Some growth is no excuse to stop trying. They'll probably get the preview feature when Gamespot gets their subscription service back (assuming that's still happening - it was one of the reasons CBSi bought GB).Jeff has said that, despite what everyone is implying in this thread, the site is actually growing in popularity and subscription numbers are increasing.
To do what you propose would involve a massive amount of engineering work. Why pay for all that when you're already on an upward trajectory?
Seriously, people. It's ok to be less enthused about the site, but for whatever reason it seems like everyone is always convinced the site is dying despite the fact that every single time the real numbers of the site are discussed by those who know them they say that the site is doing better than ever.
Also, you're doing that thing where you're making out everyone is on the crazy train because one or two people went full-on sky is falling mode; the rest are simply saying that GB needs to do a better job at selling their goods. You don't need an MBA to see that their free video content and their Youtube channel does a poor job promoting the excellent subscription content. Why do you think every forth WM Happy Hour was free? Having some form of preview is standard when creating a sub service.
GB/CBSi are probably well aware of this, but like most conglomerates, they're slow as fuck doing anything.
Because of Patrick's ridiculous description of the game, I'll probably buy it next time I have to travel. Anime fans are insanely defensive.Finally watched Friday's morning show cringing in anticipation for the section about danganronpa because I really like the game.
After hearing it wtf were you people crying about? Patrick if anything was over the top in his praise for the game. Yes truth bullets are dumb as shit. The reaction to his 95% praise on here is batshit crazy.
If something as simple as calling truth bullets dumb/silly sends you into such a hissy fit maybe stop playing video games and see a therapist about your rage issues. 100% serious.