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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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bish gets all the credit :)
I wish I could say I'm shocked at Patrick's response, but I'm not.

The biggest release of the year shows massive differences between the two brand new consoles, confirmed by the dev (so you can't use the "It's a rumor" defense) yet it's not newsworthy because he doesn't own a 1080p TV.


I don't know how Brad continues to read this thread. I don't have a dog in this fight and reading the last few pages have left me wanting to put a bullet in my brain.

I mean... given the amount of flesh-eating bug stories he brings to the podcast it's hardly surprising that he's attracted to misery.


Quick Look: Typing of the Dead: Overkill

The characters don't have keyboards attached to them. Instant disappointment.

It's worth it solely for Sega's trolling.


There's also potential gold from any DLC dictionaries we may see down the road.


This post is also pretty perceptive.

Who said I never post anything nice in here?

As already pointed out, the PS3 was able to compensate for it's RAM and GPU deficiencies thanks to its considerably more powerful CPU that took years for developers to fully exploit. The Xbone enjoys no such advantage and so there is no reason to draw a parallel between the state of PS3 multiplatform titles at launch, and the huge resolution disparity in Xbone launch titles.
Set down your agenda for a second and let's try a little critical thinking. Patrick is either

-dismissing an issue out of hand because he and he alone doesn't have the hardware to tell the difference, or

-applying his own example to illustrate why technical minutiae is somewhere around eighth on the list of factors that will determine the success of these consoles, as it's always been

Mainstream video game consumers do not give a FUCK about the resolution of their games compared to price, brand loyalty, peripheral features, exclusives, and which system their friends are playing on. All of those things are more important to people who don't post on Internet forums than a disparity in resolution that, while it may look enormous by the numbers, is not dramatically perceptible to the eye in real-world circumstances.

I'd argue this maxim even extends to places like GAF. Numerous PS3 multiplats were lower res or performed worse than their 360 counterparts last generation. If you're a Sony fan who prefers the PlayStation environment, raise your hand if you let that stop you from playing those games on the PS3. I'd bet money there aren't a lot of you.

I bought a 360 to play the superior versions of games like Bayonetta and AC 2, B and R.

How about you set down your agenda of pretending consumers won't care about a large difference in hardware power between two new consoles launched at the same time where the more powerful console is actually cheaper. Something that has never happened before. The resolution gap is just evidence of what people with any kind of technical knowledge have known for months - these consoles are far from identical.


Name 10 better posters this year
You've talked multiple times about hooking up a PC to a TV to get 1080p.

When were you talking shit, then or now?

You continue to not understand how to talk to people like a well adjusted adult, but I'll do you the courtesy of answering anyway.

You might be onto something if higher resolution were the only reason to play on PC, and not in addition to frame rate, graphical effects, price, and flexibility. Also, the post you quoted was entirely about which factors are gonna influence these machines' potential for success in general, not what my own personal preferences are. I guess you were so hasty to get a dig in at me that you didn't stop to realize you don't actually have a point here.

At any rate, if you're going to keep being an asshole then don't bother responding or I'm gonna make my inaugural use of GAF's ignore function. I've had enough of it.
Hardcore gamers care about 720p vs 1080p, and their choice of console in turn affects their mainstream friends. Thus even if you don't care about resolution, you decide on a console based on resolution by proxy.

There, I solved it for y'all!


Does every thread have to devolve into insipid, petulant resowarzzzzz? Giant Bomb isn't exactly known for reporting on each and every minute aspect of gaming. It isn't necessary for their site or their audience. Two titles that otherwise maintain parity while looking slightly better on one platform doesn't seem worthy of a story beyond stoking the flames of a rather intense, insular, and embittered battle between feuding factions on dedicated gaming websites.

I'm sure that, if one version is egregiously bad, they'll demonstrate a comparison in the quick luck or discuss it on the podcast. The more likely scenario is that one looks better but not to the point of warranting a separate article or coverage beyond what is usually applied to a new release.


I bought a 360 to play the superior versions of games like Bayonetta and AC 2, B and R.

