God Hand. This episode could have had 30 minutes of God Hand.
Let's be honest, this whole episode could have been God Hand.
God Hand. This episode could have had 30 minutes of God Hand.
Archaix, I have an extra power supply if you need one.
I should mention that it, too, is broken.
We should meet up and have a broken power supply party. I also have a broken monitor, motherboard, and an extra case lying around. This "upgrade" has been a nightmare. I did get to confuse the guy at the Mueler Best Buy though, because he had no idea what I meant when I said I needed an internal power supply for my PC. He pointed at the laptop chargers and looked confused. That was fun.
Oh man, that has been my experience at local electronic retailers as well. They just have no idea. I'm fortunate enough to live in an awesome city, though, so when my PSU went out I was able to order one from Amazon and have it delivered less than 2 hours later.
I was expecting Tron Bonne. God Hand... man.
Endurance Run of God Hand. PLEASE.
Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.
Oh I totally could have used that quick delivery from Amazon. Best Buy had a sale though, and was closer than two hours. I did have to fight the urge to order a pizza stone just because when I got the email that Prime Now was available last month. I was drunk, and I thought if I had the power to make somebody bring me a totally unnecessary cooking appliance at 10PM, I should exercise that power. I thought better of it.
at least Samantha played a bunch of Tron Bonne during Extra Life
Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.
I mean it seems like one could get away with bringing Crash Bandicoot 3, the best one in the series.
Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.
Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.
Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.
Spyro 2
I'd also pine for Pokemon Snap because of how dumb fun that is.
Guys it's called the Old Games Show not the Esoteric Games Nobody Has Heard of Show.
I'm just kidding, but y'all are making some pulls I have no idea about.
So I take it that upf was a major bummer?
Guys it's called the Old Games Show not the Esoteric Games Nobody Has Heard of Show.
I'm just kidding, but y'all are making some pulls I have no idea about.
Yikes, Beastcast is #1 on iTunes Australian podcast rankings.
I was listening to it while doing other stuff and it was fine for that but watching it would probably be pretty boring.So I take it that upf was a major bummer?
You might already be aware, but Ryan and Patrick did a pretty long Pokemon Snap feature years ago that is one of my favorite pieces of content on the site.
I'd probably have to bring on a parade of Japanese wrestling games for Dan. And also to drive everybody else crazy.
Or maybe Clash at Demonhead. There's no Clash at Demonhead content on Giant Bomb.
Essentially I don't know anything that GB did pre-Dan Ryckert. I came in shortly after he joined.
Does anyone have a link to the making-of BBLSL that Jason did? I can't remember if that was premium or not but I can't find it in QL crew.
As for old game show stuff probably Pokemon blue or civilization 3 because that's as far back as my gaming history goes.
good thing using cheat codes is on the table for Old Games Show because that game has had the ability to make me furious for three decades
So I take it that upf was a major bummer?
We all gotta start somewhere!
Beastcast reminds me of the hotspot. I think it's because it's hosted by Vinny and that they're talking about Jack Thompson
Is Rorie part of Giantbomb?
Is upf and the Giantbomb forums the only interaction he has with anyone else.
Nox or some older lost in time pc games could be great.Guys, if you were to bring a game on the Old Games Show, or possibly for a Bombastica, what would you bring? I'm thinking maybe Mega Man Legends.