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Giant Bomb #19 | Patrick Wins 2-1

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I don't mind the platform... I dunno, I looked for the NVIDIA thing and it was already over by the time I found out.
Dang. It seemed like that's where a lot of people got their codes.
I've been really enjoying The Division beta, but I'm a bit worried by the reports that the PC beta has no serverside checking on stats. I'll probably pick it up on PC regardless, but if they don't have it implemented in the final PC release the dark zones will lose all of their appeal.

What stats?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Man, the last few puzzles in the Witness are really, really, really bad. I'm seriously considering just using a guide cause otherwise I doubt I will touch those horrible things again. They are just bad. Not hard. Not clever. Not difficult. Just bad.


Colin just claimed Resistance 3 is the best shooter of all time, so Greg/Colin podcast is still for crazy people.

Yeah I like some of the stuff they do but their actual opinions are so fucking crazy sometimes, I just don't get it. I understand they've always been Playstation focused, but their fanboyism towards certain Sony things bothers me a lot, and I'd consider myself a Playstation fan. Also, neither of them are very funny, and the other two guys on Kinda Funny are terrible.
So despite my worries about finding it frustrating, I've really ended up enjoying The Witness. I'm at 200-something puzzles and the satisfaction of figuring out a puzzle or mechanic far outweighs any frustration I feel on my way to that point. I've figured out everything on my own so far besides the general puzzle mechanic for one area being spoiled for me before I got there. Anyways sorry for turning this into The Witness thread again.
Yeah I like some of the stuff they do but their actual opinions are so fucking crazy sometimes, I just don't get it. I understand they've always been Playstation focused, but their fanboyism towards certain Sony things bothers me a lot, and I'd consider myself a Playstation fan. Also, neither of them are very funny, and the other two guys on Kinda Funny are terrible.

Yeah, the idea of a company-centric podcast is kind of baffling to me.


Still without luck
He has a really infuriating way of presenting himself, never been able to watch/listen to anything he's in.
I often found him interesting to listen to because of his conviction, but he's been too up his own ass lately. I had to stop listening to the cast altogether.
Yeah, the idea of a company-centric podcast is kind of baffling to me.

I wouldn't say baffling as those kind of podcasts definitely have their audiences, but I don't think i'd be able to listen to a podcast that only talked about a certain companies brand of products.

Unless it was a Vita, Capcom, or Falcom podcast.
He has a really infuriating way of presenting himself, never been able to watch/listen to anything he's in.

He never really seemed abrasive to me based off of what I've seen of him, but it definitely seems like he can be pretty shitty. They mentioned that a week or two ago they purposefully went out of their way to be more off-topic to piss off a vocal minority that didn't like how off-topic a previous episode was.

Dan is coming off as a completely different person on this podcast at times. A "new" Dan, if you will.


I often found him interesting to listen to because of his conviction, but he's been too up his own ass lately. I had to stop listening to the cast altogether.

He's basically Dan in that Dan knows how dumb he is, but Colin knows how big of an ass hole he can be and doesn't care. It's disappointing because he seems like a very well informed intelligent person.


I listened to a Kinda Funny podcast when Fallout 4 just came out. Halfway through the podcast they didn't really talk about Fallout 4 and said to just watch their video on YouTube instead. They also talked about how great they were and some event they were hosting, which I certainly couldn't even go to.

The best Kinda Funny content was when Dan and Xavier Woods were on. I haven't listened to them much after that.


I don't know who Colin is, but a cursory look at the dude's Twitter is throwing up immediate red flags for me.

But you know, don't judge a book by its cover, etc.


Colin has terrible political opinions, and I don't always agree with his thoughts about games, but he's incredibly knowledgeable. I think PS I Love You is a great podcast, too. If I didn't own a PS4, it would be of no use to me, but that goes without saying.

Also, to say that Greg and Colin are biased is sort of strange. They obviously live on Sony platforms, but they're not shy with their criticism. So in the sense that they don't give equal time to all platforms, they're biased. But I think they're pretty fair in the way they discuss PlayStation.


Oh Colin is a Republican.

I hope I never find out what political parties the GB crew support because I don't really want my view of them to change.
Oh Colin is a Republican.

I hope I never find out what political parties the GB crew support because I don't really want my view of them to change.

He is, but he actually hates most Republicans, especially those that are running. To add a little more perspective. He wants less taxes (obviously), but he thinks the government should massively cut funding of the military and divert the funds to NASA and education to foster creativity. He's also atheist, so the politicians that use religion to push their agendas, he can't stand. Also he hates Donald Trump with a passion. He's conservative when it comes to money and governmental power, but very liberal with social issues. In fact, he thinks "true" Republicans should be 100% supportive of same sex marriage. He feels Republicans who preach small government, yet support the government in suppressing the rights of certain people are hypocrites.


Oh Colin is a Republican.

I hope I never find out what political parties the GB crew support because I don't really want my view of them to change.


Also I bought the Tom Nook Amiibo but that doesn't count because it was only $5. I'd be losing money not buying it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh Colin is a Republican.

I hope I never find out what political parties the GB crew support because I don't really want my view of them to change.

I feel like the political leanings of the Beast crew are fairly obvious

Can't say for the west guys, outside of them not being PC hating anti-SJWs and Dan being sort of just oblivious


He is, but he actually hates most Republicans, especially those that are running. To add a little more perspective. He wants less taxes (obviously), but he thinks the government should massively cut funding of the military and divert the funds to NASA and education to foster creativity. He's also atheist, so the politicians that use religion to push their agendas, he can't stand. Also he hates Donald Trump with a passion.

I find it odd that it's possible to know this much about a gaming personality's political preferences. I'm glad the giant bomb guys stay away from that stuff.
I find it odd that it's possible to know this much about a gaming personality's political preferences. I'm glad the giant bomb guys stay away from that stuff.

It's not really odd, considering it's something he pretty obviously chooses to have out there. His handle and his bio on Twitter are pretty up front about it.
I find it odd that it's possible to know this much about a gaming personality's political preferences. I'm glad the giant bomb guys stay away from that stuff.

He's brought it up several times on Colin and Greg Live, A Conversation with Colin, the GameOverGreggy Show, etc., especially with the elections coming up.


It's not really odd, considering it's something he pretty obviously chooses to have out there. His handle and his bio on Twitter are pretty up front about it.

He's brought it up several times on Colin and Greg Live, A Conversation with Colin, the GameOverGreggy Show, etc., especially with the elections coming up.

I just meant that I find it odd that he's so open with that stuff. I wasn't making a judgement about the poster.
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