Gwent is a fucking rad game for cool people and if you don't Gwent you gwenta get a goddamn swirlie, you pathetic nerd.
I have a dilemma that maybe you guys can help me with. I have a Vita, which I told myself I would use for remote play, since I'm away from my PS4 all the time now thanks to work. The problem is I literally haven't even turned it on in the last two weeks that I haven't seen my PS4.
Do you duders think it's time I jump on the 3DS train? I don't want to spend a ton of money out of pocket, so I would be selling my Vita to get one (I have a Playstation TV still in the box in case I ever miss it too much). I have played maybe 10 hours of PAD on my phone over the course of the last two weeks, so that plus Animal Crossing are making me feel like it's the right thing to do. There are a good amount of games on the Vita I am still interested in (particularly the VNs coming out), but I have never owned a 3DS, so there is a large backlog. Plus, my older model of the Vita is too clunky for me to bring places.
I keep telling myself it's a no brainer, than I see I'm going to have to drop $150 (if you count the $50 I'll get for my Vita) and that doesn't include the price of a game....
I can't speak to anything about the Vita, though. You certainly won't find VNs on the 3DS, if that's important.
There are the Ace Attorney games which they should totally play if they like VNs and haven't played the series before.
I can't tell the difference between andy and drew in the bombastica
There you go. That's my joke. Enjoy.
I'm here all week.
No really, I'm here all week..
Resident Evil 0 remaster was just announced, I wonder what Jeff thinks...
I feel like Jeff when I see people approving of it in that thread
People are holding out hope that this means RE 2 will get the HD treatment rather than it just being a quick & dirty cash in from Capcom.
That would require an actual HD remake though. It's like 'remaking' FFX vs 'remaking' FF7
Resident Evil 0 remaster was just announced, I wonder what Jeff thinks...
Well, Deep Down if you believe it actually exists. I'm sure RE7 is coming.
you know, as great as someone chewing out the goddamned remaster trend and capcom for their BS is, I always thought this particular rant felt a little off because the thing that sparked it was the others talking about an HD rerelease as if it was a remake or a new game when it was never presented like that
Nobody in America gives a shit about Buzz.
They keep making Singstar games and no one ANYWHERE cares about that thing.
The Singstar games have sold over 26 million copies (of which probably 90% in PAL territories).
Based on the last few titles I except RE7 to be a 4 player co-op scifi game
Hope they do a USF4 PS4 video just to see Jason wreck Jeff.
Between Singstar and Buzz, Singstar is definitely the bigger franchise.
Music is timeless, while the quiz show bubble burst a couple years ago.
New Yu-Gi-Oh for new consoles is coming, you nerds.
We here in germany still have entire shelve spaces dedicated to those cards.
we could have a sweet Pointless game though
New Yu-Gi-Oh for new consoles is coming, you nerds.