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Giant Bomb #11 | Thanks for the Spelunkin', the Spookin', and the Scoopin'

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Fuck I just realized. An lol with no context.

You suck!



So I just realized something after watching the Celebrity Poker quicklook for like the 10th time.

When they lower the video quality, Frakes is the only player left in the game (they kicked out Morgan and Joe a couple of minutes earlier)... I wonder if they all do a stupid face if they are all in the game at the time.


A good strange little man
There are two episodes of Metal Gear Scanlon left. One goes from
the initial torture with Solidus up to the big fight in the circular room where you're alongside Snake and you have the sword
. The finale picks up there and has
the fight with the RAYs, Solidus, and all the crazy ending nonsense.
MGS2 spoilers I guess

How soon
after the torture room does the Colonel stuff start?

Is it right away or does that kick off a little later


There are two episodes of Metal Gear Scanlon left. One goes from
the initial torture with Solidus up to the big fight in the circular room where you're alongside Snake and you have the sword
. The finale picks up there and has
the fight with the RAYs, Solidus, and all the crazy ending nonsense.

Thanks Dan, you're history's most amazing monster.
I've always hated MGS. I remember playing it when it came out and thinking the cut scenes looked like garbage, and the story just seemed done. I picked up VR Missions when it came out and liked it a whole lot better because it was all gameplay without the crap story.

I played a bit of 2, 3 and 4 when they came out to see if they got any better, but put them down after an hour or two and never picked them back up. Whenever someone would talk to me about MGS I immediately turned my brain off and wanted nothing to do with the conversation.

That is until this series. It's still a game I would never play on my own, and I still think the story is so far up it's own ass, but man, there is something about Dan and Drew playing this game, It's really interesting. I am really enjoying having someone explain the game as it is happening, maybe that is why I am enjoying it so much more.

Anyways, thanks Dan for pushing Drew to play this game,and for opening my eyes a bit and helping me understand WHY people like these games so much and for allowing me to drop my bias toward this series and enjoy it for what it is.
Mordor has to be the most underwhelming GOTY in forever. What a sad year for games.

It's been probably the worst year in the AAA space I can remember. My GOTY is a tossup between the WoW expansion and South Park, and neither of those are games I consider "great". Dark Souls 2 and Mordor were the only full price console titles I picked up this year and played to completion.
There are two episodes of Metal Gear Scanlon left. One goes from
the initial torture with Solidus up to the big fight in the circular room where you're alongside Snake and you have the sword
. The finale picks up there and has
the fight with the RAYs, Solidus, and all the crazy ending nonsense.

Dan I'm going to drink my year old whiskey tomorrow night

On the finale I will drink some Vodka I got

Thanks Dan!
Mordor has to be the most underwhelming GOTY in forever. What a sad year for games.

Well it's good that Giant Bomb Dot Com saw the light and picked Bayonetta 2 as their Game Of The Year.

I need to believe
I was watching this and the next video picked by Gamespot's stupid autoplay was Jess McDonell's top 5. Based on those two lists, Jess > Mary.
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