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Giant Bomb #27 | http://cbsinteractive.com/careers


GBE Playdate: Tender Loving Care (04/07/2017)
We learn a lot of about John Hurt, art, and each other as we begin a new FMV journey.


Kaiden has far and away the worst survival rate for any Mass Effect character. I felt OK keeping him alive. Ashley seemed like a dirtbag.

Also in ME3 Kaiden decided to hit on me all of a sudden and that was weird but every Bioware character has to hit on you eventually and you have to make the "I want to bone you" choice I guess.


Junior Member
Ugh, I can't do it. Every week I try to watch UPF, and it becomes clear that it's just as stale as it was last week. I can't watch UPF anymore. This is so damn boring. If it wasn't for GBeast, I wouldn't even wanna keep my premium. I just wish the archive for their stream was up, because I missed it.

One of us, one of us

it's because the numbers keep going up

that's all that matters

GB is Jeff's clicker
Finally, some Yooka Laylee coverage. I thought I'd get some impressions from Beastcast but maybe they're waiting till it's out.

I look forward to playing it next week.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I just don't understand why Jeff doesn't understand how bad it's gotten. At times he seems committed to trying to produce content, but at the same time, he is fine with letting it continue on this way.
Or maybe he does and his hands are tied until they get more man power 🤷🏾*♂️ We, as much as we like to pretend, have no fucking clue what goes on at the offices on the day to day or what ramp ups to press events like E3 are like or what kind of process goes into getting new hires set in stone. Just the brief glimpses that vinny has provided makes it less hazy, but EOD, we don't know. We're still waiting on one hire for east and two for west. It's been great that rorie and Jason have been able to continue to be personalities for the site in the interim but that's also kinda not their job either. Looking at job opening details it's not like they're looking at catch all employees. There are still clear focuses for the day to day operation.

Jeff continues to say it best, you don't like it you don't have to watch. Simple.
RE: Beast in the East, I think they should write up a combat movelist/cheat sheet for Dan to have in front of him when he plays. The show's format is the opposite of conducive to learning a wide variety of moves and retaining them.


Man. I kind of want to replay ME.

I did so because I was feeling the mass effect fever but didn't want to subjugate myself to Andromeda.

It's still pretty fuckin good but I've grown really critical of the dialogue wheel and can kinda see how transparent it is. Outside that, the world building is still ace as fuck.


Persona 5 and BOTW are my mgsv and smm of this year

Idk who to pick as my favorite right now but god damn do the both of them blow their previous iterations outta the fucking water

I've played persona 5 a day after launch even though I had it because no time and beyond that I've just had no time to play till like 11 pm or later and I have 15 hours on it now I don't even think I slept yesterday haha
Beastcast was great again this week, Really great chemsitry between the guys and getting to see bakalar learn about dan's ways is hilarious

I'm getting ready to watch Fast 7 for the first time tonight, will it hurt the movie to watch along with the commentary first time through?
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