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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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They weren't being truthful about Crystal Skull.

Many of those reviewers also had positive things to say about the awful trailers. Many of those reviewers are the same people that made articles calling AVGN a sexist. I don't think those people have any credibility. Like Faraci.

I'd rather wait to see what posters here think. Posters that were away from the controversy.
So you pick the latter then. It just feels like you can't believe a reality where most seem to think it's good and you need to find excuses as to why those opinions don't matter.


So you pick the latter then. It just feels like you can't believe a reality where most seem to think it's good and you need to find excuses as to why those opinions don't matter.

I find it hard to believe that a movie with movie references like "We're gonna need a bigger boat!", "The power of Christ compels you!", "Thats gonna leave a mark", and "Say hello to my little friend!" could be good. But if the consensus here among people that didn't like the trailer is that it's good, I will believe them. The trailer looked so bad that would be a surprise.

Generally I don't agree with RT much. I mean Dumb and Dumber has a score in the 60s. I'll always be more swayed by a consensus here than critic opinions.


I'll be honest, my reasoning for disliking his video is purely because I'm an old curmudgeon who doesn't get why people feel the need (even if they're asked) to put their every thought on YouTube for mass consumption. I'm exactly his age, and probably more obsessed and fanatical about Ghostbusters than he is, yet the new one doesn't cause me any discomfort.
That's because you're a rational person who doesn't feel that your identity is thrown into crisis by the existence of things you might not like. It also helps that you don't have to pander to an audience predominantly consisting of insecure Ghostbusters fans.

Now that reviews are streaming in, it would appear my prediction in the defunct review thread was on the mark:
AntChum said:
I haven't really dived into the clusterfuck that is Ghostbusters (2016), but I'll throw my hat into the ring. I predict a movie worth the price of entry; it'll garner laughs and a respectable RT score, but user ratings will crash like the Hindenburg, because this is the Internet. Feig, the cast, and open-minded audiences will rejoice, while little baby-men will refuse to engage with the movie, opting to fall back on perceived accusations of being sexist.
Nothing to be proud of — it was patently obvious this would be the case.
If the dude who got banned here for sympathizing with a known GGer is reading this, bruh, it had nothing to do with censorship.

Damn, that post-mortem burn.


BTW We're almost to 80 (77) reviews and at 76%! Looks like this train is CERTIFIED FRESH.

the salt trucks continue


Going to see this in just over an hour. Expecting an amusing evening, nothing more or less. Looking forward to it actually, I never really see comedies in the cinema - I usually save those for Netflix. My girlfriend bought tickets as soon as she could because she's in love with Kristen Wiig, Bill Murray and the original movie, and I'm more than happy to go along.

I'll report back later this evening or tomorrow, depending on whether we'll hit the pub afterwards or not.
He most certainly has not deserved the hatred he has received, I think the problem in that regard (the hatred he has received) has been based on people not being able to separate a small number of sexists from people who have genuine fears for the movie based on the quality of the trailers, people who are unable to do that are clearly not interested in discussing the movie anyway so it's probably worth just understanding they are upset (rightly so) with the sexism this movie has received from a subsection of individuals and are simply voicing their opinion on that and unfortunately innocent people have been caught in the middle somewhat.

Once again, the disagreement you tend to have in these threads is always about the same thing. You downplaying the size of that contingent. You realize a refusal to see the scope of a problem is part of the escalation of similar situations, right?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Jesus, Roeper really tore into it.

Still seeing it friday with the girlfriend. She's excited, I'm prepared for whatever to happen. I hope it leans harder into Spy territory.
I can't remember the last time I read or relied on a Roeper review.

Film criticism is much more effective, on a personal level, when you find critics that align to your sensibilities.


We're about to hit certified fresh and the salt is gonna be legendary:


I can't remember the last time I read or relied on a Roeper review.

Film criticism is much more effective, on a personal level, when you find critics that align to your sensibilities.

I don't ever read Roeper's reviews, but looking at his review history I actually don't disagree with a lot of his more recent reviews. I'm actually glad to see him rate something like Popstar highly, as I thought it was great, too.

Still, I'll be catching GB this weekend. I like Feig enough that short of this film getting nothing but unanimously horrible reviews it'd take a lot for me not to see it.

edit: I'm still most curious to see Double Toasted's review. I don't always agree with them on stuff, but I usually appreciate their views on it and find their videos always fun to watch.


I'll be honest, my reasoning for disliking his video is purely because I'm an old curmudgeon who doesn't get why people feel the need (even if they're asked) to put their every thought on YouTube for mass consumption. I'm exactly his age, and probably more obsessed and fanatical about Ghostbusters than he is, yet the new one doesn't cause me any discomfort.


You don't want to see a movie? Fine. But you don't really need to make a smug seven minute video grandstanding about why you don't want to see the movie. Plus, after making such a solid statement as that, if he ever decides to actually watch the movie, he's going to have to eat a whole truckload of crow.

James Rolfe willingly stuck his hand into a hornet's nest. And he didn't just stick his hand in it, he also smacked the nest against his face for good measure.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I really enjoyed the movie. Hope it does well, as I want a sequel.

Liked the cameos and references to previous films, and that after credit scene was great



So? Ignore them just like he does with all other dumb requests that a popular internet celebrity would get. He wasn't getting death threats or something serious that he needed to address those weirdos.
So what? He made a video. That's what youtubers do. Painting him as the face of sexism in nerd culture was still ridiculous.


I'll be honest, my reasoning for disliking his video is purely because I'm an old curmudgeon who doesn't get why people feel the need (even if they're asked) to put their every thought on YouTube for mass consumption. I'm exactly his age, and probably more obsessed and fanatical about Ghostbusters than he is, yet the new one doesn't cause me any discomfort.