How about you set down your agenda of pretending consumers won't care about a large difference in hardware power between two new consoles launched at the same time where the more powerful console is actually cheaper. Something that has never happened before.

You had just mentioned the 360 not two sentences earlier

Hardcore gamers care about 720p vs 1080p, and their choice of console in turn affects their mainstream friends. Thus even if you don't care about resolution, you decide on a console based on resolution by proxy.

There, I solved it for y'all!

So then why did I spend the entire generation owning only a Wii and DS?


aka IMurRIVAL69
Watching the BF4 QL now. the ending to the SP stuff. A crash exit to desktop. damn.

I like my PC for high IQ gaming but… I’ve experienced freezes and crashes like that myself. More reason I’m waiting for the new consoles. Raise the bar to get close to the PC without the PC’s wrinkles.

True, never had a console game crash or freeze on me.


Are people really getting into arguments over one console doing better than the other because of resolution and frame rate? People don't give a shit about nearly as much as which brand they like or which system their friends have.Resolution sure as hell won't be a deal breaker for most people. Christ am I glad I'm not a console gamer. Chasing that dragon does bad things to people.

This is the Giant Bomb thread for God's sake. Drop this video game bullshit and start talking about which of the duders you'd want to have a spooky sleepover with.

I say Vinny and Drew.


Brad needs to browse Gaf threads before playing Volgarr to get properly psyched up. get the juices flowing for the masochism to come!

Looking forward to seeing you beat this next world today, Brad! Mess up that Skeleton Bastard


You've talked multiple times about hooking up a PC to a TV to get 1080p.

When were you talking shit, then or now?
Are you 12? I can see why brad would hate to post here.
Also lol at people thinking consumers buy based on specs/resolution, only on gaf. Funnily enough people buy consoles to play the games they want.
I bought a 360 because, at the time, games like Vesperia and Blue Dragon appealed to me more.

Then I bought a PS3 because I like video games and wanted to play the ones I was missing.


At any rate, if you're going to keep being an asshole then don't bother responding or I'm gonna make my inaugural use of GAF's ignore function. I've had enough of it.

That explains a thing or two.
Liberal use of the ignore list is mandatory.


Are you 12? I can see why brad would hate to post here.
Also lol at people thinking consumers buy based on specs/resolution, only on gaf. Funnily enough people buy consoles to play the games they want.

Who cares why people buy consoles? It's inconsistent to mention things like no media streaming through dlna and not resolution gate. Period.

Your entire conclusion is flawed.
I honestly don't think I've seen any posts outside of the deepest darkest corners of Crazytown where anyone has honestly suggested any kind of significant negative commercial impact from lower resolutions on the XB1 (much less that it's "doomed" because of it), just people thinking it's fucked that the more expensive console runs games at a way lower resolution out of the gate with no real advantages, and that it took until less than a month before launch for this visible evidence to finally surface after such a long period of teasing and marketing speak and rationalizations about how the platforms would be more or less equal.

If it weren't for those those three things then it wouldn't be nearly as much of an uproar.


Also, the "masses" couldn't tell that widescreen was better for them than fullscreen for years. I somehow doubt they'll get the difference between 720 and 1080, especially when neither of the big companies will be heralding it and a 1/3 of the people on this forum couldn't tell the difference in released video.

The masses have had the idea that 1080p is better than 720p drummed into them for years now. 1080p TVs are the norm.

Here's a big company heralding it.



You continue to not understand how to talk to people like a well adjusted adult, but I'll do you the courtesy of answering anyway.
I speak to people fine, last week I did too, you were just irritated because instead of answering your question, which I'd answered on the page before, I was sarcastic. If you'd used the forum, the same way everyone else on GAF does, you'd have never asked your question, and I'd have never replied.

It is, admittedly, frustrating to repeat ones self because someone else couldn't wait to read till the bottom of a page before replying. Maybe I was a little too cheeky, but you were very much at fault too.
You might be onto something if higher resolution were the only reason to play on PC, and not in addition to frame rate, graphical effects, price, and flexibility.
You might be on to something if those are the things you'd specified. You said, multiple times, 1080p, it's something you know for a fact you've mentioned wanting. Now you also probably know I'm not going to listen through months of podcasts to get a direct quote, so I can't prove you wrong, but you know that you are. You could argue you were just using it to mean better visuals, and maybe you were, but a listener can't be expected to interpret into your comments, we only have what you say, not what you mean.

