so how many more console launches do you think you're going to be a part of?
I hope giant bomb takes a look at dirty bomb...
I have no clue what it is but it doesn't have an nda anymore.
Jeff's WWE supercard addiction ends the 15th
Punch Out is coming up on AGDQ.
Ryckert better study.
Splash Damage. Eh.
Looks a lot like Brink
Scott Hall replied to (and apparently follows?) Dan on Twitter:
And suddenly I'm reminded Scott Hall is a middle-aged Southern redneck and is probably a slightly racist conservative.
nice ryan quote at the end there
Got your wish, Vinny is the new writer http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/it-s-a-gbeast-of-a-new-year/1100-5166/
Got your wish, Vinny is the new writer http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/it-s-a-gbeast-of-a-new-year/1100-5166/
Fair play, Quake Wars was way better than it had any right to be. Shame it came out in 2007 in the middle of so many other fantastic shooters. Damn that year was insane.Brink was unfortunately pretty awful, but I loved Quake Wars. Played a ton of that game, even played a few competitive games (though we lost horribly). Something really clicked with me with that game. I think it was the combination of some RTS elements and pretty solid, fast shooting mechanics. I also really liked that the two factions (Humans, Strogg) played pretty differently. The maps were really well designed and there were always multiple ways to achieve an objective. Man, that game was awesome. It didn't review too well and it wasn't super popular either, but I loved it.
Are you basically asking us our age, if we're purchasing consoles at launch or how long consoles (in their current form) will last?
shuddup, he's a fucking cuban immigrant trying to make ends meet. had the 123 kid not stolen his sack of money, he would've probably retired ages ago.
First episode of Polar Bear Cafe was pretty legit. Greg is an anime expert after all.
The real news out of Vinny's writeup: someone, somewhere wrote the word "VinnyVania" on an internal memo and Vinny took a screen capture of it and remembered he has to beat Castlevania II this year.
so alt f1 is dead?
Got your wish, Vinny is the new writer http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/it-s-a-gbeast-of-a-new-year/1100-5166/
As far as I'm concerned, Vinny can write whatever he wants. He's awesome.
so alt f1 is dead?
Forget it.
The podcast is also finished. Danny and Drew are going to do something else this year.F1 is off season for a few months.
The podcast is also finished. Danny and Drew are going to do something else this year.
Such a party pooper!I feel like I ruined the party.
Both Jeff and Vinny have forced me to read actual words in the past week.
I am not happy about it.
I'm a native so I have a kind of 6th sense when it comes to local weather. I stayed home on Tuesday on a hunch as all my coworkers took 3 hours to get to work and several got in accidents. Total disaster. This area can't handle seasons.
Both Jeff and Vinny have forced me to read actual words in the past week.
I am not happy about it.
Great! I'm ready for my new overlord!Got your wish, Vinny is the new writer http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/it...ear/1100-5166/
surprised they haven't done a QL of the Halo 4 beta yet