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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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I honestly have no problem with someone pre-judging a film based on trailers and deciding they're not going to see it. That is frankly, the point of trailers.

Same. I'll certainly judge a movie based on its trailers and say I won't see it. But I'll also leave a window open in case the movie turns out to be actually good.


I think the 'adult' framing is not quite on the mark. The problem with the Angry Videogame Nerd video is not that it demonstrated childishness, but that he's closed-minded. He doesn't have an open enough mind to entertain the possibility that something that defies his expectations might still be worth checking out on its own merits. Plenty of adults are wired that way, they just have narrow critical faculties and should not be taken seriously.

I could see that if the trailers were good. Then you could say he just doesn't want to accept change. But the trailers looked shitty, full of unfunny lazy movie reference humor and bad CGI. I think he just doesn't want it to be different and bad.




I honestly have no problem with someone pre-judging a film based on trailers and deciding they're not going to see it. That is frankly, the point of trailers.

I throw some side-eye his way for making an 7 minute video about his decision - a quick "nah" would've aptly answered his fans' calls - but ultimately, I don't watch Rofle, so his thoughts either way don't really impact me.

You know, watching the Honest Trailer of Ghostbusters II makes me realize how much the premise of that film doesn't make sense.

I think the "it's the exact same plot" part was over simplistic, but I always enjoy Honest Trailers.


Aftershock LA
You're avatar.....all I can picture is, "A child?????", lol.

As I mentioned before, I can't stop reading all of his posts in Janosz's voice. It's both hilarious and irritating. XD

Personally, I like Rolfe as The Angry Video Game Nerd. Well, I did back in the day. With that said, I couldn't care less what he thinks about any movie. The guy's stuck in the past, pining for a time that is long gone. As a 37 year old male, I feel his pain. I grew up in the 80's. Movies like Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Neverending Story, Conan: The Barbarian, Terminator, etc, etc, defined my childhood and love for fiction and creating stories (and drawing them, see my avatar!), but as much as I get nostalgic and reminisce about how awesome it was to hang out at my friends house and play Super C on his NES, or rage at Battletoads with my cousin, those days are gone. Hell, for the past few months, me and my wife have been watching old 80's cartoons every night before bed (Thundercats, Jem, The Real Ghostbusters, etc), and it's been great.

I understand that this newest Ghostbusters isn't necessarily for me, per se. I know it's been created for a 2016 audience with some winks and nods for my generation. I know it's not ever going to capture the magic of sitting down and watching Ghostbusters for the first time when I was a kid. It's not supposed to. I'm sure there are a bunch of 7 and 8 year old boys and girls that will sit down and watch this movie, and feel exactly what we felt when we saw the original movies. That may sound like sacrilege to some of you, but I think it's awesome. My niece and nephew (15, twins), sat down and watched Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi with me, my sister, and my wife last December. At the time, my niece fell asleep during some of Empire and Jedi, and then we went and saw The Force Awakens the next day. She absolutely loved that movie, and then went back and watched the original trilogy, and enjoyed them much more than that first time. I admit, as a kid of about 6 or 7, I found A New Hope to be boring, and Empire to be too scary, whereas I love Jedi. But the point I'm trying to make is that these remakes don't erase the original. Perhaps the 2016 kids will see this new Ghostbusters movie, become crazy fans, and start devouring every bit of Ghostbusters content they can, from the original movies, to the cartoons, to the video games (uh, maybe the Genesis Ghostbusters game, and Xbox360/PS3 game...).

Rolfe is 100% entitled to express his opinion and dislike of this new movie. And I'm 100% entitled to my opinion that he's being a petulant child about it, but it's no skin off my back if some stranger doesn't want to see the movie. His fanbase may have wondered why he didn't review the movie, but was a 7 minute manifesto really necessary when a simple, "I'm not reviewing it because it doesn't interest me," would have sufficed? Or maybe he could have took one for the team and reviewed it anyway, since his fanbase clearly cares about what he thinks, and would have liked to have known his opinion on the film. I don't care much for reviews, but I do enjoy watching Jeremy Jahns and Chris Stuckman's videos. Their taste in movies is fairly similar to my own, and they've recommended enough films that I enjoyed that I give their views a listen (Jeremy Jahn's recommended the film "Hush," which was on Netflix, and I finally got around to watching it about a month or so ago, and it was pretty damn good). I just think it's weird that he had to make a long video going into depth about why he's so angry at the existence of this film that he refuses to see it. I admit I pass on a LOT of movies, but I never feel too compelled to comment on why I'm passing beyond a "not interested." For example, I'm not interested in the Ghost in the Shell movie because of the white-washing of the cast, but I'm not completely writing off seeing it. I'm a huge GiTs fan, and I just want it to be good, first and foremost. I'm disappointed to no end with the white-washing, but I'd be even more disappointed if it sucks ass. I love Avatar: The Last Airbender, but my rage at the movie is only partially due to the white-washing. The fact that it's a miserable "adaptation" of the excellent animated series is the greater offense.

