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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Titanfall looks cool as hell. There is so much awesome scifi engineering going on in that game. Everything is mechanical and moving, the world is like giant machine. Oh man, I am so pumped on this game.


Can someone link the video where they play Day Z? I thought I had it but apparently not, I'm not sure which it is.

Edit: Oh Puppy stream!


Titanfall looks cool as hell. There is so much awesome scifi engineering going on in that game. Everything is mechanical and moving, the world is like giant machine. Oh man, I am so pumped on this game.

It really looks like they were making an Attack on Titan game and lost the license, especially in terms of traversal.

Edit: Oops, double post.


The racism in South Park is done in a way demeaning to the racist to point out their absurd activity and beliefs.

On the internet, it's done either by absurd racists or by people with no understanding of or talent for comedy.

Slight difference.

The whole of the internet? It must have taken you a long time to see everything it has to offer.


Jeff & Vinny's version is way more funny in my opinion, Ryan & Brad simply don't have the same chemistry and ability to play off eachother. However if I remember correctly, Ryan & Brad show more of the game, i.e. they do more sidequests and check more places out. so if you're into that you should check out them as well. Also Brad dies though. A lot.

R: "What are you doing?"


*gets mauled by zombie*
Titanfall looks like an evolution of COD, should be fun with my group of friends, though for me it doesn't seem to live up to all the hype EA and MS are spouting for me yet
I foresee a 5/5 Titanfall review from Jeff. Game looks hella fun and speaks to Jeff's love of shooting big things with lock-on RPG's.

Yeah, the guy loved the COD games but seems to have COD fatigue. It's hard not to relate with that. I logged in 8 days worth of play with MW2 and not a single COD game after has come even close, with BLOPS1 being the closest to scratch that itch. The notion that the folks behind MW2 are making a new online shooter is pretty exciting, yeah.
I didnt expect the Titanfall meta game to basically just be COD again. I dont know what else I was expecting though. Havent been paying attention.

I wouldn't call Titanfall the evolution of COD. It looks like COD with a twist and the twist it mechs.

But the colour palate gives my those COD4 warm fuzzy feelings.

DICE should really make another Battlefield 2142

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Some cunts just enjoy getting a rise out of people.

Unfortunately, Patrick's stance on highlighting it is counterproductive when you're dealing with people who have nothing at stake.

Just delete/block/ban and move on with no mention of it until one of two things happen: 1) the way the internet works is fundamentally changed to remove anonymity or 2) change to a different industry where a large portion of your audience aren't 12-25 attention seekers.

I can't begin to imagine his frustration, but he's giving them exactly what they want.

Hi! I wrote this on Tumblr, and thought it was worth logging in to share.

It’s true that acknowledging the worst the Internet has to offer gives them oxygen in the room. It’s possible that highlighting them encourages others to come at me, as well.

But consider the other side of the equation.

What you’re asking is to pretend the abuse isn’t happening. What you’re asking is allowing these people to get their punches in without acknowledging the punches are landing. Even when I’ve distanced myself from trolls, they still come knocking. They are not going away. I’d rather people become better aware of the harassment that’s out there—it’s real.

I’m a big boy, I can take the hits. The one about Ryan was nasty, partially because it was from a real voice, but mostly because I miss my friend. It’s important that we recognize harassment occurs, that it’s much more than a boogeyman. We only do that by shining a light, and maybe it encourages other people to highlight and acknowledge their abuse, too.​


Hope when Titantfall is released proper they look at the Xbox One and PC version. Giant Bomb isn't the site I go to for version comparisons but I always enjoy the odd quick look where they have multiple versions and switch back and forth.
As someone who hasn't cared about CoD since the second one (that's the second CoD, not second MW), I don't understand where people get the comparison.

Titanfall is like CoD but with mechs, jetpacks, wallrunning, mantling, combat in which the winner isn't decided by the first shot, varied weapons, bots and a heavy push for objective-based gameplay.

Just like CoD.


Titanfall makes me want a fast paced mechwarrior game. Remember MechAssault? I fucking loved MechAssault. I want that, in MOBA form. The lanes are paths through a ruined city. Different Mechs for different classes. You "build" your loadout the same way you build your character in DotA.


As someone who hasn't cared about CoD since the second one (that's the second CoD, not second MW), I don't understand where people get the comparison.

Titanfall is like CoD but with mechs, jetpacks, wallrunning, mantling, combat in which the winner isn't decided by the first shot, varied weapons, bots and a heavy push for objective-based gameplay.

Just like CoD.

