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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Jeff is 100% right re: reviews and video footage.

At this point people seem to pay more attention to the aggregation of review scores rather than the reviews themselves and that's generally to win arguments on the internet.

For me, 30 minutes of commentary-free video footage of a game, a stream from someone I trust, or a Quick Look is way more useful than someone's review.

If I read a review it's just because I want to hear a specific person's opinion about a game for entertainment.

The GBA one, tried to plant the seed for a stream someday :0

Solid dude, the GBA is great.

Mr. F

Something like this once a month or during weeks with lulls in releases would be rad. Hell, they sounded more animated answering questions than they are on the regular Bombcast.


Something like this once a month or during weeks with lulls in releases would be rad. Hell, they sounded more animated answering questions than they are on the regular Bombcast.

Just shaking up the format of upf every once in a while would be a welcome change. They just get caught in the routine and it becomes stale.
I never watch UPF live, but I decided to jump in today. I had no idea why it was different this week, but I liked it. It was like the old call in show that Dave hosted.
There's something about Gears 4 looking great that makes me more upset that this new team wasn't allowed to make their own franchise. It's like knowing Raven Software is making Call of Duty content.


So is Nozomi actually Ryo's girlfriend? I've watched the whole ER and that's never been clear to me. Is the old lady his mom? Is the dude in the house his brother?
Getting around to listening to the Jar Time and I like the idea that Jeff put out there that GB should look more like Netflix and not Gamespot... I know it's not simple, but they should hire the person who made qlcrew.com because that's the best way to find GB content... I imagine they could make some pretty cool stuff if they were actually given the chance to work with the GB guys.

Now he's talking about store stuff... I wish they would put ideas out there that they're thinking of bringing to the store and let the community vote on their favorite stuff.... Because there is some really nice stuff in the store, but I think there's a lot of not great design stuff.... but that's just my opinion.
Catching up on the PSVR segments I missed, I can shed some light on the "smearing" around the edges when Jeff was turning his head while playing Batman VR that Drew pointed out. That's an artifact that results from PSVR using reprojection instead of native 90/120 fps. Every other frame is being warped to create the other frames while compensating for perspective change, effectively doubling the frame rate. A consequence of this is that fast head movements cause large gaps on the edges where the frame must be stretched significantly, making it really noticeable. Jeff probably wasn't seeing it because it was outside his field of view.


At this rate, maybe NewDan might even come to understand that having Arnold as governor might not have been the best thing for California.


Getting around to listening to the Jar Time and I like the idea that Jeff put out there that GB should look more like Netflix and not Gamespot... I know it's not simple, but they should hire the person who made qlcrew.com because that's the best way to find GB content... I imagine they could make some pretty cool stuff if they were actually given the chance to work with the GB guys.

Well, he's basically describing their Youtube channel page. If he wants GB to function like an entertainment network, they need some regularly scheduled content.


Wait, theres work being done in the studio? lol What exactly? I seemed to have missed it.

They want to decorate the walls of the studio but can't, due to the walls being made of solid concrete. So they're having work done to place new walls in the studio, so they can hang stuff up (I think).


Can't wait to catch up with UPF later today, sounds damn good. Glad to hear there's another livestream as well, what do you guys want the title to be? I'm thinking it should be something that goes with tracking and stability.
GiantBomb's PSVR Tech Support Stream | Yes, they already tried that.
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