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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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My Hoodie



I am fine with that


Based on some comments in here, I'm guessing it's safe to say Tested is markedly shittier than ever before? And perhaps that Adam Savage is perhaps the most hyperbolic, self-important individual in existence. Pardon the hyperbole.

I still listen to the Tested podcasts as well as watch some content, and I still like Norm and Will a lot. But my biggest problem with the site now is that it became this giant circle jerk around Adam Savage. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy who's really accomplished a lot of neat stuff. But any time he's around Will & Norm he demolishes the content because they change personas to become his yes men; losing their opinions in the process.

Makes me really miss Gary too because he's so unabashedly opinionated. Even if I didn't agree with him all the time, it was still better to listen to him talk about something he cared about. Rather than listen to Will say, "That's amazing!" multiple times to Adam in one sitting.

I'm glad they're more successful now. I wish them all the luck in the world. But I do wish they'd go back to their roots every once and a while.
I still listen to the Tested podcasts as well as watch some content, and I still like Norm and Will a lot. But my biggest problem with the site now is that it became this giant circle jerk around Adam Savage. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy who's really accomplished a lot of neat stuff. But any time he's around Will & Norm he demolishes the content because they change personas to become his yes men; losing their opinions in the process.

Makes me really miss Gary too because he's so unabashedly opinionated. Even if I didn't agree with him all the time, it was still better to listen to him talk about something he cared about. Rather than listen to Will say, "That's amazing!" multiple times to Adam in one sitting.

I'm glad they're more successful now. I wish them all the luck in the world. But I do wish they'd go back to their roots every once and a while.

It is impossible for me to agree with you any more. It really hit home when they posted that video from Comicon where all the people dressed up as Adam and followed Adam around fueling his inflating self-image. And he can't just like something, it has to be seminal or important or REQUIRED READING as if everything he touches is fucking gold.


I should have phrased that better. My problem isn't that TB has problems in that instance, but that it's believed (by at least that guy) that he wields a large audience that can make or break a game period.

I don't believe that should exist period.

I especially don't like that TB is the one who has that as I don't agree with plenty of his other opinions.

Is this TB's fault? No. Of course not. Others need to step up to the plate. It just still leaves a sour taste in my mouth as he's incredibly opinionated and rash.


This is ridiculous.

So everyone with a opinion that has pulling power should stop making content? Guess Giantbomb should stop making Quick Looks, then - it's not like they are any more informed that the WTF Is.. videos.

I don't really complain about much of Giant Bomb, but the fact that Patrick gives a TedEx Talk, which at its core is about people been dickheads on the Internet, yet now gives one of those very dickheads a platform to speak is ridiculous.

Sure there is a difference with what Patrick (and others in the media) have to deal with, but they are lightning rods that are naturally going to draw idiots to troll them due to their job position. Total Biscut is treating stabbing, plus wishing cancer and death up everyday people. He does not even have anonymity to fall back on - which is usually a go to (albeit bad) excuse people fall back on to justify their actions.

I guess it is okay to be a dickhead on the Internet if you have a following

Oh great, more faux outrage. Patrick offered him a platform because, obviously, he's accepting of a wide array of opinions. TotalBiscuit hasn't done anything hugely wrong except be a bit snarky to a few fans on social media - it's hardly something to hate a man for, is it?

I'm not a big fan of TotalBiscuit but everyone being indignant for no reason is really getting on my nerves.

This is ridiculous.

So everyone with a opinion that has pulling power should stop making content? Guess Giantbomb should stop making Quick Looks, then - it's not like they are any more informed that the WTF Is.. videos.

I already said that I don't find them annoying and the videos are still fun to watch even when they're uninformed because of their personalities. I can't say the same for TB.

I think you're just looking to be upset at stuff on an internet message board. Chillax brah.
Oh great, more faux outrage. Patrick offered him a platform because, obviously, he's accepting of a wide array of opinions. TotalBiscuit hasn't done anything hugely wrong except be a bit snarky to a few fans on social media - it's hardly something to hate a man for, is it?

I'm not a big fan of TotalBiscuit but everyone being indignant for no reason is really getting on my nerves.

You are a nobody. and no one gives a shit about you. Leave NeoGAF and get the fuck away from me. I do not care. You stupid cunt. Go die in a fire for all I care. I hope you die of cancer.

If I meant what I just said above (I don't, and I felt bad typing it), I am sure you'd have a bad opinion of me. In the same vein, I feel I have reason to, and I feel justified in having a bad opinion of a guy that does the same to others. Especially as his personality seems based of constant insults.

