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Ghosthunter - Gamespot & IGN reviews


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Ghosthunter isn't a game that will appeal to hardcore survival horror aficionados, nor is it going to have much appeal to anybody who wants serious challenge or longevity out of their action games. The fact is, Ghosthunter is a very easy game that shouldn't take more than eight or nine hours to complete, and there isn't really anything to bring you back to the game once you're done with it. However, Ghosthunter is still a very enjoyable experience for as long as it lasts. Most players should be able to forgive its relative simplicity thanks to its excellent ambiance and entertaining characters and storyline. You definitely won't find yourself challenged by anything Ghosthunter has to offer, but thankfully, the ride the game takes you on is thrilling enough to make it so you won't even care."


9.5 Presentation
Minimal loading, a load of effects, progressive scan support, and solidity throughout make for quite a game.
9.5 Graphics
There is simply no explanation as to how someone could have made characters as detailed, smooth, and cool as this. That same someone also dropped them into equally awesome environments.
8.5 Sound
Voices are great fun and appropriately off-the-wall; effects also run from blares and blasts to gun shots and rattles of glass. Still, it's the creeped-out dynamic music that really sells the title.
7.5 Gameplay
It's not the repetitive shooting that bugs, it's the ridiculous puzzles and how they make the repetitive shooting bug. Ditch Astral! Kill her immediately.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
After the singleplayer campaign there's little to nothing to justify a replay. Regardless of that sad fact, the singleplayer mode manages to be more than enough on its own.
(out of 10 / not an average)

"Workable but straightforward action marred only by some annoying puzzles isn't a bad thing. When you take that, combine it with likable characters, an interesting and ridiculous plotline, and some of the best visuals around, you get something that's great.

It's gorgeous and well-produced. But, for almost as many times as it is exhilarating and awe inspiring, Ghosthunter is also mundane. This is an experience that shouldn't be casually disregarded by PS2 gamers looking for something new, but it's still not perfect.

Buy into Ghosthunter and you'll be satisfied, just not for the reasons you thought you would be"


I played this game loved it and finished it. The gameplay is addictive as hell. I agree with IGN that there's nothing to justify a replay but the game is pretty huge imo.
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