Yooooooooooooooo. Daredevil is violent as fuck. It's actually pretty refreshing to see an MCU thing where they don't pull any punches.
I look forward to Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
I was sad that Rock On isn't on Android, but the dev's other apps are there so it's probably just a matter of time.
GNR's song library sounds like it has the exact same range as Nickelback.
GNR's song library sounds like it has the exact same range as Nickelback.
I'll never understand rock music. What makes Guns and Roses good and Nickelback bad? It all kinda sounds the same to me.
I think you may be in the wrong thread, this post has nothing to do with Nickelback.
Ah, but you see one is cool to like and the other isn't.
even Giant Bomb goes through the Kanye cycle
I'm a bit behind on the stream, but do people agree with Dan that SOAD is terrible?
I'm a bit behind on the stream, but do people agree with Dan that SOAD is terrible?
A Kanye directed MGS sounds hilarious.
A Kanye directed MGS sounds hilarious.
I liked them back in the day, but tried to listen to them recently...I'm not a big fan anymore.
would be anime as fuck. even more so.
Like all garbage things, it costs NINE NINETY NINE.i hope this game is free cuz it's garbage