Gold Member
Even as a PC gamer, you still need to thank console generations for keeping gaming moving constantly forward.
Not really. Consoles are actually worse for PC games. Games get made for consoles and then ported to PC. The optimization is generally worse for PC gamers than console gamers. If the games were developed for PC in the first place PC gamers would be a whole lot better off.
Without consoles, what exactly would be the minimum spec developers would be aiming for? 10 year old systems? Integrated graphics? The weakest GPU's currently on sale? What drive would there be as such, for most people to upgrade their specs? Consoles keep the baseline moving, and with it the upper ceiling for what high end PC games can realistically and easily afford to add as nice extras.
Your entire argument hinges upon the assumption that if consoles didn't exist companies like NVIDIA wouldn't want to improve their GPUs so they could sell more hardware. That's absolutely ridiculous. Competition drives progress, sure. But we don't need consoles for that - just more companies developing PC hardware. But even without competition there would still be improvements over time. If there weren't the hardware companies would go out of business.
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