I don't know if we're seeing Ghostbusters this weekend or not (my niece and nephew are super excited for it, as is my sister and wife; and I'm looking forward to it too!), but we will see it at some point in the near future. The cast being women in this new movie didn't even register as a concern, especially when I saw the actresses cast. When the announcements were made, I was like, "Fuck yeah! Great choices!" Then my concern moved on to, "Well, will the movie be good? I fucking hope so." Cast chemistry and ghosts are probably the only real requisite you need for a Ghostbusters movie. The story in Ghostbusters 2 is mediocre, but the cast and their chemistry elevate it. The cast of this new movie seem to have good chemistry from what I've seen, and the actresses are all incredibly funny, so even if the story is mediocre like GB2 (which I love anyway), my hope was that the cast could elevate it. I didn't intend for this post to go so long. Time for a tl;dr:

tl:dr: Rolfe is a petulant child whom I like, but think a simple "I'm not interested" in this movie would have sufficed. No need for a 7 minute manifesto. This Ghostbusters movie isn't 100% geared towards the 30-somethings who grew up watching the originals like myself. It's geared towards people like my niece and nephew; 15 year olds who may find the original movies boring or not as classic as we did, when everything was new and interesting and fresh. Or maybe people that just don't like watching old movies, no matter how "classic" they may be.
You know, watching the Honest Trailer of Ghostbusters II makes me realize how much the premise of that film doesn't make sense.

lol, I've always thought about this on a subconscious level but have never thought about it to the point where I've ever actually mentioned or brought it up. But it makes no sense at all.

If my avatar can bring the joyfulness to one person, my job is complete.

I've been doing it with all of them too, but mainly this one.


hyped to catch this friday - comedy doesnt usually put up high #s' on RT very often, does it? this score looks promising!
honestly just hyped for more GB after all these years

This is the weirdest movie reaction I have ever witnessed in my life. And I saw Highlander 2.

now that, that was a mess
Dear God, people are still talking about the AVGN thing? A dude doesn't want to see a movie. Maybe he's close-minded about it, maybe he's not.


The first trailer was pretty bad

He made a 7 minute movie about it. I think this whole GB dislike phenomenom is quite interesting and should be discussed.

And let those that were bothered by the endless barrage of negative discussion wallow in relief for a while.


He made a 7 minute movie about it. I think this whole GB dislike phenomenom is quite interesting and should be discussed.

And let those that were bothered by the endless barrage of negative discussion wallow in relief for a while.

You know what, yeah, they deserve a bit of a breather considering the shitstorm that followed this movie.
Same. I'll certainly judge a movie based on its trailers and say I won't see it. But I'll also leave a window open in case the movie turns out to be actually good.

On point.

I am not in disagreement though, a small number is still a massive problem but I am simply saying in the overall scheme of things it is a small number of individuals in comparison to the millions of individuals who will see this movie, that trailer had what, 20 million + views?

It had a disproportionate amount of dislikes I agree but how many of those dislikes are motivated by sexism? How many are motivated by jumping on a hate wagon? How many are motivated by genuine dislike of the movie? None of these things are evident, the fact it has a disproportionate amount of dislikes does point towards something strange and it seems likely it may be gender motivated but even when taking that into account it's still a small number.

Well it's not about the comparative number of people who will see the movie at all. The discussion was about the number of people driven to actually like/dislike a video and leave comments, which is a much smaller subset.

The average person who doesn't care for the trailer simply won't see the movie and move on with their life. Perhaps if queried on the street, they may make their viewpoint known, but that's not really the norm for many moviegoers.

When you look at those YouTube numbers, or things like these IMDB reviews, or the comments in any article from merely the announcement of Feig's hiring or the cast. This is before a single frame was shot, nary a trailer to see.

