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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I feel like the the reveal of the Arkham Knight and its execution is a lot less obvious if you aren't familiar with Batman lore which I assume many of the players of the series aren't given it's become such a big franchise. The "in your face" section in the middle of the game is necessary for people who don't have the context of the Batman universe.

Yeah, it is. But it's still kinda sad that it is soooo obivous. It would be really cool if they set this up in Arkham City (of course that comes with it's own set of problems) or some other way that isn't THAT obvious.

Of course we see this as players and we know that a game probably won't litter us with seemingly unimportant information for no good reason (like real life does)
I feel like the the reveal of the Arkham Knight and its execution is a lot less obvious if you aren't familiar with Batman lore which I assume many of the players of the series aren't given it's become such a big franchise. The "in your face" section in the middle of the game is necessary for people who don't have the context of the Batman universe. Otherwise once you found out who the Knight is you'd just be like "Who the fuck is that?""

Well, having not played the game but knowing who AK is i think it's partially Rocksteady's fault for not properly establishing that character and that character's history before AK. So i guess that's the reason they seem to really shove it in your face during that moment as they're making up for their own bad storytelling.
I feel like the the reveal of the Arkham Knight and its execution is a lot less obvious if you aren't familiar with Batman lore which I assume many of the players of the series aren't given it's become such a big franchise. The "in your face" section in the middle of the game is necessary for people who don't have the context of the Batman universe. Otherwise once you found out who the Knight is you'd just be like "Who the fuck is that?""

I think the animated film
Return of the red hood
seems to done this with better reception.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Dave Lang may be in need of medical attention.




Just got notification that my sweet sweet Matte Black Giantbomb mug just shipped.

MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Arkham Knight spoilers
It is a weird route to take when Robin has been in the series all of 5 minutes to this point. In the context of his limited screen time I thought bringing up Jason Todd as you fight with Robin for the first time(never played the City dlc) was the best way you could do it. You get a sense of the history through Batman's comments to Tim as you progress through the theater. And in the context of the gas thinking about Jason while near Tim makes sense. And it works to explain why Bats is always so insistent on getting Robin to stay out of the fighting, even back in his very limited City screen time.

Any word on when the content is going to start flowing in?


Can anyone give me a timestamp for the Arkham Knight discussion during the bombcast, I just started the game and I don't want to hear any minor/major spoilers.

26:20-48:50 on the premium Bombcast. I doubt it comes up again, but I haven't listened to the last half of the podcast so I guess it's possible talk resurfaces later.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Reflecting on it, now that I have finished it, Arkham Knight is a bit of a let-down. No carefully crafted in-door levels, no unique boss-fights, no puzzles, no interesting sequences (like the Scarecrow sequences in AA) just a big open world with a bunch of things to collect.
It's really more of a Batman Sandbox than a Batman game, take that as you will.


Drunky McMurder
Reflecting on it, now that I have finished it, Arkham Knight is a bit of a let-down. No carefully crafted in-door levels, no unique boss-fights, no puzzles, no interesting sequences (like the Scarecrow sequences in AA) just a big open world with a bunch of things to collect.
It's really more of a Batman Sandbox than a Batman game, take that as you will.

I think that's why I'm enjoying it a lot more than City. It's still not near what I got out of Asylum, but I'm at the point where I just want a big dumb playground out of open worlds and don't want them to try for anything more. It's why I'm looking forward to Just Cause 3 more than just about anything, and why Saints Row 4 was my favorite game in that series.
Shit. That's cold blooded.

I mean, really though, it miiiight be a positive for IG. I'm sure the money was good, but is it really worth having your name dragged through the mud because the publisher wouldn't give you the resources or time you needed to do things properly?
Reflecting on it, now that I have finished it, Arkham Knight is a bit of a let-down. No carefully crafted in-door levels, no unique boss-fights, no puzzles, no interesting sequences (like the Scarecrow sequences in AA) just a big open world with a bunch of things to collect.
It's really more of a Batman Sandbox than a Batman game, take that as you will.

When the best boss fight is a normal combat scenario against an OC (do not steal), there's a problem. Rocksteady's games have had a grand total of one good boss fight, but they didn't even try this time. It's all tank shit and batmobile chases. The perfect scores are just baffling because it's in those moments highlight a huge problem with the game: it doesn't create scenarios that make the player feel like Batman. Arkham Asylum did, and they've been moving further and further away from it as the scope of the games has increased. This is the nadir, so I'm glad the series is over.
Myggen, thank you for putting up that segment from the podcast. Shame it's not as concise as the 5 minute run from the GOTY discussion but it's still great to listen.
Hey guys, Giant Bomb didn't shit their pants at the Sony press conference so I am switching to GameTrailers full time. At least the guys on GT act like wild fanboys at the sight of a game.


Any word on Metal Gear Scanlon 4? Now would be a really good time.

That thread is really terrible. The constant need of people to have their personal opinions in lock step with personalities to like them is really weird.

I've been a premium member of GB since they started offering subscriptions, and signed up for the site back during it's "pre-launch" when it was just a blog. So needless to say I'm a fan. There is a reason that a lot of people see Giant Bomb as cynical and a bit on the negative side though, and it's because they really are. Dan was a nice breath of fresh air in that regard, and I love seeing his massive enthusiasm for Metal Gear as an example.
Hey guys, Giant Bomb didn't shit their pants at the Sony press conference so I am switching to GameTrailers full time. At least the guys on GT act like wild fanboys at the sight of a game.

