Pro tip:
Watch Ex Machina with a controller in your hand. I guarantee you it will be better than Detroit.
I can guarantee you'll have more interaction too.
Pro tip:
Watch Ex Machina with a controller in your hand. I guarantee you it will be better than Detroit.
I just don't get why David Cage doesn't satisfy himself with just being the ideas man. Why does he have to write the game script as well?
I feel like this will be a smaller title that they won't be making too much fuss about. It looks pretty simplistic from what we've seen. Might be fun though!Wait, did they talk about Shadow of the Beast at all?
Anyone liked that PS2 game about that guy in the bathroom?
Only David Cage game I playe.d
I liked the Indian family part of Beyond. It was so dumb that it turned great.
Dont forget the underwater secret chinese took me a solid 30 seconds of staring at this post to remember that part of the game
what the hell was that game? i liked the weird sky demon thing
I just finished Life is Strange so I can safely say it's on the same level at best.
Can't help but laugh at the people who decry Cage and then express their endless love for Life is Strange and its hella bad dialogue. At least Cage's games are mechanically interesting.
I just finished Life is Strange so I can safely say it's on the same level at best.
Can't help but laugh at the people who decry Cage and then express their endless love for Life is Strange and its hella bad dialogue. At least Cage's games are mechanically interesting.
it took me a solid 30 seconds of staring at this post to remember that part of the game
what the hell was that game? i liked the weird sky demon thing
Is David Cage anime?Dont forget the underwater secret chinese base.
Is David Cage anime?
I'm struggling to think of an anime with a worse story/characters than a David Cage game.
Can someone link the archive of the stream?
Worth it. The Wild segment making the guys crack up was the highlight for me.
Max is a complete mary sue, Chloe is just a broadly drawn faux-punk with attitude, and it all takes place within a magical boarding school just for seniors where teachers allow students to throw alcohol laden parties on campus. And the game suddenly refuses to let you use your rewind powers without any story context in episode 4 so it can set up Chapter 5's silliness.Comparing the two is incredibly disingenuous. There is definitely dialogue issues in Life is Strange. There is gigantic plot issues all over the place in games like Beyond. Life is Strange has interesting characters with depth. Beyond has the main character as a plot device and deux ex machina.
Comparing the two is incredibly disingenuous. There is definitely dialogue issues in Life is Strange. There is gigantic plot issues all over the place in games like Beyond. Life is Strange has interesting characters with depth. Beyond has the main character as a plot device and deux ex machina.
Max is a complete mary sue, Chloe is just a broadly drawn faux-punk with attitude, and it all takes place within a magical boarding school just for seniors where teachers allow students to throw alcohol laden parties on campus. And the game suddenly refuses to let you use your rewind powers without any story context in episode 4 so it can set up Chapter 5's silliness.
It's pure camp and written by people who have never actually been to an American school. It has the semblance of interesting ideas here and there, but it's often undone by the awful writing. Which is very Cagey indeed.
Pretty much. The damn pedestal that game gets put on for including some subject matter not often explored in games, and then fucking it up at every stage of the execution...Max is a complete mary sue, Chloe is just a broadly drawn faux-punk with attitude, and it all takes place within a magical boarding school just for seniors where teachers allow students to throw alcohol laden parties on campus. And the game suddenly refuses to let you use your rewind powers without any story context in episode 4 so it can set up Chapter 5's silliness.
It's pure camp and written by people who have never actually been to an American school. It has the semblance of interesting ideas here and there, but it's often undone by the awful writing. Which is very Cagey indeed.
I don't hate David Cage at all. I love his games. The writing is just terrible but that's part of the fun. It's like watching Hollywood adopt some highschool student's deep philosophical thinkpiece.
Dont forget the underwater secret chinese base.
best thing about the show is ending is not having to hear gaf's preconceptions about what's 'french' and 'european' cause jesus christ
He's literally bigger than JesusAVICII is pretty european
AVICII is pretty european
He's literally bigger than Jesus
Max is a complete mary sue, Chloe is just a broadly drawn faux-punk with attitude, and it all takes place within a magical boarding school just for seniors where teachers allow students to throw alcohol laden parties on campus. And the game suddenly refuses to let you use your rewind powers without any story context in episode 4 so it can set up Chapter 5's silliness.
It's pure camp and written by people who have never actually been to an American school. It has the semblance of interesting ideas here and there, but it's often undone by the awful writing. Which is very Cagey indeed.
It very much fits in line with Remember Me's goofy anarchists.
That doesn't mean much. In general people were much smaller back then.
Life is Strange has bad writing, including bad dialogue. Nothing that happens in the game makes sense, it's poorly researched, and also full of Deus Ex moments.
Alcohol being allowed on campus is a huge deal in terms of actually presenting a school realistically. They literally allow a giant party to be held at school which teachers attend and kids get completely drunk and fuck each other in the bath room. Also weird is that at the massive fantasy party literally everyone in the game attends the party even though it doesn't make sense in regards to the school's social groups.
It's not just that aspect, but it's that lack of attention to reality that pervades throughout the entire game's story. Things just happen even if they don't make sense for the characters or environment in which they take place. It's game full of archetypes in a fantasy school with magical powers that never get explained. Goofy stuff.You seem to be really stuck on this. If that's really your only issue with LiS, that's really one particular scene that I've already acknowledged to be strange.
Life is Strange has bad writing, including bad dialogue. Nothing that happens in the game makes sense, it's poorly researched, and also full of Deus Ex moments.
I don't think anyone can defend Fahrenheit's descent into madness. Game is hilarious.So, let's talk about the ending of Fahrenheit then![]()
So, let's talk about the ending of Fahrenheit then![]()
It's not just that aspect, but it's that lack of attention to reality that pervades throughout the entire game's story. Things just happen even if they don't make sense for the characters or environment in which they take place. It's game full of archetypes in a fantasy school with magical powers that never get explained. Goofy stuff.