There is an undeniable similarity between the loadout/unlock systems. But yeah, i agree the gameplay differentiates itself nicely
Yeah, patrick, i dunno. I get the sentiment but you're expecting irrational and immature people to eventually change their ways by bring their hideousness out for all to see?

I learned at a young age to kinda let shit slide with some of these types. You're feeding the troll, essentially. I don't condone any of that stuff and I, too, think that VM was fucked up stuff. But there will always be these type of people out there and letting them know that it gets to you is going to encourage those type of assholes to keep at it. Best thing to do is to ignore it, hope they stop being 13 one day and become empathetic human beings, and move on.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
This tweet from Danny is all it takes to make me excited about Titanfall
My biggest take on Titanfall is that it's shooting reminded me of the battle encounters you'd have in Unreal Tournament or Quake.


The thing I don't get about Patrick's stance, is the people he is publicly showcasing are still anonymous... so how is that effective in the fight against online bullying?

If you got the name of the person who sent that voicemail, and said "Joe Blow of Las Vegas, NV, please do not bully people on the internet", then I could see the strategy being effective, but just posting anonymous vitriol from high schoolers and unemployed losers seems counter-productive to the end-goal of reducing the amount of hateful messages public figures receive. Attempting to combat irrational behavior with rational thought is ineffective.
I don't expect bad people to change. I expect good people to realize bad things are happening.

The implication there is that good people aren't keenly aware that there are terrible people on the internet. Most of us are, duder. And we know that you and others on the staff probably get emails/IMs/VMs that are the equivalent of youtube comments but much nastier and personal. I really recommend letting it be, but as you already know you're entitled to handle it any way you see fit. Better to come off as it doesn't bother you than let on that it does, though.

Attempting to combat irrational behavior with rational thought is ineffective.

Yup. Couldn't have said it better myself.


I don't expect bad people to change. I expect good people to realize bad things are happening.

I guess the question is, or my question is, how do you fight the bad things when the people doing the bad things either don't care about the fact that they're doing bad things, or are reveling in it?

I remember the days of fighting the internet abuse towards my cosplaying friends because one of them was in a revealing outfit or one of them was dressed up as "the wrong sex" and you fight and scream and wail and it's...all much ado about nothing because as soon as you stop fighting and making fun of those things is no longer a spotlight issue, it all goes away and those perpetrating walk away smiling while you...or in this case I, am/was left stressed and gasping.

Leads to a lot of drinking and shouting at the moon.

Attempting to combat irrational behavior with rational thought is ineffective.

Ineffective and often damaging.


The thing I don't get about Patrick's stance, is the people he is publicly showcasing are still anonymous... so how is that effective in the fight against online bullying?

If you got the name of the person who sent that voicemail, and said "Joe Blow of Las Vegas, NV, please do not bully people on the internet", then I could see the strategy being effective, but just posting anonymous vitriol from high schoolers and unemployed losers seems counter-productive to the end-goal of reducing the amount of hateful messages public figures receive. Attempting to combat irrational behavior with rational thought is ineffective.

did you even read what he said literally right above your post?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
did you even read what he said literally right above your post?

It seems pretty clear from the time stamps he was typing his post during the 180second window between his and Patrick's post.
fwiw, this was a pretty good episode that does a serviceable job characterizing everything wrong with communication on the internet. Its a whole buncha information to digest at once though. It will really wear you out and make you just want to quit the internet entirely because it shows just how lost in the weeds almost every exchange devolves into. No matter how intelligent and mindful the participants are or think they are.


did you even read what he said literally right above your post?

No he posted while I was writing my post, and it still doesn't answer my question, but thanks for your outstanding addition to the conversation forums user mattp.

How is "I expect good people to realize bad things are happening." going to solve anything? I recognize and have recognized that many bad things are written about lots of things and towards lots of people on the internet. How is it more effective to publicly showcase the most offensive statements made by anonymous people versus ignoring them? Attention is the sole reason people are writing these nasty things on the internet. You can present mean voicemails to all the good people in the world forever and ever until the end of time, all it'll do is make more people want to leave mean voicemails because they'll get more attention.


I don't expect bad people to change. I expect good people to realize bad things are happening.

So what if good people know? They can't do anything about it, and the problem persists.

I don't expect things to get better, I expect them to get worse, and it will continue that way unless there are consequences to actions on the Internet.


So what if good people know? They can't do anything about it, and the problem persists.

