We've already had a mod say that 15fps is acceptable and fine for games to run at to try and excuse the reports of the framerate being wonky, doubt we'll top that for craziness.
Surely they were being sarcastic
We've already had a mod say that 15fps is acceptable and fine for games to run at to try and excuse the reports of the framerate being wonky, doubt we'll top that for craziness.
Oh shit, is that where all the Y2Kev jokes where coming from?We've already had a mod say that 15fps is acceptable and fine for games to run at to try and excuse the reports of the framerate being wonky, doubt we'll top that for craziness.
We've already had a mod say that 15fps is acceptable and fine for games to run at to try and excuse the reports of the framerate being wonky, doubt we'll top that for craziness.
1910s cinematicWell yeah, it's more cinematic
Surely they were being sarcastic
Oh shit, is that where all the Y2Kev jokes where coming from?
Well yeah, it's more cinematic
I feel like The Last Guardian is one of those games that I have to play whether it's good or not.
Also, from what I can find the PS4 Pro stuff for the game is pretty minimal. Maybe we'll learn more with these reviews.
20FPS is great and perfect playable. A little drop of 5-7 FPS is nothing
I was expecting something horrible with the framerate talk
Not an excuse. I just find 15FPS and up good and playable, for any game
how can you fuck up the framerate on a game that look like it could run on a toaster
Start developing a game for a ps3how can you fuck up the framerate on a game that look like it could run on a toaster
I didn't know they went through with their plans for the Cell!how can you fuck up the framerate on a game that look like it could run on a toaster
20 fps should never be acceptable for video games.
Well according to Eurogamer it drops to single digits, well below his very high standard of 15fps!![]()
Even Shadow of Collosus ran decently enough. Single digits? It sounds horrifying
Seems more ICO than Shadow of the Colossus though, and I only liked SOTC. I'll wait until it's cheap and then i'll try it out. Jim Sterling's review reminded me of how I felt playing ICO for the first time, so i'll definitely be waiting.I think reviews should just end at "If you liked their other games, you'll like this. If you didn't, you'll hate this."
I think you're misremembering SotC.Ugh
Even Shadow of Collosus ran decently enough. Single digits? It sounds horrifying
Its fascinating to me that Last Guardian and FFXV are dropping within a couple weeks of each other and they couldn't reflect their 10 year development cycles more differently. Everything about TLG seems to show its age and that it had a rocky development, while a lot of FFXV, from what I've seen, if you told me it started development in 2014 I'd probably believe you
XV looks like it just managed to remain current even throughout its development cycle
I think you're misremembering SotC.
Owlboy came out last month, too. Took 10 years to make!
I remembered it being passable. Framerate was like, the least of my complaints for the PS2 version.
...maybe the motion blur hid it really well. The only boss I remember having noticeable lag was the lizard who spit stuff at you from close range.
Hmm both things are viewed as the artistic highlight that everyone has to view as gods gift 🤔It took 10 years to make? Wait a minute... Is The Last Guardian videogames Boyhood?
I feel like combat is always either irrelevant or super frustrating. The other day I had a dropship above me drop like a dozen guys or more, they were all shooting at me, no way to avoid the shots while still taking them out. It's totally braindead. Either I don't understand how to play this game or it's just bad.
I remembered it being passable. Framerate was like, the least of my complaints for the PS2 version.
...maybe the motion blur hid it really well. The only boss I remember having noticeable lag was the lizard who spit stuff at you from close range.
Or your standards were just lower.I remembered it being passable. Framerate was like, the least of my complaints for the PS2 version.
...maybe the motion blur hid it really well. The only boss I remember having noticeable lag was the lizard who spit stuff at you from close range.
Here's a video of TLG's framerate at its worst
Here's a video of TLG's framerate at its worst apparently
Pretty sure it's a bug rather than, like, what the framerate normally is but yeesh, it is ridiculousIt should genuinely be illegal to sell games that perform that badly (or legal to demand a refund and get it - one of the two).
Here's a video of TLG's framerate at its worst apparently
Here's a video of TLG's framerate at its worst apparently
They needed more timePretty sure it's a bug rather than, like, what the framerate normally is but yeesh, it is ridiculous
They needed more time
They needed more time
Pretty sure it's a bug rather than, like, what the framerate normally is but yeesh, it is ridiculous
More like the buyers.Game developers and publishers need to have higher standards.
Pretty sure it's a bug rather than, like, what the framerate normally is but yeesh, it is ridiculous