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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


If Giant Bomb disbanded and every duder made their own YouTube channel and you could only watch one of them, who would it be?!
Well the "Endurance Run" is theoretically supposed to be one episode every weekday and in the ancient mists of the primordial past there was the "if we can't progress easily then we quit" aspect that got dropped quickly, but yeah the aspect everyone wanted was just the GB guys doing a Let's Play, and they effectively did that tons more times well after they pretended that Endurance Runs were "over"

The main draw here is the "one new episode every weekday" thing. I liked MGS and the rest but the updates weren't exactly to a schedule.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Dan leaving SF might actually turn out well for them too. Now they need to freshen things up, bring some new energy, come up with some new stuff. Right?


It's free but not on Youtube... I hope it's just a glitch with the GBEAST upload. An ER is perfect for watching during my lunch breaks but the site player is just the worst.
Its a shame Dragonball Xenoverse 2 comes out in late October. That would be a great for Vinny to expose Dan to that majesty and wonder that is a Dragonball game.
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