Johnny Ryall
I was unaware of seed drm
How we doing on SOTN
Is tomorrow's VinnyVania the finale
How we doing on SOTN
Is tomorrow's VinnyVania the finale
I am so behind on videos lately. Been playing too much Skyrim and Hitman. I have like 6 hours worth of Giant Bomb to watch, plus I completely missed Hell in a Cell the other night and Raw last night.
it's the best time to be playing video games.
And Hitman definitely deserves to be in Top 5 of GotY. Hokkaido is fucking great in every respect. I loved Dan and Brad sitting down with IO, you could practically hear Brad's reverence for the game growing as he came to understand it more. I suppose it depends on how Jeff feels about it when he eventually sits down with it.
And Hitman definitely deserves to be in Top 5 of GotY. Hokkaido is fucking great in every respect. I loved Dan and Brad sitting down with IO, you could practically hear Brad's reverence for the game growing as he came to understand it more. I suppose it depends on how Jeff feels about it when he eventually sits down with it.
Jeff is gonna read about the story bits on a wiki and dismiss it from the list though.
you cantI'm trying to come up with ten 2016 games better than The Witcher 3 but I don't think I can.
What version of dead rising is this? Looks weirdVTMB is also the undisputed king of fake logos in games
I'm trying to come up with ten 2016 games better than The Witcher 3 but I don't think I can.
Jeff is gonna read about the story bits on a wiki and dismiss it from the list though.
Definitely more interested to see that game under the quick look light rather than the VR stream where they were a bit more interested in the tech than the game itself.Oh word, more robot golfwhy
Whoa you guys weren't kidding, they actually think all eggs that chickens lay are fertilized.
You mix chicken periods, sprinkly bread, and some other stuff together and you've got yourself a cake.always remember, you're eating chicken periods for breakfast
You mix chicken periods, sprinkly bread, and some other stuff together and you've got yourself a cake.
You mix chicken periods, sprinkly bread, and some other stuff together and you've got yourself a cake.
always remember, you're eating chicken periods for breakfast
"Period" doesn't mean egg, but the sloughing of the uterine lining.
And chickens do not menstruate because they are birds.
why are those sentences i am typing in the giant bomb thread
oh, because our education system is in shambles
"Period" doesn't mean egg, but the sloughing of the uterine lining.
And chickens do not menstruate because they are birds.
why are those sentences i am typing in the giant bomb thread
oh, because our education system is in shambles
"I played Battlefield 1 for the first time yesterday."
"How was it?"
"I immediately tried to run on a wall."
Word. Titanfall 2 is the motherfucking king.
A king without a country, sadly. At least everybody tells me the game sells like shit
Simultaneously the worst moment of Jeff's life and the best moment of Jason's.
Farming simulator conspiracy hour was a cool video
As long as there's enough people to play MP and there is, it's still the king, of the world, in 2016.
Listening to the podcast TF2 is going top 3 in GOTY.
Overwatch get fucked boi.
Team Fortress 2 is one of the best multiplayer games of all time, yeah.
no one wants this.
no one cares.
please stop.
dude it's an oversimplification of a process in order to make a joke
but also do you honestly believe schools would teach the ovulation of other species?
You seem very uptight. Have a warm glass of cow tit juice and do some yoga.
Not hippy yoga, though.