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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Old Member
Also James even says that the reason hes not watching isn't because it looks bad. Its mostly because he doesn't like the fact that they didn't do a proper sequel that would expand on the ghostbuster universe when the past actors are still around and instead went the route of a reboot.

That argument holds zero water considering we already got one and it wasn't anywhere close to the first one's quality.
Or maybe they're just tired of grown ass men acting like children over things that do not matter. It's not just about Rolfe to me, it's about the way fans of properties that I'm also a fan of act whenever something new hits if it's not specifically what they want.

It happens with G.I. Joe, He-Man, Transformers, to a lesser extent the Vacation series, and anything that the current 34-40 demographic latched on to as a kid. They hold these things sacred, and any attempt to update or change them is reacted to in the same manner, though it's hardly ever as loud or sustained as the GB reaction has been.

It's fucking embarrassing to fans of these properties that developed mentally beyond the age of 8. There's an action figure line out there tailored specifically to fans of the old He-Man cartoon and series, and if I showed you some of the ways people have reacted to insignificant things like Moss Man's ears not being flocked like the original figure's were, you'd probably be shocked into silence.
The popular sentiment they almost all say is "Hollywood should just leave them alone and make new stuff". An IP doesn't just sit there and never gets touched decades later.
That argument holds zero water considering we already got one and it wasn't anywhere close to the first one's quality.

So wanting a storyline to move foward isn't a valid opinion because a movie was bad in the franchise? Ok. Good thing the people involved in star wars didn't believe that and made episode 7+ instead of rebooting the franchise after the prequels were largely underwhelming.


whoops sorry i guess people aren't allowed to actually gives reasons and get across certain points because now its whining. But yes lets dismiss his opinion because of the title of the video and the time length instead of his actual reasons.

He can make whatever video he wants. Just don't say he's acting like an adult.


People need to let the Rolfe thing go. There's literally multiple threads, some that have gone into the near thousands of comments, and yet I still see the same people banging on their drums hoping that if they just try to push their tired argument enough, maybe this time it will stick. I'm personally really sick of this circular discussion.

This, christ I'm so sick of that video being brought up. The naysayers made it more of a thing than it ever needed to be, just like a certain film that just came out :p


Dude. Making a seven minute video explaining exactly how an upcoming movie is destroying your childhood is not "acting like an adult".


Even the title of the video, "No review. I refuse.", is petulant and childish.

Angry Video Game Nerd is funny VS Angry Joe who is irritating. All in all we get nonsense splurging about. People that take Youtubers seriously are not very good at understanding value of entertainment. If something either sucks or is good, the message should be taken with grains of salt. A professional journalist tries to have more relevance, but even that at the end of the day is to be quested because no 2 people are exactly alike.

A valid point of view can only be formed if one knows the process of filmmaking inside and out. I've never been in an actor or director's shoes. I don't know if it could have been done better or worse from their perspective. They know their own philosophies and material better than anyone else. They studied and mastered the art of it. What does some dumbass on the internet know other than a film can make them react to a smile or frown?


Old Member
So wanting a storyline to move foward isn't a valid opinion because a movie was bad in the franchise? Ok. Good thing the people involved in star wars didn't believe that and made episode 7+ instead of rebooting the franchise after the prequels were largely underwhelming.

That would probably be a good analogy if Episode 7 wasn't a straight up remake of ANH. And also if it were any good.

After GB2 and the death of Ramis, do you really think that continuing the previous story would be a good idea? No one wanted to do it.
I can't wait for the DoubleToasted, RLM and Kermode reviews.

I don't think im gonna watch this movie until it comes out on Blu-ray, but I'll happily watch the MRAs/GGers children and man-children cry as the movie gets a somewhat positive reception.


OMG, your avatar took me back to the 1990s.


Same here. Except in non-flatering or positive way.

Or maybe they're just tired of grown ass men acting like children over things that do not matter. It's not just about Rolfe to me, it's about the way fans of properties that I'm also a fan of act whenever something new hits if it's not specifically what they want.

It happens with G.I. Joe, He-Man, Transformers, to a lesser extent the Vacation series, and anything that the current 34-40 demographic latched on to as a kid. They hold these things sacred, and any attempt to update or change them is reacted to in the same manner, though it's hardly ever as loud or sustained as the GB reaction has been.

It's fucking embarrassing to fans of these properties that developed mentally beyond the age of 8. There's an action figure line out there tailored specifically to fans of the old He-Man cartoon and series, and if I showed you some of the ways people have reacted to insignificant things like Moss Man's ears not being flocked like the original figure's were, you'd probably be shocked into silence.

YOU. I like you. Let's yell at clouds togheter.


It's not an adult thing to say This movie doesn't look like it's going to be what I want, so I'm not going to see it and I'm disappointed. Everyone must like and see everything and never complain.
That would probably be a good analogy if Episode 7 wasn't a straight up remake of ANH. And also if it were any good.

After GB2 and the death of Ramis, do you really think that continuing the previous story would be a good idea? No one wanted to do it.

