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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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People in the TLG thread with a straight face saying things like "anything about 15fps is playable" and "SotC's framerate didn't impact its playability", I fucking hate threads about performance, always brings out the idiots to derail any sensible discussion. If it doesn't bother you, great, but they always like to pretend there is no problem at all.
if there's one thing in the world I'll give nintendo credit for, it's that they know how to make their first-party games set technical and presentational bars high. mostly.

don't even get me started on the technical shit related to FH3 on pc

I do feel for the MS internal studios using custom engines, a bit though. A corporate mandate came in late in development for Win 10 versions of first party titles and they have an engine that is crafted completely around the unique memory architecture of the Xbox One. Gears team lucked out since they used Unreal 4. Maybe the next round will do better but who knows. The whole initiative is crippled out of the gates with the wonky UWA requirements. If only MS viewed the PC as a platform for which to develop games and not a gaming platform they can own.
People in the TLG thread with a straight face saying things like "anything about 15fps is playable" and "SotC's framerate didn't impact its playability", I fucking hate threads about performance, always brings out the idiots to derail any sensible discussion. If it doesn't bother you, great, but they always like to pretend there is no problem at all.

I mean Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are two of my favorite games of all time but both run like total horseshit. Just because their technical issues didn't stop me from enjoying them doesn't mean I wouldn't want them to be better.

I do feel for the MS internal studios using custom engines, a bit though. A corporate mandate came in late in development for Win 10 versions of first party titles and they have an engine that is crafted completely around the unique memory architecture of the Xbox One. Gears team lucked out since they used Unreal 4. Maybe the next round will do better but who knows. The whole initiative is crippled out of the gates with the wonky UWA requirements. If only MS viewed the PC as a platform for which to develop games and not a gaming platform they can own.

I don't blame the studio at all for that one tbh because you can tell it's just an uphill battle against UWP, which was clearly not even designed to do what they're asking it to do. it sucks. Such a great game hobbled by the platform they put it on.
People in the TLG thread with a straight face saying things like "anything about 15fps is playable" and "SotC's framerate didn't impact its playability", I fucking hate threads about performance, always brings out the idiots to derail any sensible discussion. If it doesn't bother you, great, but they always like to pretend there is no problem at all.

My chicken was undercooked and pink. It was also cold.

It didn't give me food poisoning though so what's the problem?


Unconfirmed Member
People have very different thresholds when it comes to performance, I don't condemn anyone for whatever standards they have. Just don't go around declaring what it can and can't be.

We tried to get Quake 3 running at 125 fps to get the fastest movement out of it, that's kinda what shaped my idea of performance and it's barely ever been met since outside of a few competitive games.


I would put money on the Switch version being anything but smooth in hand-held mode.

That's a good point didn't think about that. That'd be a real shame. Still, given leaked specs have a CPU that should not only blow the Wii U out of the water, but also be an upgrade over XBO and PS4 (not that beating Jaguar is hard), I'm hopeful it can handle everything even in handheld mode. Might be my naiveté though


I think people should at least be able to admit, even if it doesn't bother them, that a game with consistently low fps is a bit screwy.

You're already writing the fanfic involving a romantic relationship between Sonic and Crash, aren't you. That's what Sonic fans do all day, right?
I wrote that ten years ago breh, get on my level.


People in the TLG thread with a straight face saying things like "anything about 15fps is playable" and "SotC's framerate didn't impact its playability", I fucking hate threads about performance, always brings out the idiots to derail any sensible discussion. If it doesn't bother you, great, but they always like to pretend there is no problem at all.

Yeah, Shadow of the Colossus was probably the worst-performing PS2 game I ever played. The game made me queasy.

Like, it's okay if people are willing to put up with atrocious framerates, but, well, I'm not. Another slideshow of a game does not sound appealing to me.
I mean Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are two of my favorite games of all time but both run like total horseshit. Just because their technical issues didn't stop me from enjoying them doesn't mean I wouldn't want them to be better.

No but that's what I'm saying, you can acknowledge there is a problem and still enjoy a game and say it's good. But there are always ignorant people saying everything is fine and anyone who says anything is making a big deal out of nothing. Consistent drops to like 20-25 fps areas are pretty unacceptable imo, certainly for a game that spent a decade in development. Doesn't mean I'm not there day 1 because SotC is one of my favorite games of all time, and it also had one of the most shockingly poor performance profiles of any console game I've ever played.
I would put money on the Switch version being anything but smooth in hand-held mode.

I'm interested in all that works out. If they aim for 1080p on the TV mode, which is questionable, dropping it to 544p maybe helps in handheld mode could offset it a bit. I have a windows handheld with a 720p 5.5 inch screen; the difference between 544p and 720p is negligible compared with the performance gained.

All that said, I sure won't be playing Zelda on a Wii U.



Danny fully embracing his inner youtuber


That cat bird thing is the ugliest fucking creature I've maybe ever seen in a game. No way I could play a whole game hanging out with that abomination.


I don't think Danny's saying reviews are useless, I think he's saying they're useless for this specific game. You either love their other games and you'll love this one, warts and all, or you didn't like those games and you won't be able to handle the imprecise controls and jank of this one.