What you are seeing beyond that, into the online discussion of the film, is the idea that trolls and malcontents have gotten much better at hiding their true feelings and intentions. To use a phrase from politics, we're seeing "dog whistles", meaning people couch thoughts they feel will cost them undue attention behind something that looks benign.

Can you fully guess the intentions behind a statement? Not really. You can't quantify it in either direction. It's getting far harder to navigate certain conversations and it's hard to provide more examples without stepping outside of just films. Given the responses to Ghostbusters early on, the well was already tainted and early attempts to even ignore that only made people look worse. If you feel you were caught in that, then diving deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and motivations was the best way forward. When people were pointing out that the dislikes for that first trailer were far beyond anything else in that sphere and in no way organic, ignoring that places you in a bad spot regarding the conversation,

And this is even before you get to unconscious bias, which hits people all the time.

I also feel like it's not downplaying sexism when suggesting that not everybody who has disliked this movie is a sexist, I think that's a realistic outlook, or maybe I am just overly optimistic about the moral standards of most human beings, I don't want to think badly of everyone or the majority of people who dislike this movie, I don't want to think the majority of people who dislike this movie do so because it features women as leads because that would be a very sad state of affairs, I think people are better than that, or I hope they are.

That is a realistic outlook and no one is disagreeing with that. If you're talking about this online, you're already a subset of the population at large. We are no way or shape, the norm.

The reality is however, irrespective of everything, this movie should be rated on it's quality and quality alone and I appreciate that your views differ to mine on the size of the sexist contingent but we are both in agreement that sexism is a problem with this movie and it's disgusting, no amount of sexism is right, even one sexist disliking this movie is disgusting and that's all that matters in that regard doesn't it?

Of course we are in agreement.

I think the "it's the exact same plot" part was over simplistic, but I always enjoy Honest Trailers.

Yeah, I don't think it's all that similar. I'm mostly talking about the "NY believes Ghosts aren't real" part.


He made a 7 minute movie about it. I think this whole GB dislike phenomenom is quite interesting and should be discussed.

And let those that were bothered by the endless barrage of negative discussion wallow in relief for a while.

Realize that he in the past made a 3 minute unprovoked video to say he wants a Ghostbusters 3. When there was no announcement, news, special occasion, or anything. He routinely makes several minute long videos on random thoughts that he has. http://cinemassacre.com/2007/08/03/ghostbusters-3-my-honest-thoughts/

I agree it should be discussed. Because some of the reviewers in RT were writing articles calling him sexist. As you can see in the 2007 video, he said Ghostbusters fans wouldn't be happy if Ben Stiller or other younger actors played Ghostbusters because that wouldn't be Ghostbusters. It's clear by that that him not wanting a different cast isn't sexist. So the reviewers made it up. What does that say about them?


This isn't what happened here. The trailers were not THAT bad to justify the reaction.

As someone who's never had a problem with the all-female cast I can safely say I fucking hated the first trailer. And I don't care about Ghostbusters being ruined or anything like that. It just looked like bad jokes and bad acting to me. Later trailer / spots changed things some.
Personally, I found the first trailer to be terrible. If that was the only thing I had to go on, I certain would not have bothered to watch this movie.

And that's fine, but if being a bad trailer for a reboot were enough to warrant being the most disliked video on Youtube, the Ghostbusters trailer would have taken that "honor" from bad reboots like Robocop.

The reaction to this movie goes way beyond people just being upset at a bad trailer.
Pretty much what I expected. MRAs and those that want "street cred" are going to act like everyone that reviewed it even decently were paid off.
This is the weirdest movie reaction I have ever witnessed in my life. And I saw Highlander 2.

But Highlander 2 never happened. Nope. Never heard of it.....

But seriously, I had a friend with tickets to an advance screening who wrote on FB about how much she liked it. Her first 5 responses were from guys she works with saying how she liked it because she was a female, they weren't going to see it, SJWs, etc, etc. And these people are in their 30s and 40s. I just can't twist my mind around this line of thinking or behaving this way over a movie.


I agree it should be discussed. Because some of the reviewers in RT were writing articles calling him sexist. As you can see in the 2007 video, he said Ghostbusters fans wouldn't be happy if Ben Stiller or other younger actors played Ghostbusters because that wouldn't be Ghostbusters. It's clear by that that him not wanting a different cast isn't sexist. So the reviewers made it up. What does that say about them?

Black & White world, he does not like it, he must be a misogynist. There was never any room for a grey area as it seems. Strange, this used to be only in politics, but it seems gaming and movies are in the same boat now.

