As someone who thinks the Witcher 3 is the best game that has been released in years, I will never try to convince someone who is turned off by some of its clunkiness that they should continue on. If the characters and storyline don't grab you in the beginning and the controls are a huge hurdle, it's probably just not for you.
Personally, I found Geralt's controls to be awkward at first but something that you can totally get used to and once I had a grasp on how to deal with its sluggishness, I actually enjoyed combat as I focused more on other signs instead of just tanking with Quen and brute forcing melee. That being said, I can 100% understand why someone would have no desire to get used to that sluggishness. The one aspect of the controls that was a frustration for me from beginning to the end was controlling that goddamn horse, Roach. He did everything he could to get stuck on every little damn thing. Anytime I'd whistle for him, he'd find some way to spawn in the most awkward location imaginable.
I absolutely adore the game though. Nothing came close to dethroning it for me, even though I thoroughly enjoyed MGSV for pretty much the complete opposite reasons.