Now you've said the difference between 720p and 1080p aren't dramatically perceptible, that's fine, but it is not what you've implied previously.
Also, the post you quoted was entirely about which factors are gonna influence these machines' potential for success in general, not what my own personal preferences are.
Why does this matter? Surely the news is for people who want to buy Call of Duty Ghosts? The news story is the game, not the consoles.
I guess you were so hasty to get a dig in at me that you didn't stop to realize you don't actually have a point here.

At any rate, if you're going to keep being an asshole then don't bother responding or I'm gonna make my inaugural use of GAF's ignore function. I've had enough of it.
By all means, that is what the function is for.


Even the nuts on here are not quite as bad as this guy on Patrick's tumblr

"I fail to see what the big deal is? We barely run any news. Giant Bomb is not a one stop shop. Never has been, never will be.Llamas." this comment is very pretentious. You act like you started and made GB what it is today when the fact is you have been with them what, 2 years? Most of your content bores people to tears as well. I'd advise to just do your job and shutup and be lucky you still have a job. Even more so when you work from home now.
Anonymous asked
I don't see how a comment like this is "killing it."

When this news story is currently on the front page of Giant Bomb and a billion other sites.


So, is the article that's going to be pointed to for the next five year so people can scream, "SEE! GIANTBOMB ARE M$ FANBOYS! PLUS THEY DIDN'T PLAY A DEPRESSING HORROR GAME RIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF ONE OF THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS! BAIS!"


Hardcore gamers care about 720p vs 1080p, and their choice of console in turn affects their mainstream friends. Thus even if you don't care about resolution, you decide on a console based on resolution by proxy.

There, I solved it for y'all!

This concept doesn't seem to register with a lot of people. Influencers, etc. This holiday it's going to be sellout of both consoles because all of the hardcore gamers will be grabbing them. Next holiday is when things will get interesting.


So, is the article that's going to be pointed to for the next five year so people can scream, "SEE! GIANTBOMB ARE M$ FANBOYS! PLUS THEY DIDN'T PLAY A DEPRESSING HORROR GAME RIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF ONE OF THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS! BAIS!"

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.
So, is the article that's going to be pointed to for the next five year so people can scream, "SEE! GIANTBOMB ARE M$ FANBOYS! PLUS THEY DIDN'T PLAY A DEPRESSING HORROR GAME RIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF ONE OF THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS! BAIS!"

Yup, you've nailed it. You've cut to the quick in one fell swoop of the caps lock key.


So, is the article that's going to be pointed to for the next five year so people can scream, "SEE! GIANTBOMB ARE M$ FANBOYS! PLUS THEY DIDN'T PLAY A DEPRESSING HORROR GAME RIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF ONE OF THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS! BAIS!"


Not even sure where you were going with that mate but I'm pretty sure it wasn't where you intended.

Not even sure where you were going with that mate but I'm pretty sure it wasn't where you intended.

So, you're telling me that a chunk of people haven't repeatedly bitched about the guys not playing The Last of Us since this summer?


So, is the article that's going to be pointed to for the next five year so people can scream, "SEE! GIANTBOMB ARE M$ FANBOYS! PLUS THEY DIDN'T PLAY A DEPRESSING HORROR GAME RIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF ONE OF THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS! BAIS!"
Okay, I'm out. This topic can't be discussed without becoming offensive. Let this thread remain a place of sunshine and rainbows forever more.


Because it's a bigger story containing a lot more new information?

I don't think it's a bigger story than confirmation of the substantial hardware power gap between two new consoles due for release in less then a month. They are both stories worth covering, especially since the hardware power issue has been rumbling along all year and there was finally some direct evidence directly from developers.

In any event, the idea that Giant Bomb don't or won't run a news story because everyone else is doing it to is patently false.
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