Another positive, up to 85 reviews now. Press the button, Stamper.

It is 48% among top critics, Thor the dark World is 46% for example on top critics. Of course they wait.

Came back from seeing Ghostbusters with my kid cousins. They loved it. Was a lot of fun.

Now want to see it another time and in 3D cause heard it's exceptional apparently.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Huge original Ghostbusters fan ... hated the new trailers except for maybe the last one. Reviews have convinced me to give the movie a shot. I mean ... I was willing to give Independence Day 2 a shot so it's only fair.
Came back from seeing Ghostbusters with my kid cousins. They loved it. Was a lot of fun.

Now want to see it another time and in 3D cause heard it's exceptional apparently.

Cute family, man! Glad it was a good time.

I wish my daughters were old enough to go (3 and 4), but they are beyond hyped for when it hits blu-ray.


This whole anti-Ghostbusters "movement" is really fascinating.

It would make a great thesis or article subject for a sociology/gender studies/film studies student.
As someone who's never had a problem with the all-female cast I can safely say I fucking hated the first trailer. And I don't care about Ghostbusters being ruined or anything like that. It just looked like bad jokes and bad acting to me. Later trailer / spots changed things some.

I wasn't saying it was a GOOD trailer, to me it wasn't great, just OK, as most trailers are these days. I am just saying that the response Vs the quality of the trailer was disproportionate.
This whole anti-Ghostbusters "movement" is really fascinating.

It would make a great thesis or article subject for a sociology/gender studies/film studies student.

Oooh. Oh man. If I was still in school I'd write some bad ass papers on this.

My wife ranted at me for 30 minutes when I told her I liked highlander 2.

You married a smart woman.


In other news: 78% at 85 reviews on RT... are they just scared to hit the "Certified" button? Cause this thing's certified, baby. I don't think it's even possible for it to drop below 70% unless the majority of the final reviews are negative.

It is 48% among top critics, Thor the dark World is 46% for example on top critics. Of course they wait.

That has absolutely zilch to do with it.

"Top" critics are no different than any other to me, they may write better or be more knowledged or whatever, but they still just have opinions like anyone else.
Black & White world, he does not like it, he must be a misogynist. There was never any room for a grey area as it seems. Strange, this used to be only in politics, but it seems gaming and movies are in the same boat now.

It is 48% among top critics, Thor the dark World is 46% for example on top critics. Of course they wait.

This isn't really a movie that requires a literary genius' 'top critic' to express its finest sensibilities.
tl:dr: Rolfe is a petulant child whom I like, but think a simple "I'm not interested" in this movie would have sufficed. No need for a 7 minute manifesto.

If you're a fan of his a "No, not seeing it" really isn't what you would want to hear from him. He has made it very clear numerous times over the years how much he is a fan of GB, ridiculously so, so a lengthy explanation to his fans of why he isn't seeing it really is both expected and needed.


The 3D is actually incredibly well done. Also, on non-scope screens and IMAX the effects and characters pop out of the frame onto the black bars, which actually looks quite good since a lot of the FX and characters are very particle-based.

Sounds fun, but as someone who wears prescription glasses, 3D glasses are a pain in the ass to deal with. :/


The 3D is actually incredibly well done. Also, on non-scope screens and IMAX the effects and characters pop out of the frame onto the black bars, which actually looks quite good since a lot of the FX and characters are very particle-based.

Sounds fun, but as someone who wears prescription glasses, 3D glasses are a pain in the ass to deal with. :/

I know that feel.

Unfortunately 3D prices for Thursday seem to be $16 to $19 depending on standard 3D vs IMAX, which is a bit more than I want to pay.

I'll go for a standard showing for opening weekend and if I like it enough I'll try to hit a weekday pre-11am showing to get the cheapest 3D price I can.


Meanwhile, we elected an actually fucking dictator as the GOP nom.

But let's bitch about movies.
I bet there is a correlation between Ghostbusters haters and Trump voters.

I mean, if you can't accept women as ghostbusters, you surely can't accept them as the president either. It would totally ruin all those fond childhood memories from the 80's about old white men as presidents.
I bet there is a correlation between Ghostbusters haters and Trump voters.

I mean, if you can't accept women as ghostbusters, you surely can't accept them as the president either. It would totally ruin all those fond childhood memories from the 80's about old white men as presidents.

Yeah, I agree, but it's best not to go there. I don't like painting too broad a brush to people, since there are people who legit just don't think the movie looks good.
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