I don't expect things to get better, I expect them to get worse, and it will continue that way unless there are consequences to actions on the Internet.

does spreading awareness about diseases not help either?
look i'm not saying (and i dont think he is) what he's doing is going to magic ally solve the problem
but the more people are aware it is actually a problem the better chances are it will be solved at some point


does spreading awareness about diseases not help either?
look i'm not saying (and i dont think he is) what he's doing is going to magic ally solve the problem
but the more people are aware it is actually a problem the better chances are it will be solved at some point

Who are these people who don't know how shitty the internet can get? Everyone knows what youtube and news article comments look like. Everyone knows how shitty tumblur, twitter and facebook can be.

The places where the least internet savvy people go are the worst places.
I guess my issue with "assholes on the internet" is that its a problem without a solution. They're not people that you can "teach to be respectful," they can't be shamed (not to mention that shaming people is a counterproductive way of encouraging people to make positive changes in their life). The best you can really hope is that they just grow out of it. Which is largely irrelevant because as soon as one person grows out of it, there's some kid out there old enough to get on the internet and realize he can be an asshole as well.


does spreading awareness about diseases not help either?
look i'm not saying (and i dont think he is) what he's doing is going to magic ally solve the problem
but the more people are aware it is actually a problem the better chances are it will be solved at some point

There are tangible real things you can do to curb disease because disease and the act of treating it are logical.

It's the fact that actively fighting...this level of inane bullshit only makes it worse that keeps us all on the edge of madness. Tell me what to do, where to go, who to talk to in order to make this stuff stop, I'll do, go, talk. Every time I've done so in the past, it has always made the situation worse. Always. And the solution to the problem was to wait for the abuse to take it's course and move by, like a particularly damaging lightning storm.

We know it sucks, we know those people suck and we know that this abuse exists. But we can't fight it because every time we do, it gets worse and we get weaker. So what are we to do?


Agreed Mesoian. The thing is, as onlookers on the internet like this, you can't really do anything to make an aggressive person change. That comes from knowing and talking to someone in person, and really starts with good parenting.

The thing is, there are so many factors to make someone to something, and when you have the anonymity of the internet it's almost impossible to try to tackle such an issue.


Patrick, if you're still reading, would please consider an article about how we are all now alpha testers for broken products at full price? The Arkham Origins being the most recent example. Not to mention how all 3 next gen consoles released with significant features missing or broken.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
does spreading awareness about diseases not help either?
look i'm not saying (and i dont think he is) what he's doing is going to magic ally solve the problem
but the more people are aware it is actually a problem the better chances are it will be solved at some point

I think there is a lot of mixed signals within the general discussion "the internet" has been having. There are a lot of different things happening concurrently. The barriers between networks that make up the internet have become so incestuous that what would have been a harmless little boys club in ~2001 is now able to float to the forefront of public consciousness. So theres that; stuff that for better or worse was never intended for the public at large to scrutinize. Thats not trying to defer blame away from the individuals, but its important to remember just how far the internet has come in even the last 5 years. It IS a lot more personal now.

Then theres the twitter horde. Think back to that lady who made the AIDs joke on her way to Africa. Before she even got off the plane she was front page news worldwide. That didn't make me feel too good. Does that make her not an idiot? No. Does it mean she shouldn't have been disciplined by her peers and employers? No. But the level of outrage she brought upon herself was exponentially larger in scale than her transgression. Kind of the same goes for that indiestatik guy? He's a total maladjusted creep but the level of hatred directed him went far past what I would characterize appropriate. And thats not to say people don't have a right to be angry, they absolutely do.

But what happens is people get incentivised by the nature of the network itself to amplify and simplify the dialectic to the point where it just boils down to "us" and "them." And that does happen. People want that retweet or that quote and will go with the general wind/whim of the collective to get it. Without stopping to consider what it actually is they're saying. A lot of times people just want to be agreed with.

Theres a lot going on as we figure out this new world, but people really need to take a breath and realize that just because they can pull out something from a tweet or post that could be perceived as offensive or negative or as indicative of a lack of perspective doesn't mean they necessarily should. Which is what I feel like happens. Theres some really awful shit going on and people do need to be made aware. But I also think that a good portion of posts that would be categorized into the "shitty person" pile are just harmless misunderstandings or stem from people actively looking for oppressive undertones in everything they read.


If you can't stand up to abuse then you're a coward.

If someone was verbally abusing a family member would you sit idley by? If yes, then you're a coward with no dignity or integrity. There is a tactful way of course but standing up for oneself or others is not a shameful thing.

Everyone is a keyboard warrior but in person, you really get to see the difference.
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