but one reason above all else: Janosz Poha. Peter McNichols was fucking hilarious in that movie. Also, Bill Murray phoning it in is exactly why it's brilliant. Venkman has no interest in being involved in any of these shenanigans, but he does it anyway out of some weird loyalty, just like Bill Murray. And Winston got to do a little bit more, so that always makes me happy.

Ghostbusters 2 isn't Ghostbusters 1, but fuck did I love it when I saw it at age 10, and even now, I rewatch it at least once a year along with the original, because it's fun.


History will vindicate us one day. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Ghostbusters 2 is rendered even more absurd when the a guy working at the psychiatric ward becomes the Mayor in a few years based on the events of the game.


Just came back from seeing this at the cinema in the UK, love the original to bits and thoroughly enjoyed this one as well.

There was the odd moment here and there that I didn't like so much but overall it's a pretty good film.

Just got back from watching this and it is basically The Real Ghostbusters movie.

It exceeded my expectations and it didn't destroy my childhood memories of the original movies.

I'm so glad that it's doing well in the reviews.

Yes that's exactly right and in the best way possible too!

NeoGAF opinions are what matters most, so just like that I'm super-excited to see it.

Thursday is too far away. :(


Just out of a screening, and I'm frankly amazed at how much I enjoyed it :)
And yeah I was as sceptical as most after the first trailers but apart from a few dud jokes, it's a very very solid movie :)
I love Ghostbusters 2, and for many reasons, but one reason above all else: Janosz Poha. Peter McNichols was fucking hilarious in that movie. Also, Bill Murray phoning it in is exactly why it's brilliant. Venkman has no interest in being involved in any of these shenanigans, but he does it anyway out of some weird loyalty, just like Bill Murray. And Winston got to do a little bit more, so that always makes me happy.

Ghostbusters 2 isn't Ghostbusters 1, but fuck did I love it when I saw it at age 10, and even now, I rewatch it at least once a year along with the original, because it's fun.


History will vindicate us one day. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

I like Ghostbusters 2 a lot. I put it on the same level as other sequels to '80s classics like Die Hard 2, RoboCop 2, and The Karate Kid part II. Not nearly as good as the first, but still enjoyable when you're in the right mood.
Just came back from seeing this at the cinema in the UK, love the original to bits and thoroughly enjoyed this one as well.

Just got back from watching this and it is basically The Real Ghostbusters movie.

Yes that's exactly right and in the best way possible too!

Just out of a screening, and I'm frankly amazed at how much I enjoyed it :)
And yeah I was as sceptical as most after the first trailers but apart from a few dud jokes, it's a very very solid movie :)


Actually there is something I need to know-- how does that possession scene actually play out in the movie? Just as cringey as in the first trailer, not as bad? That and the sliming part are the only things I didn't like from the trailers.


People getting mad at a movie they haven't seen getting positive reviews is so strange to me, and a little hilarious.

You should see IMDb... oh boy, what a messy place - in general but especially now after the salt trucks arrival.


Awesome! Care to elaborate without getting spoilery?

It's simply a fun enjoyable movie, nothing more complicated than that really :)

I was sceptical at the start, it struggles a bit at first as many of the jokes just didn't hit for me at all, cringe stuff.

But it gets better, the way they build themselves up as a team is handled and paced well. Characters are likeable too, especially Holtzzmann. The jokes get better and Kevin is surprisingly funny, there's loads of jokes with him that thankfully ain't in the trailer.

Has a number of fan servicey bits too, and a number of good cameos too (apart from one really dumb one that sticks out like a sore thumb)

What was the after credits scene?

I wasn't aware there was one and left after the mid credit montage :/

Googled it now and gutted I didn't stay
sets up zuul


He also enjoyed Episode 1 and Batman v Superman. I love his work, but the man is not a good reviewer.

Why if his opinion on BvS is out of pity for his buddy Affleck?

Just got back from watching this and it is basically The Real Ghostbusters movie.

It exceeded my expectations and it didn't destroy my childhood memories of the original movies.

I'm so glad that it's doing well in the reviews.



Old Member
It's best to pretend Karate Kid part 3 never happened.

The thing that always sticks out to me is that Daniel and Jessica were purposefully kept platonic because in reality Ralph Macchio was like ten years older than her, as well as the main villain supposedly being a Vietnam vet but he was actually a few months younger than Macchio. That whole movie is a giant WTF. Part 2 is one of my favorite sequels ever, though. Fucking Sato was so angry, and Chozen was worse.

Also, yeah. Obviously I love Janosz.


Actually there is something I need to know-- how does that possession scene actually play out in the movie? Just as cringey as in the first trailer, not as bad? That and the sliming part are the only things I didn't like from the trailers.
The possession scene isn't so bad without the 'here come the jokes' trailer pacing but it is still pretty weak. The sliming totally fits the tone of the movie, whether you like that or not will be a different matter altogether!
The thing that always sticks out to me is that Daniel and Jessica were purposefully kept platonic because in reality Ralph Macchio was like ten years older than her, as well as the main villain supposedly being a Vietnam vet but he was actually a few months younger than Macchio. That whole movie is a giant WTF. Part 2 is one of my favorite sequels ever, though. Fucking Sato was so angry, and Chozen was worse.

