I spent way too much time thinking about the cards in my deck. I never actually used it against the other 2 people I played with on occasion.I had a super cheap yugioh deck that made it so nothing could attack except my ultra weak monsters that hit life points directly.
Yesccgs are dumb
The Second Half of That Hitman DLC
PREMIUM VIDEO ON MAY 05, 2016 12:00 PM
Just saw this.
Just saw this.
Just saw this.
I think the main reason I don't like pineapple on a pizza is that I put stuff on my pizza to make it spicy and I don't like the sweet spicy combo usually. Like everyone wanting mango habanero nonsense and I just want the habanero part.
Huh. I never realized that GB has given everyone Naughty Dog game they've reviewed five stars. Sure, that's only three games and one DLC, but still, greatest developer of our generation confirmed?
Huh. I never realized that GB has given everyone Naughty Dog game they've reviewed five stars. Sure, that's only three games and one DLC, but still, greatest developer of our generation confirmed?
They're really good at making the games they make, but god damn I could not be less interested in what they make.
Huh. I never realized that GB has given everyone Naughty Dog game they've reviewed five stars. Sure, that's only three games and one DLC, but still, greatest developer of our generation confirmed?
They're really good at making the games they make, but god damn I could not be less interested in what they make.
FUCK! I totally just downloaded the Battlborne beta because I got it confused with Overwatch! Damn these generic names!
You can thank Ban Puncher for this.
I think the main reason I don't like pineapple on a pizza is that I put stuff on my pizza to make it spicy and I don't like the sweet spicy combo usually. Like everyone wanting mango habanero nonsense and I just want the habanero part.
The last time my only option was pizza with pineapple on it I said I wasn't hungry and didn't eat anything.
Also I recently put a fried egg on a burger and it was pretty good even though it was the first time I fried an egg.
FUCK! I totally just downloaded the Battlborne beta because I got it confused with Overwatch! Damn these generic names!
Ahahaha. That is actually hilarious.
everyone should play overwatch
everyone should play overwatch
Video games are happening! Again!Uncharted 4, that Fallout 4 DLC, and possibly that Witcher DLC may is looking kinda alright for me.
I really need to go and start playing Tales of Xillia 2 which I bought at launch, but I just have a hard time bringing myself to start it(maybe cause it's on ps3 i dunno), and I can't start Zestria till that's finished.
Uncharted 4, that Fallout 4 DLC, and possibly that Witcher DLC may is looking kinda alright for me.
everyone should play overwatch
Since it is now open I am download it right now.