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Giant Bomb #7 | Hey There, Small Business Owner!

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It's totally Vinny as the special guest. Jeff just said to Alex he will see him at the airport tomorrow.

Alright alright alright.



It's totally Vinny as the special guest. Jeff just said to Alex he will see him at the airport tomorrow.
Not gonna lie, this drive stream could end up being the best 'pure' GB content of e3.

Quite rare that all the favourites are around each other for extended periods of time anymore.


If only we could somehow smuggle Dave into that car...

They mentioned in last weeks UPF that the hardware is set to stream in HD only, and not SD. Has something to do with them streaming directly from the TriCaster, since all their gear is packed away. Should be back to normal (hopefully) during E3 and after.

Makes sense, thanks! Hopefully they it's back to normal by Monday.


So much trolling at the end of the Powerbombcast.

yeah, the very end during the "good byes" they lay it on pretty thick, there is no way he isn't going to GB, even Alex wouldn't keep this joke going that long if Dan was really going to work somewhere else, its only this "funny" if he is going to GB... at least I hope...


I know Vinny's departure has affected us all, but please don't say things you don't mean.

No, I very much meant what I said. Between The Powerbombcast, Scoops and the Wolf, and him being pretty much the only person that remembers that Encyclopedia Bombastica is a thing, Alex has been doing some damn fine work.


No, I very much meant what I said. Between The Powerbombcast, Scoops and the Wolf, and him being pretty much the only person that remembers that Encyclopedia Bombastica is a thing, Alex has been doing some damn fine work.

On that topic, I do think having an additional person in the East will really improve the quality of those. It's not a knock against Alex, one person videos can always be a bit more mundane than normal ones.


Anyone have feedback on the new chat client? (No, "bring back the old chat" doesn't count.) We'll be in the office this weekend getting it ready for E3, so now's your chance.
Anyone have feedback on the new chat client? (No, "bring back the old chat" doesn't count.) We'll be in the office this weekend getting it ready for E3, so now's your chance.

I had one bit in Chrome where I changed the width of my browser to be thinner which shrunk the video (good) but then when I made it wider again, the video stayed small. I ended up having to reload Chrome to get it normal size again. Not sure if it's supposed to size dynamically, but, I don't normally run my browser full screen and that resize seemed to freak out.


I had one bit in Chrome where I changed the width of my browser to be thinner which shrunk the video (good) but then when I made it wider again, the video stayed small. I ended up having to reload Chrome to get it normal size again. Not sure if it's supposed to size dynamically, but, I don't normally run my browser full screen and that resize seemed to freak out.

There's a split bar between the video and the chat that you can use to adjust the width of the columns. It also sets a cookie so that your preferred width will persist between chats.

That said, when resizing larger, all the extra width should probably go to the video column. I'll note that one down.


Anyone have feedback on the new chat client? (No, "bring back the old chat" doesn't count.) We'll be in the office this weekend getting it ready for E3, so now's your chance.

It's a weird thing but would it be possible to allow video resizing even when you hide the chat? I want to hide the chat but at the same time my browser can't fit the entirety of the video so losing the ability to resize the video hurts.
That was a good UPF, glad to hear they'll be doing a QL of Tomodachi Life, too.

They should do a Breaking Brad with him being forced to watch Alex play Tomodachi Life.


Anyone have feedback on the new chat client? (No, "bring back the old chat" doesn't count.) We'll be in the office this weekend getting it ready for E3, so now's your chance.

New chat is great, alt + 1 is an amazing feature. Buuuuut... that notification bar, can something be done about it? It's far too garish and prominent for something as unimportant as a poll. If you're watching a live show, you don't really want to see a giant red bar for 20 seconds because some mod thinks they're hilarious with a dumb "hot dogs or pizza?" vote.

If anyone else wants to get rid of it, type this into the URL bar: javascript:$('.spartan-header__underside').remove();
Will the mixlr thing be archived?

Mixlr auto archives stuff on their own site. However, based on previous history (with Tested and GB) if Mixlr crashes for Jeff over the course of the 6-7 hours the archive will get nuked.

The crash happened last year, but I think someone on GAF or GB found a way to save the whole thing, and posted it to one of these upload sites the like to annoy people with Captchas

So, yeah I think it will be archived (somewhere), but not on the main site (as that has not happened in the past).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
what time does the drive happen for us UKers (which im not but im the only other country on UKs time lol)?
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