Sleeping Lesson
I think Dan actually thinks 6 week old babies can eat solid food.
It wasnt the baby that was the worst part.
It was the ammount of fluid and other stuff that came along with it that really surprises you.
Don't the deep fry those?
Jason just coming out in a gas mask like it's a normal thing to do.
It was the ammount of fluid and other stuff that came along with it that really surprises you.
I think that was Danny.
I think that was Danny.
Oh never mind then, perfectly normal.I think that was Danny.
Both openings man.
Mother was a midwife, I've heard amazing stories.
Should babies be that close to a microwave?
I don't think it's actually a microwave, but microwaves are sufficiently shielded anyway.Should babies be that close to a microwave?
Should babies be that close to a microwave?
What the fuck did I just tune into?
So where's the nacho cheese?
Should babies be that close to a microwave?
Danny's in control of VATS now...Honestly I'm a little disappointed that he doesn't have the vat still.
from my extended research, it's fine.
It's a toaster oven anyways.