Jeff Gerstman is too old and too jaded and thus unfit to run a GOTY discussion, much like Anakin was too old and thus unfit to start Jedi training.
Um, I'll be in my bunk.i spent like half an hour wandering around my bedroom watching 360 degree videos on youtube on my phone
good news, apparently you can watch kpop in 360 degrees i guess
Wasn't that Luke? Or is that something else Lucas lifted from the OT.
I'd like to see it again myself. Star Wars was a much better fit for Abrams.The force calls to Danny, just let it in....
The force calls to Danny, just let it in....
I'd like to see it again myself. Star Wars was a much better fit for Abrams.
so i never listened to that la podfest thing, worth listening to?
What? No. When Ben Kenobi(Obi-Wan for you) trained Luke, he didn't hesitate or cite Jedi code. When Anakin was trained by Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Ben Kenobi was the one originally protesting about it since the Jedi code had a strict rule against training older boys. This is because the children needed to learn how to control their emotions from young age, since emotion is a gateway to the dark side. After the events of the PT, Ben Kenobi was not only disillusioned with the Jedi ways, having followed in Qui-Gonns footsteps, but when he trained Luke he did it with the knowledge that to fully harness the force you need to have an equal understanding of both sides.
I still haven't seen the new Star Wars.
I could have sworn Yoda gave Kenobi some push back on Luke being too old in Empire.
I still haven't seen the new Star Wars.
same. In fact, I'm more willing to watch Hateful 8.
edit: Dan and Dark Souls in ~20 minutes
That's because Yoda is an asshole. That is why he lost his jedi temple.
Vinny talks about his house being infested by i never listened to that la podfest thing, worth listening to?
I don't have the attention span for movies to watch it in a theater. Might watch it if it hits Netflix or Hulu or something.
You know I actually don't see why Obi Wan couldn't have just trained Luke himself then. It's not like they did anything physical that ghost Obi Wan couldn't have showed him.
If you wanna see Jeff "MGSV is better than Mario Maker" Gerstmann and the hilarious Vinny spider story, definitely.
Vinny talks about his house being infested by spiders.
Ben Kenobi understood that his time was limited. When he disappeared against Vader, he did it with the knowledge that he would be able to watch over Luke. Ben Kenobi had already failed one apprentice, so Yoda was the best runner up of sorts, after all he is older and wiser(But an asshole.)
If you wanna see Jeff "MGSV is better than Mario Maker" Gerstmann and the hilarious Vinny spider story, definitely.
so i never listened to that la podfest thing, worth listening to?
He should watch the prequels.
Wasn't that Luke? Or is that something else Lucas lifted from the OT.
No there's a whole plot point in Phantom Menace where Quigon petitions to train Anakin and the council declines because he's too old.
No there's a whole plot point in Phantom Menace where Quigon petitions to train Anakin and the council declines because he's too old.
They deserved to have been destroyed by Anakin. I mean, the Jedi are Lawful Evil, while the Sith are Chaotic Evil. Sure Jedi preach this whole 'Follow the Light side, enforce justice, be arbiters' but really they're no different than a man with his finger on the nuclear button. Atleast the Dark Side know they're evil, and they embrace their emotions so they're not cold, emotionless machines like the Jedi.
Them denying Anakin was them denying change, it was them being ignorant to change and trying to uphold the old ways. They're bigots.
That's right.
But Yoda too initially refuses to train Luke because he was too old but was basically too old himself to give a fuck at that point.
Uh it's a tragedy that the Prequels didn't have better scripts to flesh all this out. As it stands Kotor 2 does a much better job of demonstrating how sanctimonious and hypocritical the Jedi Order's selective pacifism actually is.
He only does it after realizing that Luke is possibly the last 'Proper' Jedi.
Did the GB community GOTY list come out? I remember voting for it but can't find any thread for 2015.
I still haven't seen the new Star Wars.
Oh okay cool! Handy that the link was in the tweet, didn't notice that the only t-shirt size they'll send is XL so I could uncheck that box.Jeff Gritzmann said it ended today. Maybe this weekend or next week?
Hahhaa. They made Jason drink VB.
Squint your eyes and this looks like a Giant Bomb x Always Sunny crossover.
What's VB? VB means Victoria Bitter to me.
What's VB? VB means Victoria Bitter to me.
That's what they said they got when they were looking at the beers, we're the ones shortening it.
i spent like half an hour wandering around my bedroom watching 360 degree videos on youtube on my phone
good news, apparently you can watch kpop in 360 degrees i guess