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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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I was an FPS fan that only owned a Wii. The Conduit was very special to me.

And I maintain wiimote aiming is second only to mouse aiming as far as shooter controls go. Fuck gamepads.


Did Brad actually say anything to confirm it?

He's been confirmed for a while though, no? And given copies have been in the wild for the last week I kinda assumed any twitter drama would be about what happens with him in the story
(Given Boon said there's specificially one thing in the game people wouldn't see coming I assumed it could be that.)

Maybe I'm just paranoid over spoilers when Brad is concerned.

Doubt you should read too much into it.
Kenshi? you can see him in one of the trailers, iirc

He's been confirmed for a while though, no? And given copies have been in the wild for the last week I kinda assumed any twitter drama would be about what happens with him in the story
(Boon said there's one thing in the game people wouldn't see coming so I assumed it could be that.)

Maybe I'm just paranoid over spoilers when Brad is concerned.
fighting games

Dan is dead to me after his Axl and GFWL comments, what a strange individual...
He's been confirmed for a while though, no? And given copies have been in the wild for the last week I kinda assumed any twitter drama would be about what happens with him in the story
(Boon said there's one thing in the game people wouldn't see coming I assumed it could be that.)

Maybe I'm just paranoid over spoilers when Brad is concerned.
Something we wouldn't see coming?

Oh. Oooooooooh!


Oh my god "they destroyed cartoons"

I know you guys probably pointed this out but goddamn there are several dedicated cartoon channels.

No, cartoons are dead. No more cartoons in this world.

let me tell you guys about Fame Douglas...

Say what you will about DOA, Fame Douglas is one of the greatest names of all time.

Anyways, good UPF! Now onto watching the last episode of MGScanlon 3.


Drunky McMurder
not with the cleavage that guy was looking for

Yeah, nobody makes cartoons with cleavage any more.

What? It was a long week. I'm allowed to light a weekend fuse now and again. Now excuse me while I get out of the blast radius.
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