What does "games like these don't come out often" even mean in terms of buying it? I should buy something because it's not a yearly release

Or is it because it's one of those artistic games that had like 9 releases this yesr
As always for me I never care for reviews, if a game interests me abit I'm going to get it. Looking forward to trying out TLG and here's hoping we get a performance update or something.

What does "games like these don't come out often" even mean in terms of buying it? I should buy something because it's not a yearly release

Well, you see...there are games and then there are TeamICO games. I think it's easy to give advice to someone on whether to get TLG or not specifically. If you liked TeamICO's past outputs chances are you're going to like this one too. If not, then you're not going to like this one.


I love SotC, I love Ico, I will probably love TLG.
A shame that a game that started as and still kinda looks like a PS3 game in spots runs like fucking garbage but I'll just have to deal with it.
As always for me I never care for reviews, if a game interests me abit I'm going to get it. Looking forward to trying out TLG and here's hoping we get a performance update or something.

Well, you see...there are games and then there are TeamICO games. I think it's easy to give advice to someone whether to get TLG or not specifically. If you liked TeamICO's past outputs chances are you're going to like this one too. If not, then you're not going to like this one.

So, it's a fancier way of saying "fans of the genre would enjoy this game," only replacing "genre" with "Team Ico"?
People in the TLG thread with a straight face saying things like "anything about 15fps is playable" and "SotC's framerate didn't impact its playability", I fucking hate threads about performance, always brings out the idiots to derail any sensible discussion. If it doesn't bother you, great, but they always like to pretend there is no problem at all.

The SOTC ones are worse as the PS2 was struggling to wrangle that game. This is the opposite really. Oh well. *gets popcorn*
I'm kind of interested in The Last Guardian, but I'm not always sold on TeamICO's games. I really liked Shadow of the Colossus, but I really didn't like Ico. I like the look of Trico, so I guess that's something. I'm still kind of hooked on Final Fantasy, though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I read Austin's Article on Watch Dogs 2 regarding Horatio and Marcus.

I kind of disagree with him but not for the reasons he states. I'll just tag it behind spoilers just to be safe.
It was cool to see Horatio in the spotlight again. I liked his interaction with Marcus. I like Marcus's relationships with the other Dedsec members as well because theyr'e actually all very diverse. This might be the first game I can think of where relationships don't feel like they're all written as a catch-all. Wrench is a weirdo and action junkie and that lets out Marcus's inner kid. Sitara is a leader and promoter with a lot of history as well as a woman with rich parents. Marcus acts very careful with her. He doesn't lead conversations with her because she's a leader as well. Josh is autistic and Marcus is always trying to get him to laugh or have a good time and reassures him when he freaks out.

Horatio has his moments with Marcus. As Austin said, it's two black people talking to each other instead of solely representing black people by themselves. There's two. They have that immediate bond of 'i'm not the only black dude anymore.' The issue is the game almost NEVER treats Horatio like a character the entire campaign. He dies in the campaign and as such, he's absent from all the side missiosn. But even prior to that, he's almost never in any cutscenes. The most you'll see of him is AFTER a mission you can go talk to him and he'll say something. Those moments with Marcus lose weight in the campaign because he's nonexistent. And his 'double life' working at Nudle might have been the justification but if you talk to him at the start, if you listen to the logs. HES SUPPOSED TO BE THE LEADER OF DEDSEC

Horatio's whole character felt like he was originally important, then scrapped, then brought back again.
I don't think Danny's saying reviews are useless, I think he's saying they're useless for this specific game. You either love their other games and you'll love this one, warts and all, or you didn't like those games and you won't be able to handle the imprecise controls and jank of this one.

Eh... the team has only made two other games, both of which were released on a single console, and the last of which came out eleven years ago. And they weren't exactly chart-toppers either. A very large number of people do not have the background knowledge of previous Team Ico games to know whether they should play this one.

Ein Bear

There's something so insane to me that Final Fantasy Versus XIII and The Last Guardian both came out within a week of eachother. I wish I could send a screenshot of the forum's front page back in time.


I don't think Danny's saying reviews are useless, I think he's saying they're useless for this specific game. You either love their other games and you'll love this one, warts and all, or you didn't like those games and you won't be able to handle the imprecise controls and jank of this one.

I see, so we should treat it like The Witcher


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how many people even know what "Team ICO" means. Their last game came out 11 years ago and sold what? Less than 2 million copies? Ico less than that. Even with the PS3 versions they are super niche and always have been.


I wonder how many people even know what "Team ICO" means. Their last game came out 11 years ago and sold what? Less than 2 million copies? Ico less than that. Even with the PS3 versions they are super niche and always have been.

People in general, or people who read GAF and follow gaming personalities on twitter?


Unconfirmed Member
Well, of the potential gaming audience. I know a majority on GAF atleast knows what to expect.

I bet even the percentage of people that follow Danny would be pretty low.


Got my Jackbox scientist shirt in the mail. It's nice, very thin. Probably not gonna last too long but I'll try to treat it gently.
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