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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


best junior ever
As I asked the other guy, please tell me what it says about me.

That you're very judgemental and call people names because they don't already know things that you apparently think they should and use that as a barometer of their worthiness. You can not like Dan but to say the things you've been saying in this thread about him makes you seem quite petty and rude.


That you're very judgemental and call people names because they don't already know things that you apparently think they should and use that as a barometer of their worthiness. You can not like Dan but to say the things you've been saying in this thread about him makes you seem quite petty and rude.
Oh I'm very petty and rude towards people who deserve it.


Danny O'Dwyer
Almost done editing! Then it's time to run onto UPF for the last time. At least as an official staff member! pic.twitter.com/WZOxJzulJv
Your phrasing makes it sound like "People who played shouldn't get a word in about this video of three guys playing it" is all.

Nono, not that. When the video first comes out, the conversation of the topic usually turns towards what's going on in the video, IE the whole fireball thing. Once the "newness" of the episode wears off, people start discussing the game itself more.
No, but you and some of the other people defending him have somehow read what I wrote and determined that I simply hate all people who ask questions, which isn't at all what I've said nor what I've suggested.

In both instances where Alex explained to him why people used those services, he said it was dumb.

Please tell me how me believing he doesn't know what he's talking about when he repeatedly makes it clear anytime he strays from games or wrestling says about me.
He said a payday loan is dumb. Which it is. He never said anything about the people who are forced, for a variety of reasons, to use the service. Are you actually saying that payday loans are not dumb?

He then said 'that's no good' when they said how it is predatory and harmful to people. You mischaracterized him because you don't like him. Feel free to go back and listen to it as I just did. Should be enlightening. I won't hold my breath.

Your last sentence spells out you just don't like him, know much about him, and/or care to which is fine but you really shouldn't offer up a narrow and wrong view of the person. You do realize he works for a video game coverage website and that's why the majority of things he's talked about on there might be regarding video games?

Have you ever listened to Danswers? How did Dan find his way on to an ABC journalist's podcast? How has he written novels, a self-help book and is currently writing another? How does he have many friends, I'm gonna guess many of which you like and respect, if he's just this bumbling fool who is ignorant of everything? Or maybe, just maybe, there's a lot more to a person than the entertainment version that he intentionally and knowingly plays up and in to. You aren't completely self-made in this world without being intelligent.

I couldn't give less of a fuck if you find Dan's presence on Giant Bomb bad or if it prevents you from enjoying the content but I really wish people could help themselves from pushing super slanted versions of the person just to fit what they perceive.
That you're very judgemental and call people names because they don't already know things that you apparently think they should and use that as a barometer of their worthiness. You can not like Dan but to say the things you've been saying in this thread about him makes you seem quite petty and rude.
He mischaracterized and quoted him too multiple times which is pretty lame. There's not even a way to misinterpret what Dan said either.
I'm getting Taco Bell after work tonight.

Fuck you dan and your shilling.

is anyone running into streaming problems? like it buffers for a minute then it plays for a second then buffers again. Been like this for a week and I can go between two internet connections. Utterly pathetic.

EDIT: Fuck this, guess I'm watching the archive. Everything else seems fine.
is anyone running into streaming problems? like it buffers for a minute then it plays for a second then buffers again. Been like this for a week and I can go between two internet connections. Utterly pathetic.

Haven't had that lately, but I've certainly had weeks where I experience this for streams and archived video. Never had a fix, it just stopped happening eventually.

Sou Da

Is there a good chance of someone from Giant Bomb going to the Meeting of The Juggalos and bring video games with them?

Because I wanna see that shit.
is anyone running into streaming problems? like it buffers for a minute then it plays for a second then buffers again. Been like this for a week and I can go between two internet connections. Utterly pathetic.

EDIT: Fuck this, guess I'm watching the archive. Everything else seems fine.

It sometimes happens to me and I scrub back like 7 seconds or more. It works fine then.
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