SMT games actually share continuity? Well that series recycles plots and themes even worse than the Zelda franchise so maybe it makes sense.
Brad's not here?
Brad Shoemaker
Inside 72 hours till I'm on an airplane and the official frantically-budgeting-time-to-get-everything-done period has begun.
12:18 PM - 18 Dec 2014
An all email JeffCast could be fun. He can read all the "beef" emails that Brad was too pussy to read since he took over.![]()
Why is the live stream tomorrow?
Isn't today the last day they're in the office?
Jeff-Dan-Drew-Jason is a really nice group, an all emails cast with them will be good.
by destroying his voice
having no codecs
i dont think so
Oh, so Brad will not be on the podcast? Wonder who will be the guest then. Let's gooo Dany!
Oh, so Brad will not be on the podcast? Wonder who will be the guest then. Let's gooo Danny!
If one of you Twitter cats sees something, please call my office (or post in this thread, whatever works).I don't have an office
I saw that Danny is in Ireland!Oh, so Brad will not be on the podcast? Wonder who will be the guest then. Let's gooo Danny!
If one of you Twitter cats sees something, please call my office (or post in this thread, whatever works).I don't have an office
Man I fish.
I am indeed a Twitter cat and will report anything to you captain!
I saw that Danny is in Ireland!
Even Sutherland is doing a better job than Hayter.
Mar y kish.
Three.two can play this game
two can
this being neogaf ill just say it right now mgs5 sucks and anyone who defends it is hitler
remasters make GOTY chatter real fucking lame
What if that was the plot of MGS5? You have to defend the fifth Metal Gear against unknown attackers, and at the end you find out that you're Hitler.
Then it cuts to FMV of Kojima and Keifer Sutherland cooking eggs, smoking, and laughing.
remasters make GOTY chatter real fucking lame
in regards to the people choosing them, or the people talking about the people who choose them?
both, of course
I won't begrudge people choosing them too much, because at end of the day it's just what you played and liked the most, and I can't say "oh you should have played GTA V or TLOU last year!", especially when the remasters were both inevitable and far more inticing.
I just think it leads to a lot of situations where someone is like "2014, huh? Well, GTA sure was sweet!" and I'm like "er, yeah, we knew this last year.". And also that's annoying too.also fuck GTA V.
IDK. I'm just glad Giant Bomb, and most (collective) site lists, don't pull that shit.
Yeah. I think including them kind of breaks lists though. The games that get remastered or rereleased are, more often than not, already some of the best games at the times of their original releases. Putting out a better version of an already great game shouldn't make it count as a new game though?
Personal lists, I don't care. Site/publication lists though probably shouldn't count them.
Have we talked about how the end of Bombin this week is weird?
Pat saying, 2014 has been a pleasure to Alex, etc, then, "I am sure this is not the last time we'll do something together."
Just interesting phrasing. Could obviously mean just in 2014, but, they already mentioned how 2014 was wrapped up. Dunno.
I just want one more movie podcast before the years done.
has there been any official schedule for the rest of Metal Gear Scanlon? I need my fix!
Also i'm driving to a rather rural area for christmas and even 4g is spotty. Going to make it tough to watch if i can't download beforehand.
I just want one more movie podcast before the years done.
Well, I hope that NY hire they are keeping pretty low-key doesn't mean bad news for the current staff.Have we talked about how the end of Bombin this week is weird?
Pat saying, 2014 has been a pleasure to Alex, etc, then, "I am sure this is not the last time we'll do something together."
Just interesting phrasing. Could obviously mean just in 2014, but, they already mentioned how 2014 was wrapped up. Dunno.
Well, I hope that NY hire they are keeping pretty low-key doesn't mean bad news for the current staff.
or maybe he just meant it's not the last time they'll do something in 2014.
or maybe he just meant it's not the last time they'll do something in 2014.