You don't want to see a movie? Fine. But you don't really need to make a smug seven minute video grandstanding about why you don't want to see the movie. Plus, after making such a solid statement as that, if he ever decides to actually watch the movie, he's going to have to eat a whole truckload of crow.

James Rolfe willingly stuck his hand into a hornet's nest. And he didn't just stick his hand in it, he also smacked the nest against his face for good measure.

You don't need to but why not do it? The hell with people pathetic enough to be bothered by an opinion of a movie trailer.


Old Member
You don't need to but why not do it? The hell with people pathetic enough to be bothered by an opinion of a movie trailer.

I have the same problem I do with any talking head who thinks their opinion is worth sharing with the world, in that I don't give a shit what they think about anything. If you put it out there, though, don't be shocked when you get burned, and don't be passive aggressive about your reasoning for doing it and use "But they ASKED!" as an excuse.

But, again, I'm completely mystified by the fact that people actually put stock in what him and any YouTuber has to say. I don't give a shit what Roger Ebert said about anything, so some random nobody who reminds me of people I used to kick out of the comic store isn't going to get much of my attention unless he does something stupid, which Rolfe did by stepping into a minefield and being shocked when his leg got blown off.

Now I'm gonna go yell at a cloud.
I can't remember the last time I read or relied on a Roeper review.

Film criticism is much more effective, on a personal level, when you find critics that align to your sensibilities.

This is generally the rule for entertainment reviews of any stripe.

Man, it's insane how any positive reviews of this film get tons of dislikes. Like even the collider review where most of them gave it a 6, has 700+ dislikes.

Indeed. There is a strong campaign against this film, which in turn created a strong campaign for this film.


Old Member
Wait, as an addendum to my last post, I gave a shit what Roger Ebert said about Dark City, because he was right on.

Okay back to yelling at clouds.


Omg this really makes it look like it's teenagers acting the most sexist. A 2.6, eh?

Edit: shouldn't have said "all"

Males 30 to 44 are giving it astronomical hate. Females of any age are almost non existent. Goes to show you that manbabism is a huge problem in society.


So he acts like an adult and addresses his fans and now hes the bad guy for doing so? I guess he should of stayed silent right?

Dude. Making a seven minute video explaining exactly how an upcoming movie is destroying your childhood is not "acting like an adult".


Even the title of the video, "No review. I refuse.", is petulant and childish.


Watched it today in IMAX 3D and really enjoyed the movie. I hope they get a sequel.
The campaign against this movie is just lame, hopefully mainstream moviegoers will ignore that.
Dude. Making a seven minute video explaining exactly how an upcoming movie is destroying your childhood is not "acting like an adult".

whoops sorry i guess people aren't allowed to actually gives reasons and get across certain points because now its whining. But yes lets dismiss his opinion because of the title of the video and the time length instead of his actual reasons.


Old Member
I'd like to posthumously thank my mother for not allowing me to go to school with my clothes on backwards, and also for not buying me the red leather jacket Michael Jackson wore in Thriller that I wanted so badly as a child.


Dude. Making a seven minute video explaining exactly how an upcoming movie is destroying your childhood is not "acting like an adult".


Even the title of the video, "No review. I refuse.", is petulant and childish.
I don't think he actually said that it ruins his childhood, did he? I remember him saying that he doesn't like it and giving his reasons for why.
People need to let the Rolfe thing go. There's literally multiple threads, some that have gone into the near thousands of comments, and yet I still see the same people banging on their drums hoping that if they just try to push their tired argument enough, maybe this time it will stick. I'm personally really sick of this circular discussion.


Indeed. There is a strong campaign against this film, which in turn created a strong campaign for this film.

Yup. Saying you simply don't like the movie based on trailers and moving on, nobody is talking about those people. That is not a hate campaign. The ones still around today with their vitriol, conspiracy theories and willingness to put so much time into letting everyone know what is supposedly "just a personal opinion", that is as I hear the kids on the internet put it now a days, showing your asses.


People are so defensive that in their heads someone saying they're tired of bad remakes (which the trailer for GB made it look like) = they must think their childhood is destroyed.


Old Member
Or maybe they're just tired of grown ass men acting like children over things that do not matter. It's not just about Rolfe to me, it's about the way fans of properties that I'm also a fan of act whenever something new hits if it's not specifically what they want.

It happens with G.I. Joe, He-Man, Transformers, to a lesser extent the Vacation series, and anything that the current 34-40 demographic latched on to as a kid. They hold these things sacred, and any attempt to update or change them is reacted to in the same manner, though it's hardly ever as loud or sustained as the GB reaction has been.

It's fucking embarrassing to fans of these properties that developed mentally beyond the age of 8. There's an action figure line out there tailored specifically to fans of the old He-Man cartoon and series, and if I showed you some of the ways people have reacted to insignificant things like Moss Man's ears not being flocked like the original figure's were, you'd probably be shocked into silence.
I don't think he actually said that it ruins his childhood, did he? I remember him saying that he doesn't like it and giving his reasons for why.
Correct he doesnt say that. People just assumed he was being a man baby like the real ones and lumped him in that camp.

People are so defensive that in their heads someone saying they're tired of bad remakes (which the trailer for GB made it look like) = they must think their childhood is destroyed.

Its ludicrous. Also James even says that the reason hes not watching isn't because it looks bad. Its mostly because he doesn't like the fact that they didn't do a proper sequel that would expand on the ghostbuster universe while the past actors are still around and instead went the route of a reboot.
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