I guess we can't have a real discussion if thats the defense you're going with in terms of star wars. Its funny though for gb2 and star wars tfa being so bad they certainly broke a record or two at the box office. Also lets stop pretending one bad movie in a franchise destroys any chances at a good sequel.


Old Member
It's not an adult thing to say This movie doesn't look like it's going to be what I want, so I'm not going to see it and I'm disappointed. Everyone must like and see everything and never complain.

It's not an adult thing to post a video from your cave that contains all your childhood comforts that shield you from the world telling all your like-minded followers why you won't see a damn movie that dares do something you don't personally like.

Or maybe that's what passes for adults, these days?

I guess we can't have a real discussion if thats the defense you're going with in terms of star wars. Also lets stop pretending one bad movie in a franchise destroys any chances at a good sequel.

Or maybe we can't have a real discussion if you can't see that making another GB movie with the OG cast is something that shouldn't, and couldn't, be done again.
It's not an adult thing to post a video from your cave that contains all your childhood comforts that shield you from the world telling all your like-minded followers why you won't see a damn movie that dares do something you don't personally like.

Or maybe that's what passes for adults, these days?

Or maybe we can't have a real discussion if you can't see that making another GB movie with the OG cast is something that shouldn't, and couldn't, be done again.

Like someone said before. He's a youtuber, of course he's going to make a video.


Old Member
Like someone said before. He's a youtuber, of course he's going to make a video.

It's a generational thing I'm never going to understand, I guess. I'll leave this particular discussion up to people who may be able to wrap their heads around the concept of YouTubers. I'm actually raging more at the concept of YouTubers actually being a thing, it's just being projected on a convenient target in Rolfe.


It's not an adult thing to post a video from your cave that contains all your childhood comforts that shield you from the world telling all your like-minded followers why you won't see a damn movie that dares do something you don't personally like.

Or maybe that's what passes for adults, these days?
You wrote it better than I could.

Like someone said before. He's a youtuber, of course he's going to make a video.
He may have an adult motive (money), but like Adam Sandler, it's still not the actions of an adult.


It's not an adult thing to post a video from your cave that contains all your childhood comforts that shield you from the world telling all your like-minded followers why you won't see a damn movie that dares do something you don't personally like.

Or maybe that's what passes for adults, these days?

I passed about 100 adults on my way home from work yesterday on the street walking around with their phones in front of them playing Pokemon Go. Being a adult has changed.


Old Member
Yeah I can't argue with that. I'm stuck in a dead zone between generations, where all I can do is look backward and forward and be confused by both.


Or maybe they're just tired of grown ass men acting like children over things that do not matter. It's not just about Rolfe to me, it's about the way fans of properties that I'm also a fan of act whenever something new hits if it's not specifically what they want.

It happens with G.I. Joe, He-Man, Transformers, to a lesser extent the Vacation series, and anything that the current 34-40 demographic latched on to as a kid. They hold these things sacred, and any attempt to update or change them is reacted to in the same manner, though it's hardly ever as loud or sustained as the GB reaction has been.

It's fucking embarrassing to fans of these properties that developed mentally beyond the age of 8. There's an action figure line out there tailored specifically to fans of the old He-Man cartoon and series, and if I showed you some of the ways people have reacted to insignificant things like Moss Man's ears not being flocked like the original figure's were, you'd probably be shocked into silence.

There were four terrible Transformers films and two terrible G.I. Joe films but I don't remember nearly the amount of outrage over those as this Ghostbusters film. It's so baffling to me.
I passed about 100 adults on my way home from work yesterday on the street walking around with their phones in front of them playing Pokemon Go. Being a adult has changed.

Sorry but being an adult apparently means not having an opinion you can share with people and not collecting "childish" things. People freak out over a rather tame opinion and lash out at the person yet they have the nerve to call him childish. Its ridiculous.


Old Member
There were four terrible Transformers films and two terrible G.I. Joe films but I don't remember nearly the amount of outrage over those as this Ghostbusters film. It's so baffling to me.

Go check out some Transformers and GI Joe sites. It's still going on.

Sorry but being an adult apparently means not having an opinion you can share with people and not collecting "childish" things.


This is one corner of my place. Don't give me that shit.


I passed about 100 adults on my way home from work yesterday on the street walking around with their phones in front of them playing Pokemon Go. Being a adult has changed.

When The 40-Year Old Virgin came out ten or so years ago, this was considered a joke:



Old Member
When The 40-Year Old Virgin came out ten or so years ago, this was considered a joke:


At one point my place looked like that, when I was in my 20s.

I'm the last person that will throw stones for collecting shit, especially stuff you loved as a kid. But you have to keep it at a healthy level, which a lot of people don't.

The Christmas lights remind me of that popular Goldeneye 64 streamer who has had his up for a few years now. Funny stuff.

I have them up because for some reason there is literally no ceiling light in that portion of the living room, so I have to use ambient light and shit like Christmas lights to keep it from looking like a cave. They're attached to a Lone Star Beer neon sign that would probably make most reasonable people cringe.
Sorry but being an adult apparently means not having an opinion you can share with people and not collecting "childish" things. People freak out over a rather tame opinion and lash out at the person yet they have the nerve to call him childish. Its ridiculous.