I am not saying everyone with a prominent position in media should be a saint. They should not. There is room for all kinds of people out there. But there is a fine line between playing a combative persona, and Total Biscuit has consistently crossed that line to personal attacks on multiple occasions.

Of course, non of this is the end of the world. There are certainly worse people on Youtube, Look at KSI - a guy the mainstream media are now tossing money at - even though "RAPEFACE" is is call to fame.There is something to really truly get annoyed about.
Personally, regardless of my feelings towards TB (they're negative), I just think it's a weird choice to talk to him about the Youtube content ID stuff since he is so far away from a person who would ever be affected by it.

The guy's channel is huge, and he takes money from publishers to do "consulting", whatever the fuck that means, as if TB is any more knowledgeable about what makes a game good than anyone else. Point is he's a guy at the forefront of a huge community who takes his opinions seriously and he is at the same time in business dealings with undisclosed entities inside of the production and sale of the same products he's offering his opinions on.

He's basically got the same critical opinion powers that a journalist does but he's exempt from having any integrity to back it up.

He's the opposite of a person whose opinions I would value in regards to the content ID controversy. He's large enough to be unaffected, and he's in bed in some way with some publishers. So to me, he seems like a weird choice to ask about this stuff.

But anyway, from Patrick's twitter it kind of seemed like the guest appearance was scheduled before any of this stuff happened. I just hope people who listen to TB's opinions are aware of the conflicts he faces as a critical voice in the community.
His wtf videos are usually so uninformed and ignorant they're not particularly bearable there either. I really have no reason to ever pay attention to him at all ever. With Giant Bomb at least I like their personalities so if they don't enjoy something I like, or are incorrect about something factual, whatever I can still enjoy it.

It really scares me that he has so much power in this pc indie game scene.

For example, the waves post-mortem:

I don't see how that was damaging to the sale of Waves, unless one holds the opinion that TB's audience is a hivemind that base a large part of their game purchase decisions on TB's opinion of a game. Which seems somewhat insulting.

Instead of the developer musing that TB's negative impression potentially influenced his audience and cost him sales, it might be more likely that he actually benefited from TB's decision to cover the game and expose his audience to it, despite his dislike of Score-Attack shooters. His audience is likely to have a large number of people who are into those types of games, and know to take TB's opinions of the genre with a grain of salt, while still being entertained by his preview.
Did you watch the interview? It was uncharacteristically professional. TB can conduct himself in a thoughtful manner if he tries.

There's nothing uncharacteristic about his behaviour on the morning show. That's exactly how he acts in about 99% of his videos and the weekly podcast they do with his network.


There's nothing uncharacteristic about his behaviour on the morning show. That's exactly how he acts in about 99% of his videos and the weekly podcast they do with his network.
Yep. If you don't want to hate people, ignore twitter. Even smart people post the worst shit on there and facebook.

OMG Aero

Yep. If you don't want to hate people, ignore twitter. Even smart people post the worst shit on there and facebook.
A perfect example of this is Justin McElroy. That guy is pretty cool whenever he is on the Bombcast at E3 and is consistently hilarious on the advice podcast he does with his brothers, but if you read his Twitter (especially when there is some Polygon drama) you just hate the guy.


Telegram reads :

Urgent STOP Thread imploading STOP Please send new content STOP Survival depends on it STOP Gratefully END


You are a nobody. and no one gives a shit about you. Leave NeoGAF and get the fuck away from me. I do not care. You stupid cunt. Go die in a fire for all I care. I hope you die of cancer.

If I meant what I just said above (I don't, and I felt bad typing it), I am sure you'd have a bad opinion of me. In the same vein, I feel I have reason to, and I feel justified in having a bad opinion of a guy that does the same to others. Especially as his personality seems based of constant insults.

I am not saying everyone with a prominent position in media should be a saint. They should not. There is room for all kinds of people out there. But there is a fine line between playing a combative persona, and Total Biscuit has consistently crossed that line to personal attacks on multiple occasions.

