I'm loving it. I also enjoy playing as almost every character, which is nice.Overwatch is so fucking fun guys. I was iffy on buying it considering I could just play TF2 for free but the game is FUN.
I'm loving it. I also enjoy playing as almost every character, which is nice.Overwatch is so fucking fun guys. I was iffy on buying it considering I could just play TF2 for free but the game is FUN.
someone on the reddits had a great idea
Film & 40s wouldn't work for Eurovision, one of the best parts is watching it live online on Twitter etc.
Get Dan and Jeff in there with Drew and record it.
Dawn of War 1 style or Dawn of War 2? I liked DoW2 but I couldn't eat another. What if DoW 3 is a Moba? think about it.
is a hotdog a sausage roll?
somebody email Brad and find out
Sony just sent me yet another "thanks for finishing The Order" email. They sent one back in November and one early last year, when I actually finished the game.
Tiny Tina is like best Borderlands character doe..
I'll only accept this if you're saying that all Borderlands characters are terrible.
I've always thought peoples complaints about Borderlands 2 memes and such were overblown since that kind of "humor" doesn't bother me I guess(I'm of the mind that some jokes worked and some didn't and the ones that didn't never made me mad like other people get). But Battleborn certainty seems like something "special."
Scooter's alright. I'm struggling to think of any others
I've always thought peoples complaints about Borderlands 2 memes and such were overblown since that kind of "humor" doesn't bother me I guess(I'm of the mind that some jokes worked and some didn't and the ones that didn't never made me mad like other people get). But Battleborn certainty seems like something "special."
So like Borderlands then.Battleborn sounds great
I enjoyed the Battleborn beta but the humor and dialogue was something I learned to ignore. I also dislike most of the characters. And even the characters I actually like have some garbage, cringy lines.
Edit: I feel bad for Dan, going from UC4 to Battleborn...
Battleborn sounds great
He was during the Alienation QL.Dan was playing UC4?
Borderlands' humor never got too grating to me, outside of the Tina stuff. Battleborn is constant lame dialogue and jokes.
He was during the Alienation QL.
I've always thought Borderlands was a bad game that just gets people who are easily swayed by LEWT
I've always thought Borderlands was a bad game that just gets people who are easily swayed by LEWT
I've never seen a comment that so decisively struck fear into me as a universe where everyone is Tiny Tina.
Alright guys, I'm almost finished editing my Harry Potter wrestling crossover one shot and I'll need you to go to ff.net and favorite, review and follow.
Battleborn sounds great
I can't decide if I want to actually add in a wrestling scene, and if I do, should Harry and Quirrell wrestle as if it's real or should they constantly whisper to each other saying what to do next?
...I wonder when the new t-shirt for 2016 will go up. My store code from renewing my membership has been burning a hole in my digital pocket.
I can't decide if I want to actually add in a wrestling scene, and if I do, should Harry and Quirrell wrestle as if it's real or should they constantly whisper to each other saying what to do next?
For some reason, I've always wanted to write an absolute masterpiece fanfiction that thousands of people read and get invested in and then when I get to the final chapter, just write something like "And then a dragon swoops in out of nowhere and eats Voldemort. The end."