Or it could mean not prejudging a film months before the first reviews even hit.


Old Member
This thread is a mix of man-babies or people really excited to out man-babies and ridicule them for said man-babying.

Somewhere in here is Ghostbusters 2016 discussion.

I know there was a spoiler OT floating around this morning, but I'm not sure if there's a non-spoiler one.
It's outrage like this why I don't have a raging hate boner for the SW Prequels.

Yeah, I don't like them, but there are enough kids for whom those films are "my Star Wars". Much like Kids raised on Clone Wars, or those watch Force Awakens and Rebels now. It all feeds back into the mother ship, so it's best to let them have their fun and if you believe your stuff is better, be good and give them a solid, helpful gateway. "You liked X? Cool. Not my thing, but you should try Y."

If their potential gateway is you saying their stuff is shit... well.


I passed about 100 adults on my way home from work yesterday on the street walking around with their phones in front of them playing Pokemon Go. Being a adult has changed.

I think the 'adult' framing is not quite on the mark. The problem with the Angry Videogame Nerd video is not that it demonstrated childishness, but that he's closed-minded. He doesn't have an open enough mind to entertain the possibility that something that defies his expectations might still be worth checking out on its own merits. Plenty of adults are wired that way, they just have narrow critical faculties and should not be taken seriously.


Old Member
I think the 'adult' framing is not quite on the mark. The problem with the Angry Videogame Nerd video is not that it demonstrated childishness, but that he's closed-minded. He doesn't have an open enough mind to entertain the possibility that something that defies his expectations might still be worth checking out on its own merits. Plenty of adults are wired that way, they just have narrow critical faculties and should not be taken seriously.

You said it a hell of a lot better than I could.
Or it could mean not prejudging a film months before the first reviews even hit.

If he said its going to suck I'd agree with you. He doesn't want to watch it for his reasons given, Which seems to have nothing to do with the quality. That should be the end of it. You don't need to watch every film even if it belongs to a franchise you love. He made a video to address his fans and gave reasons and it blew up into something more then it needed to be.
If he said its going to suck I'd agree with you. He doesn't want to watch it for his reasons given, Which seems to have nothing to do with the quality. That should be the end of it. You don't need to watch every film even if it belongs to a franchise you love. He made a video to address his fans and gave reasons and it blew up into something more then it needed to be.

Yeah, but he's probably going to anyway.


At one point my place looked like that, when I was in my 20s.

I'm the last person that will throw stones for collecting shit, especially stuff you loved as a kid. But you have to keep it at a healthy level, which a lot of people don't.

Ya, when I was in my 20s I had a variety of geeky things on display in my room, but on a much smaller scale, and certainly no unopened action figures.

You're right about collectors. Buy things that you like, but don't give into the idea that you have to buy all the things.
I honestly have no problem with someone pre-judging a film based on trailers and deciding they're not going to see it. That is frankly, the point of trailers.

I throw some side-eye his way for making an 7 minute video about his decision - a quick "nah" would've aptly answered his fans' calls - but ultimately, I don't watch Rofle, so his thoughts either way don't really impact me.

You know, watching the Honest Trailer of Ghostbusters II makes me realize how much the premise of that film doesn't make sense.


It's fucking embarrassing to fans of these properties that developed mentally beyond the age of 8. There's an action figure line out there tailored specifically to fans of the old He-Man cartoon and series, and if I showed you some of the ways people have reacted to insignificant things like Moss Man's ears not being flocked like the original figure's were, you'd probably be shocked into silence.
See the Transformers fandom when non-G1 Masterpiece toys like Optimus Primal or Star Saber were revealed.
If he said its going to suck I'd agree with you. He doesn't want to watch it for his reasons given, Which seems to have nothing to do with the quality. That should be the end of it. You don't need to watch every film even if it belongs to a franchise you love. He made a video to address his fans and gave reasons and it blew up into something more then it needed to be.

It blew up because he made a 7 minute long video passing judgment on a film he hadn't seen yet. Yes, we all have our initial impressions of films but most of us at least feign an openness to being proven wrong. You don't need to watch every film in a franchise you love, but that's not what he said. He complained about this new one supposedly sweeping the old one under the rug even though the reviews claim the opposite: that it's too referential to the original. He complained that kids today may not know about the prerequisite of seeing the originals. He complained that its title was the same as the original before going on to praise 2009's Star Trek, which also had a title that was the same as its original. Don't get me wrong - he had a cool demeanor through all of this, but the reason why that video is so beloved amongst so many anti-GB 2016 fans is that it ultimately boils down to the "If they aren't going to do this my way, then fuck them for doing it at all" position he takes, "torch passing" and all.

But there is a part of me that believes you when you say it's not about quality, given that he watched the god awful Turtles sequel.

People pre-judge movies all the time based on the trailers. Why should GB be any different?

Because it's one thing to say, "Based off the trailers, I don't think it looks very good." and another thing to flatly state that regardless of how the film ends up being you still refuse to see it.
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