Also, yeah. Obviously I love Janosz.

He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!

Peter MacNicol is a treasure. Loved him in Dracula: Dead and Loving It. (And I was all alone in that opinion, apparently!)
I think keeping the movie in the same universe would have been better. You don't need Murray there to pass the torch. Have Akroyd be the Spock Prime of the movie. Also, we already got a solid Ghostbusters 3 in the video game

Spock prime was an absolutely terrible decision imo.

Trek should have just been new. Leave the old universe alone entirely. I mean shit they felt the need to blow up Romulus just before switching to a new universe. Cheap.
Hey now, I loved GB2. I know it gets tons of flack but damn it has some great parts.

I'm not dissing GB2, I like it for the most part but I do think it's a huge step down.

The possession scene isn't so bad without the 'here come the jokes' trailer pacing but it is still pretty weak. The sliming totally fits the tone of the movie, whether you like that or not will be a different matter altogether!

Sounds like the possession scene will still be a weak link for me, but yeah it's probably not as bad as it comes off in that first trailer. Regarding the sliming, people are comparing this more to the cartoon than the original film, so I guess I could warm up to that.
I love Ghostbusters 2, and for many reasons, but one reason above all else: Janosz Poha. Peter McNichols was fucking hilarious in that movie. Also, Bill Murray phoning it in is exactly why it's brilliant. Venkman has no interest in being involved in any of these shenanigans, but he does it anyway out of some weird loyalty, just like Bill Murray. And Winston got to do a little bit more, so that always makes me happy.

Ghostbusters 2 isn't Ghostbusters 1, but fuck did I love it when I saw it at age 10, and even now, I rewatch it at least once a year along with the original, because it's fun.


History will vindicate us one day. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Yeah, McNichol cracked me up (and terrified me when he was flying with the pram).



El Topo

MacNicol is by far the best part of Ghostbusters 2.

I didn't think Sony had enough cash to pay off GAF members too

They got cash? Hey, no fair, I got paid off in merchandise. Now what am I gonna do with those 250 McCarthy Ghostbusters toys? Also I got these Slimer toys here that are starting to smell.


Old Member
He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!

Peter MacNicol is a treasure. Loved him in Dracula: Dead and Loving It. (And I was all alone in that opinion, apparently!)

Not one bit. That's one of my favorite goofy movies to watch.


If you're into goofy horror comedies, check out Transylvania 6-5000. It's on Amazon and has Michael Richards in an early role as an idiot butler, as well as Geena Davis as a nymphomaniac vampire and Jeff Goldblum/Ed Begley Jr. as tabloid journalists trying to investigate a sighting of Frankenstein's Monster in 1980s Transylvania. It's a damn riot.
That was more to address his fanbase more than anything he's a well documented ghostbusters fan so he would have got bombarded with requests to review it like I'm sure he would have the TMNT reboot.

Frankly he should have just done the damn review if demand from his fanbase was sooooo overwhelming.
Up to 60 reviews now on RT.

Oh shit a negative from Roeper, 1/4 stars lol

His review is reading like what most people seemed to fear, though most people now are accepting it as a new thing that isn't trying to be like the first one. I imagine many dissenters will latch onto this one.

More like I was horrified by what was transpiring onscreen.

How could so many talented, well-meaning artists, who clearly loved and respected the original, produce such a raggedy-looking, thuddingly unfunny, utterly unnecessary reboot?

Bad acting.

Uninspired directing, editing, cinematography and music.

Cheesy special effects.

A forgettable villain.

A terrible script.


But it gets better, the way they build themselves up as a team is handled and paced well. Characters are likeable too, especially Holtzzmann. The jokes get better and Kevin is surprisingly funny, there's loads of jokes with him that thankfully ain't in the trailer.

Ah cool! This would explain why the movie's being well received, the biggest appeal of the original film was how well the cast played off each other. If the new team still have a strong dynamic, then that can help carry a film even if not every joke lands.


Old Member
Best part of the film.

His bio from the Ultimate GB book is hilarious. MacNicol came up with an intricate backstory for him, including a Moldavian flag which had a slogan that consisted entirely of consonants because they couldn't afford vowels and was a reverse of the "Don't Tread On Me" U.S. flag that featured a rattlesnake stepping on a man.
It's 80%

Let the salt flow (will see this week)

On the other hand, it has a 64/100 on Metacritic. Which is decent, what it seems a fun flick but nothing great.

Though in contrast, other summer blockbusters movies are Warcraft and Independence Day 2 (both with 32/100). So technically Ghostbusters is twice as good as them!

fake edit: I would like game reviews having the range of movies! I see there are scores from 18-22 to 90-97!
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