What I like about the "Best of Giantbomb" videos is that they are basically complications of everytime Jeff laughs
For something to make Jeff laugh, it must be really funny.
What I like about the "Best of Giantbomb" videos is that they are basically complications of everytime Jeff laughs
I wonder if you can throw the turtle at them
I want to shout at the turtle.
Maybe not the hardest, but surely the best Jeff laugh is "She got a penitentiary body."
I hope we getan Old Games Showanything this week.
Man, listening to Michael Patcher's guaranteed predictions on the xbone from e3 2012 and that dude fucking swung and miss on almost every single thing he said. Said it would be called a 720, smartglass was going to be huge, it was going to sell for $99 through comcast, was going to be a cable box first and foremost.
I mean some of that is what MS wanted, like being the center of the living room. but the whiffs, he whiffed hard.
God dammit... I woke up this morning thinking I should finally watch Batman:TAS.
I just checked and it's gone from Netflix. It was there recently! Arghhh
When has he actually got something right? I can't remember
God dammit... I woke up this morning thinking I should finally watch Batman:TAS.
I just checked and it's gone from Netflix. It was there recently! Arghhh
he said that the Wii HD was going to happen. and he nailed it. absolutely nailed that difficult call.
at least in the US i dont think it's ever been on netflix streaming.
They do have Justice League and JLU, though. And i think they have Batman Beyond. But BTAS (and Superman TAS) have never been on Netflix AFAIK.
Yeah it was on Netflix Canada
Hey is anybody else playing the Game of Thrones Telltale game?
Pick it up from your local anime store!
No, but I hear it's on cleek.
No, but I hear it's on cleek.
I have no idea what this means, but I've played the first two eps & quite enjoyed them. Pacing is maybe a bit off but still been pretty entertaining.
God dammit... I woke up this morning thinking I should finally watch Batman:TAS.
I just checked and it's gone from Netflix. It was there recently! Arghhh
God dammit... I woke up this morning thinking I should finally watch Batman:TAS.
I just checked and it's gone from Netflix. It was there recently! Arghhh
All the hip kids say it! So it can't be nonsense.Are we supposed to be pretending as though "fleek" isn't a god damned nonsense word to begin with?
Still on Amazon Prime streaming
Batman: TAS is available on Amazon Instant Video with a Prime Membership if you have access to that.
EDIT: See I was beaten, but yeah lol.
Brads bloodborne quest is another video series we can toss on the pile next to professional Wednesdays and The No-Go Show isnt it?
I've been off Twitter for a bit but I'd just like to remind you that you'll never have another Windjammers.
I'd settle for regular Windjammers just readily accessible.
Don't forget likely no UPF this week.
Though I bet there will be a stream on Thursday.