Just ignore it and don't bother commenting.

Don't say anything that could get you banned, especially as a junior.
Yeah I just had to throw that post in but then I remembered how the last thread went lol.

Hopefully mods lock down on this harder. Seems like we have this weekly.

Someone has to link to the thread. They might find it weird that a poster like me likes GB and GT! Weird isn't it!


they are mutually exclusive


Hey guys, Giant Bomb didn't shit their pants at the Sony press conference so I am switching to GameTrailers full time. At least the guys on GT act like wild fanboys at the sight of a game.

You really went a bit far with this post of yours though

Oh wow another Giant Bomb hate thread? They acted like professionals instead of ejaculating all over themselves like rabid fanboys when they saw The Last Shartian, Shitmue 3, and Final Shartasy 7 Remake.

It was just a throwaway comment by the OP of that thread, no one was really all that harsh on Giant Bomb.


I think I'm responsible for 90% of Dan's tumblr traffic hoping he gives a hint or timetable. I feel like it sort of has to be July.

*Salute* keep fighting the good fight brother. MGS is the best premium content by far and with summer coming up (aka no real new releases) it's the perfect time!


Hey guys, Giant Bomb didn't shit their pants at the Sony press conference so I am switching to GameTrailers full time. At least the guys on GT act like wild fanboys at the sight of a game.

Just a friendly heads up - mods have made it clear that Communities adding fuel to fires in other threads isn't cool. Probably goes doubly so for a junior, so you might want to reel it in a bit.


Myggen, thank you for putting up that segment from the podcast. Shame it's not as concise as the 5 minute run from the GOTY discussion but it's still great to listen.

Listening to this again: I love Jason's patronizing comments concerning Destiny.

P.S - Thanks for picking up the torch on this, Myggen. Lots of community members have started this but abandon it over the years. Hopefully yours endures for a very long time.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Someone has to link to the thread. They might find it weird that a poster like me likes GB and GT! Weird isn't it!

I find it much more weird that a site all of a sudden gets better when they develop a Giantbomb "personality driven site"...

but we don't need this thread to go down that rabbit hole.

is it the weekend yet? we getting a live stream today? I need something. I can only play "Her Story" for so long.
Has Jeff or anyone mentioned if they'll be commenting over MS's Gamescom conference?

Also, what is the name of the pen and paper show that Austin is a part of?
Any word on Metal Gear Scanlon 4? Now would be a really good time.

I've been a premium member of GB since they started offering subscriptions, and signed up for the site back during it's "pre-launch" when it was just a blog. So needless to say I'm a fan. There is a reason that a lot of people see Giant Bomb as cynical and a bit on the negative side though, and it's because they really are. Dan was a nice breath of fresh air in that regard, and I love seeing his massive enthusiasm for Metal Gear as an example.
I'd call them more skeptical than cynical especially when it comes to the glorified infomercial that is E3.

I'm just not a fan of the dishonest way some people have to talk about them to prove a point. Saying that they were impressed with nothing just gets under my skin. That's mostly a me problem.
You really went a bit far with this post of yours though

It was just a throwaway comment by the OP of that thread, no one was really all that harsh on Giant Bomb.

Nah, I stand by that comment. It seems like people want these critics to jump for joy when they see games like these. Publishers are constantly trying to ream the consumers. People need to tone it down and let the publishers know we don't want crap. When you see a critic doing this type of stuff how can you rely on them to give an honest assessment of the game?
*Salute* keep fighting the good fight brother. MGS is the best premium content by far and with summer coming up (aka no real new releases) it's the perfect time!
I think this is going to be the one that lends itself best to the format too. My favorite parts are when Dan and Drew react to the crazy and nuts and bolts of the story.

Plus it definitely plays the most modern of any of them so that's one less hurdle to clear for Drew.


Nah, I stand by that comment. It seems like people want these critics to jump for joy when they see games like these. Publishers are constantly trying to ream the consumers. People need to tone it down and let the publishers know we don't want crap. When you see a critic doing this type of stuff how can you rely on them to give an honest assessment of the game?

How about you keep a more open mind and stop trying to incite shit? Other peoples enjoyment of things shouldn't impact your own. Other people shitting on GB (and it was minor) doesn't require you to rain on their parade.

Edit: too late.


Nah, I stand by that comment. It seems like people want these critics to jump for joy when they see games like these. Publishers are constantly trying to ream the consumers. People need to tone it down and let the publishers know we don't want crap. When you see a critic doing this type of stuff how can you rely on them to give an honest assessment of the game?

I understand your concern with the GameTrailers crew's E3 reactions. It's just that your post seemed more like that you just didn't care for these particular games and as such you didn't want to see these people react like they did. I really don't think that that GameTrailers crew's reaction to Shenmue 3 was all that different from Jeff describing Just Cause 3 to Vinny, where he described how awesome he thought it was.

Edit: Oh, I was too late.

just bear in mind this is going to happen every time in these threads

For what it's worth this was nipped in the bud pretty quick before anything really started.
Listening to this again: I love Jason's patronizing comments concerning Destiny.

P.S - Thanks for picking up the torch on this, Myggen. Lots of community members have started this but abandon it over the years. Hopefully yours endures for a very long time.

Myggen has over 400 edits on Dan's wiki page, if that's not endurance, I'm not sure what is
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