I totally forgot that Wolvering game they made that was much better than any of the actual Wolverine movies.
Check out the Bitesize bomb series too, pretty greatWelp I'm bored... I guess it's time to watch the 77 "Best of Giantbomb" videos.
It's so good though.
I really hope anyone even remotely interested in WWE was watching RAW tonight. Holy shit.
Check out the Bitesize bomb series too, pretty great
Guys I found my old PSP and it still has all the nice things
The battery in mine exploded and many of the nice things died with it.RIP PSP.
3 minutes in and they turned The Rock into Tazz
So the dude who made the Best Of videos made an official playlist which is great... Except that it plays the videos in reverse... I can't seem to find a way to play from 1 to 77 instead of 77 to 1.
I really hope anyone even remotely interested in WWE was watching RAW tonight. Holy shit
On a whim I was watching the Arkham Asylum QL and man it's funny hearing Ryan try to explain to Brad what Batman combat is and he seems perplexed by it. How little we knew back then.
What happend? I don't have cable.
Yeah I rewatched it yesterday too. So much nostalgia! I played through this game so many times, I was watching him play and could remember every single line of dialogues and every next step to do.
Seirously, if there is any game I feel I could speedrun sans-glitches I never learned of, it's Arkham Asylum. So elegant. Not a single game in the series since then has matched it as far as being a compact package.
On a whim I was watching the Arkham Asylum QL and man it's funny hearing Ryan try to explain to Brad what Batman combat is and he seems perplexed by it. How little we knew back then.
Dat classic Brad voice
I just watched the battleborn video they posted and hoo boy that game looks like there's a whole lot going on and not in a good way
I mean they're this late into the moba game. Or whatever the hell they're trying to do. It's competition will be Overwatch and uh....Battle....That other battle game. Whatever it's called.
I mean they're this late into the moba game. Or whatever the hell they're trying to do. It's competition will be Overwatch and uh....Battle....That other battle game. Whatever it's called.
Battleborn, Battlecry, Gigantic, Overwatch.
Holy shit fuck off with all of that. I'll try Overwatch because atleast Blizzard has pretty solid games now a days, but you know you have problems when I get battleborn confused with battlecry and I just forget battlecry exists. And until E3 I forgot Gigantic existed.
All these companies must be sweating fucking bullets after Evolve's launch.
Evolves problem was that it was frontloaded with DLC WITH the $60 price tag. If it was a free to play it MAYBE would've had a chance. The concept is pretty boring though, 4v1 and it probably gets repetitive once you rotate through the monsters.
With 5v5's or whatever these games have atleast it's a bit more dynamic in that people will play differently. Evolve doesn't offer that. At a $60 price tag.
Ah didn't realize these were all FTP.
Yeah, I think overwatch is the clear winner as well. I think it's got a lot of hype in the TF2 community since a lot of people seem frustrated with the direction that game has gone.
that may just be bias as well because overwatch was announced way sooner than a lot of these so in my mind it's the "original" and all the rest are the copycats.
If you wanna get funky, Battleborn was announced before Overwatch actually. June of last year I think? Overwatch was announced at blizzcon last year, so about 5 months after Battleborn.
Which is funny because Battleborn was just kinda forgotten about.
oh wow I'd never even heard of it before E3
I also don't even really know what it is still.
I can watch a video of overwatch and say oh, it's TF2. Also I like this robo.
What about Firewatch?
What about Firewatch?
oh wow I'd never even heard of it before E3
I also don't even really know what it is still.
I can watch a video of overwatch and say oh, it's TF2. Also I like this robo.
It just seems like a super tough market to survive in, even for the big boys.
I think it was the Storm United QL a few months ago where Jeff basically remarked that even at the $20 end of the market Steam is just so saturated with these MP team based shooter games it's incredibly difficult to break through.