Of course, non of this is the end of the world. There are certainly worse people on Youtube, Look at KSI - a guy the mainstream media are now tossing money at - even though "RAPEFACE" is is call to fame.There is something to really truly get annoyed about.
I think the reason why people take more offense at Total Biscuit's losing the plot is that he's otherwise a very articulate, intelligent guy, something that really can't be said for KSI. You'd think that even with the abuse he gets he should know it's mainly from people who want to get a rise out of him. His demeanor shouldn't be this easily compromised if we are to consider it genuine elsewhere, under different circumstances. The problem is that it's difficult to buy the whole articulate persona, if that's how he'll react to YouTube commentary and Twitter snark.
So who else is excited about new-gen Dynasty Warriors quick looks. There's going to be SO MANY dudes on screen as Jeff hits the X button and sighs disappointedly. The future baby!
While there is still talk of Tested being thrown about I thought I would put my two pennies in.

I really like Tested, and I still visit it almost every day, but they are trying to be Wired with a 2 man team, and that's just not going to work.

When they launched at Whiskey, I was really excited to see a Technology site with the same personality driven style as Giant Bomb, and we got that for a long while. However since the Berman-Braun buyout and the inclusion of Adam, it's obviously shifted over to being run by Adam's personality with all the maker stuff taking precedent.

Sadly I kind of think the whole "Maker movement" is just a bit wanky. And there are loads of other places posting science articles.

Now I just don't have a fun technology website to follow...

Oh and the podcast is demonstrably less interesting without Gary in the third seat. If he is going to be a rare addition, they need someone else sitting in that third seat consistently, even if that is Joey.


Oh and the podcast is demonstrably less interesting without Gary in the third seat. If he is going to be a rare addition, they need someone else sitting in that third seat consistently, even if that is Joey.

Yeah, I agree. I can't listen to (and I especially can't watch) the podcast with just Will and Norm. Their chemistry feels extremely antagonistic and awkward. I like Will separately, but I find Norm's smugness to be really off-putting.

Dadcast is usually pretty good though, but it's appeal is largely because of the guests. It's impossible to go wrong when you have Jeff Green and Vinny Caravella involved in a podcast.
I still think the best content Tested ever did was the Lego Endurance Run, personally.

Losing Gary from the podcast just made it unenjoyable to listen to. There was no foil for the other two, and Gary brought a lot of humor to it. Without him, the chemistry changed.

I also came to dislike the worshipping at the altar of Apple. It felt like they would never criticize Apple products until the next revision came along, and dismissed everything else from coverage because it wasn't Apple.

Which is fine if they want to do that, but it disinterested me as a reader when they covered a narrow slice of tech so much.

Edit: as a hoodie enthusiast with too many already, nothing about that seemed worth the money. It seems fine but what makes it stand out for almost $100? At least an expensive pair of dress shoes, there's a noticeable difference in construction and material quality.


Neo Member
I just finished Bioshock Infinite on Sunday so I was finally able to go back and watch their "spoilercast" where they watch Vinny play through the ending for 2.5 hours. YouTube Link

It worked out that I saved it for a time when there is no content. If you didn't finish the game at the time, maybe it's something you can watch now. It's a fun discussion despite Patrick.


Been watching the Persona 4 Endurance Run during this dry spell. Keep expecting Jeff to take the controller away from Vinny. Good times.

OMG Aero

Danny O'Dwyer will be playing the third chapter of Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday star over on Gamespot in an hour and 5 minutes.
If you missed the previous streams or just need a refresher since it's been a few months, Danny has previously saved Christmas from some pigeon/mammal hybrids and then he used anime magical girl powers to save the world from a bird using a laser made from the blood of pigeon anime fans.
The next chapter is called The Day the Night Slept but who the fuck knows what will happen next.


I fucking freaked. I saw a huge Origin ad at the top of the page. What was happening?!

As it turns out I wasn't logged in.

OMG Aero

Danny O'Dwyer will be playing the third chapter of Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday star over on Gamespot in an hour and 5 minutes.
If you missed the previous streams or just need a refresher since it's been a few months, Danny has previously saved Christmas from some pigeon/mammal hybrids and then he used anime magical girl powers to save the world from a bird using a laser made from the blood of pigeon anime fans.
The next chapter is called The Day the Night Slept but who the fuck knows what will happen next.
Danny O'Dwyer will be playing the third chapter of Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday star over on Gamespot in an hour and 5 minutes.
If you missed the previous streams or just need a refresher since it's been a few months, Danny has previously saved Christmas from some pigeon/mammal hybrids and then he used anime magical girl powers to save the world from a bird using a laser made from the blood of pigeon anime fans.
The next chapter is called The Day the Night Slept but who the fuck knows what will happen next.

Oh god, this is something else dude. I've been watching this stuff all morning now HAHAHA
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